require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation" module ActiveStorage # Wraps a set of mirror services and provides a single ActiveStorage::Service object that will all # have the files uploaded to them. A +primary+ service is designated to answer calls to +download+, +exists?+, # and +url+. class Service::MirrorService < Service attr_reader :primary, :mirrors delegate :download, :exist?, :url, to: :primary # Stitch together from named services. def, mirrors:, configurator:, **options) #:nodoc: new \ primary:, mirrors: mirrors.collect { |name| name } end def initialize(primary:, mirrors:) @primary, @mirrors = primary, mirrors end # Upload the +io+ to the +key+ specified to all services. If a +checksum+ is provided, all services will # ensure a match when the upload has completed or raise an ActiveStorage::IntegrityError. def upload(key, io, checksum: nil) each_service.collect do |service| service.upload key, io.tap(&:rewind), checksum: checksum end end # Delete the file at the +key+ on all services. def delete(key) perform_across_services :delete, key end private def each_service(&block) [ primary, *mirrors ].each(&block) end def perform_across_services(method, *args) # FIXME: Convert to be threaded each_service.collect do |service| service.public_send method, *args end end end end