* Add `SecureRandom::uuid_v3` and `SecureRandom::uuid_v5` to support stable UUID fixtures on PostgreSQL. *Roderick van Domburg* * `ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#prepend` acts like `String#prepend` and modifies instance in-place, returning self. `ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#prepend!` is deprecated. *Pavel Pravosud* * `HashWithIndifferentAccess` better respects `#to_hash` on objects it's given. In particular, `.new`, `#update`, `#merge`, `#replace` all accept objects which respond to `#to_hash`, even if those objects are not Hashes directly. *Peter Jaros* * Deprecate `Class#superclass_delegating_accessor`, use `Class#class_attribute` instead. *Akshay Vishnoi* * Ensure classes which `include Enumerable` get `#to_json` in addition to `#as_json`. *Sammy Larbi* * Change the signature of `fetch_multi` to return a hash rather than an array. This makes it consistent with the output of `read_multi`. *Parker Selbert* * Introduce `Concern#class_methods` as a sleek alternative to clunky `module ClassMethods`. Add `Kernel#concern` to define at the toplevel without chunky `module Foo; extend ActiveSupport::Concern` boilerplate. # app/models/concerns/authentication.rb concern :Authentication do included do after_create :generate_private_key end class_methods do def authenticate(credentials) # ... end end def generate_private_key # ... end end # app/models/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base include Authentication end *Jeremy Kemper* Please check [4-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-1-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.