## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ## * Deprecate `Date#to_time_in_current_zone` and add `Date#in_time_zone`. *Andrew White* * Add `String#in_time_zone` method to convert a string to an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. *Andrew White* * Deprecate `ActiveSupport::BasicObject` in favor of `ActiveSupport::ProxyObject`. This class is used for proxy classes. It avoids confusion with Ruby's BasicObject class. *Francesco Rodriguez* * Patched Marshal#load to work with constant autoloading. Fixes autoloading with cache stores that relay on Marshal(MemCacheStore and FileStore). [fixes #8167] *Uriel Katz* * Make `Time.zone.parse` to work with JavaScript format date strings. *Andrew White* * Add `DateTime#seconds_until_end_of_day` and `Time#seconds_until_end_of_day` as a complement for `seconds_from_midnight`; useful when setting expiration times for caches, e.g.: <% cache('dashboard', expires_in: Date.current.seconds_until_end_of_day) do %> ... *Olek Janiszewski* * No longer proxy ActiveSupport::Multibyte#class. *Steve Klabnik* * Deprecate `ActiveSupport::TestCase#pending` method, use `skip` from MiniTest instead. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * `XmlMini.with_backend` now may be safely used with threads: Thread.new do XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { rexml_power } end Thread.new do XmlMini.with_backend("LibXML") { libxml_power } end Each thread will use it's own backend. *Nikita Afanasenko* * Dependencies no longer trigger Kernel#autoload in remove_constant [fixes #8213]. *Xavier Noria* * Simplify mocha integration and remove monkey-patches, bumping mocha to 0.13.0. *James Mead* * `#as_json` isolates options when encoding a hash. Fix #8182 *Yves Senn* * Deprecate Hash#diff in favor of MiniTest's #diff. *Steve Klabnik* * Kernel#capture can catch output from subprocesses *Dmitry Vorotilin* * `to_xml` conversions now use builder's `tag!` method instead of explicit invocation of `method_missing`. *Nikita Afanasenko* * Fixed timezone mapping of the Solomon Islands. *Steve Klabnik* * Make callstack attribute optional in ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting methods `warn` and `deprecation_warning` *Alexey Gaziev* * Implement HashWithIndifferentAccess#replace so key? works correctly. *David Graham* * Handle the possible Permission Denied errors atomic.rb might trigger due to its chown and chmod calls. *Daniele Sluijters* * Hash#extract! returns only those keys that present in the receiver. {:a => 1, :b => 2}.extract!(:a, :x) # => {:a => 1} *Mikhail Dieterle* * Hash#extract! returns the same subclass, that the receiver is. I.e. HashWithIndifferentAccess#extract! returns HashWithIndifferentAccess instance. *Mikhail Dieterle* * Optimize ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry to reduce memory and processing overhead. *Brian Durand* * Tests tag the Rails log with the current test class and test case: [SessionsControllerTest] [test_0002_sign in] Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML [SessionsControllerTest] [test_0002_sign in] ... *Jeremy Kemper* * Add `logger.push_tags` and `.pop_tags` to complement logger.tagged: class Job def before Rails.logger.push_tags :jobs, self.class.name end def after Rails.logger.pop_tags 2 end end *Jeremy Kemper* * Allow delegation to the class using the `:class` keyword, replacing `self.class` usage: class User def self.hello "world" end delegate :hello, to: :class end *Marc-Andre Lafortune* * `Date.beginning_of_week` thread local and `beginning_of_week` application config option added (default is Monday). *Innokenty Mikhailov* * An optional block can be passed to `config_accessor` to set its default value class User include ActiveSupport::Configurable config_accessor :hair_colors do [:brown, :black, :blonde, :red] end end User.hair_colors # => [:brown, :black, :blonde, :red] *Larry Lv* * ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable#silence has been deprecated due to its lack of thread safety. It will be removed without replacement in Rails 4.1. *Steve Klabnik* * An optional block can be passed to `Hash#deep_merge`. The block will be invoked for each duplicated key and used to resolve the conflict. *Pranas Kiziela* * ActiveSupport::Deprecation is now a class. It is possible to create an instance of deprecator. Backwards compatibility has been preserved. You can choose which instance of the deprecator will be used. deprecate :method_name, :deprecator => deprecator_instance You can use ActiveSupport::Deprecation in your gem. require 'active_support/deprecation' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/deprecation' class MyGem def self.deprecator ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new('2.0', 'MyGem') end def old_method end def new_method end deprecate :old_method => :new_method, :deprecator => deprecator end MyGem.new.old_method # => DEPRECATION WARNING: old_method is deprecated and will be removed from MyGem 2.0 (use new_method instead). (called from
at file.rb:18) *Piotr Niełacny & Robert Pankowecki* * `ERB::Util.html_escape` encodes single quote as `#39`. Decimal form has better support in old browsers. *Kalys Osmonov* * `ActiveSupport::Callbacks`: deprecate monkey patch of object callbacks. Using the #filter method like this: before_filter MyFilter.new class MyFilter def filter(controller) end end Is now deprecated with recommendation to use the corresponding filter type (`#before`, `#after` or `#around`): before_filter MyFilter.new class MyFilter def before(controller) end end *Bogdan Gusiev* * An optional block can be passed to `HashWithIndifferentAccess#update` and `#merge`. The block will be invoked for each duplicated key, and used to resolve the conflict, thus replicating the behaviour of the corresponding methods on the `Hash` class. *Leo Cassarani* * Remove `j` alias for `ERB::Util#json_escape`. The `j` alias is already used for `ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript` and both modules are included in the view context that would confuse the developers. *Akira Matsuda* * Replace deprecated `memcache-client` gem with `dalli` in ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore *Guillermo Iguaran* * Add default values to all `ActiveSupport::NumberHelper` methods, to avoid errors with empty locales or missing values. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * `ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable` is deprecated. Define your own `#as_json` and `#encode_json` methods for custom JSON string literals. *Erich Menge* * Add String#indent. *fxn & Ace Suares* * Inflections can now be defined per locale. `singularize` and `pluralize` accept locale as an extra argument. *David Celis* * `Object#try` will now return nil instead of raise a NoMethodError if the receiving object does not implement the method, but you can still get the old behavior by using the new `Object#try!`. *DHH* * `ERB::Util.html_escape` now escapes single quotes. *Santiago Pastorino* * `Time#change` now works with time values with offsets other than UTC or the local time zone. *Andrew White* * `ActiveSupport::Callbacks`: deprecate usage of filter object with `#before` and `#after` methods as `around` callback. *Bogdan Gusiev* * Add `Time#prev_quarter` and `Time#next_quarter` short-hands for `months_ago(3)` and `months_since(3)`. *SungHee Kang* * Remove obsolete and unused `require_association` method from dependencies. *fxn* * Add `:instance_accessor` option for `config_accessor`. class User include ActiveSupport::Configurable config_accessor :allowed_access, instance_accessor: false end User.new.allowed_access = true # => NoMethodError User.new.allowed_access # => NoMethodError *Francesco Rodriguez* * ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper methods have been moved to ActiveSupport::NumberHelper and are now available via Numeric#to_s. Numeric#to_s now accepts the formatting options :phone, :currency, :percentage, :delimited, :rounded, :human, and :human_size. *Andrew Mutz* * Add `Hash#transform_keys`, `Hash#transform_keys!`, `Hash#deep_transform_keys`, and `Hash#deep_transform_keys!`. *Mark McSpadden* * Changed xml type `datetime` to `dateTime` (with upper case letter `T`). *Angelo Capilleri* * Add `:instance_accessor` option for `class_attribute`. *Alexey Vakhov* * `constantize` now looks in the ancestor chain. *Marc-Andre Lafortune & Andrew White* * Adds `Hash#deep_stringify_keys` and `Hash#deep_stringify_keys!` to convert all keys from a +Hash+ instance into strings *Lucas Húngaro* * Adds `Hash#deep_symbolize_keys` and `Hash#deep_symbolize_keys!` to convert all keys from a +Hash+ instance into symbols *Lucas Húngaro* * `Object#try` can't call private methods. *Vasiliy Ermolovich* * `AS::Callbacks#run_callbacks` remove `key` argument. *Francesco Rodriguez* * `deep_dup` works more expectedly now and duplicates also values in +Hash+ instances and elements in +Array+ instances. *Alexey Gaziev* * Inflector no longer applies ice -> ouse to words like slice, police, ets *Wes Morgan* * Add `ActiveSupport::Deprecations.behavior = :silence` to completely ignore Rails runtime deprecations *twinturbo* * Make Module#delegate stop using `send` - can no longer delegate to private methods. *dasch* * AS::Callbacks: deprecate `:rescuable` option. *Bogdan Gusiev* * Adds Integer#ordinal to get the ordinal suffix string of an integer. *Tim Gildea* * AS::Callbacks: `:per_key` option is no longer supported * `AS::Callbacks#define_callbacks`: add `:skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated` option. * Add html_escape_once to ERB::Util, and delegate escape_once tag helper to it. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * Deprecates the compatibility method Module#local_constant_names, use Module#local_constants instead (which returns symbols). *fxn* * Deletes the compatibility method Module#method_names, use Module#methods from now on (which returns symbols). *fxn* * Deletes the compatibility method Module#instance_method_names, use Module#instance_methods from now on (which returns symbols). *fxn* * BufferedLogger is deprecated. Use ActiveSupport::Logger, or the logger from Ruby stdlib. * Unicode database updated to 6.1.0. * Adds `encode_big_decimal_as_string` option to force JSON serialization of BigDecimals as numeric instead of wrapping them in strings for safety. * Remove deprecated ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable. *Erich Menge* * Optimize log subscribers to check log level before doing any processing. *Brian Durand* Please check [3-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/3-2-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.