# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/hash/compact" module ActiveStorage # Extracts the following from a video blob: # # * Width (pixels) # * Height (pixels) # * Duration (seconds) # * Angle (degrees) # * Aspect ratio # # Example: # # ActiveStorage::VideoAnalyzer.new(blob).metadata # # => { width: 640, height: 480, duration: 5.0, angle: 0, aspect_ratio: [4, 3] } # # This analyzer requires the {ffmpeg}[https://www.ffmpeg.org] system library, which is not provided by Rails. You must # install ffmpeg yourself to use this analyzer. class Analyzer::VideoAnalyzer < Analyzer class_attribute :ffprobe_path, default: "ffprobe" def self.accept?(blob) blob.video? end def metadata { width: width, height: height, duration: duration, angle: angle, aspect_ratio: aspect_ratio }.compact end private def width Integer(video_stream["width"]) if video_stream["width"] end def height Integer(video_stream["height"]) if video_stream["height"] end def duration Float(video_stream["duration"]) if video_stream["duration"] end def angle Integer(tags["rotate"]) if tags["rotate"] end def aspect_ratio if descriptor = video_stream["display_aspect_ratio"] descriptor.split(":", 2).collect(&:to_i) end end def tags @tags ||= video_stream["tags"] || {} end def video_stream @video_stream ||= streams.detect { |stream| stream["codec_type"] == "video" } || {} end def streams probe["streams"] || [] end def probe download_blob_to_tempfile { |file| probe_from(file) } end def probe_from(file) IO.popen([ ffprobe_path, "-print_format", "json", "-show_streams", "-v", "error", file.path ]) do |output| JSON.parse(output.read) end rescue Errno::ENOENT logger.info "Skipping video analysis because ffmpeg isn't installed" {} end end end