# frozen_string_literal: true # A set of transformations that can be applied to a blob to create a variant. This class is exposed via # the ActiveStorage::Blob#variant method and should rarely be used directly. # # In case you do need to use this directly, it's instantiated using a hash of transformations where # the key is the command and the value is the arguments. Example: # # ActiveStorage::Variation.new(resize: "100x100", monochrome: true, trim: true, rotate: "-90") # # A list of all possible transformations is available at https://www.imagemagick.org/script/mogrify.php. class ActiveStorage::Variation attr_reader :transformations class << self # Returns a Variation instance based on the given variator. If the variator is a Variation, it is # returned unmodified. If it is a String, it is passed to ActiveStorage::Variation.decode. Otherwise, # it is assumed to be a transformations Hash and is passed directly to the constructor. def wrap(variator) case variator when self variator when String decode variator else new variator end end # Returns a Variation instance with the transformations that were encoded by +encode+. def decode(key) new ActiveStorage.verifier.verify(key, purpose: :variation) end # Returns a signed key for the +transformations+, which can be used to refer to a specific # variation in a URL or combined key (like ActiveStorage::Variant#key). def encode(transformations) ActiveStorage.verifier.generate(transformations, purpose: :variation) end end def initialize(transformations) @transformations = transformations end # Accepts an open MiniMagick image instance, like what's returned by MiniMagick::Image.read(io), # and performs the +transformations+ against it. The transformed image instance is then returned. def transform(image) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("transform.active_storage") do transformations.each do |name, argument_or_subtransformations| image.mogrify do |command| if name.to_s == "combine_options" argument_or_subtransformations.each do |subtransformation_name, subtransformation_argument| pass_transform_argument(command, subtransformation_name, subtransformation_argument) end else pass_transform_argument(command, name, argument_or_subtransformations) end end end end end # Returns a signed key for all the +transformations+ that this variation was instantiated with. def key self.class.encode(transformations) end private def pass_transform_argument(command, method, argument) if eligible_argument?(argument) command.public_send(method, argument) else command.public_send(method) end end def eligible_argument?(argument) argument.present? && argument != true end end