require 'abstract_unit' require 'action_controller/metal/exceptions' class ConnectionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase ResponseCodeStub = def setup @conn ='http://localhost') @matz = { :id => 1, :name => 'Matz' } @david = { :id => 2, :name => 'David' } @people = [ @matz, @david ].to_xml(:root => 'people') @people_single = [ @matz ].to_xml(:root => 'people-single-elements') @people_empty = [ ].to_xml(:root => 'people-empty-elements') @matz = @matz.to_xml(:root => 'person') @david = @david.to_xml(:root => 'person') @header = {'key' => 'value'}.freeze @default_request_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml' } ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock| mock.get "/people/2.xml", @header, @david mock.get "/people.xml", {}, @people mock.get "/people_single_elements.xml", {}, @people_single mock.get "/people_empty_elements.xml", {}, @people_empty mock.get "/people/1.xml", {}, @matz mock.put "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 204 mock.put "/people/2.xml", {}, @header, 204 mock.delete "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 mock.delete "/people/2.xml", @header, nil, 200 "/people.xml", {}, nil, 201, 'Location' => '/people/5.xml' "/members.xml", {}, @header, 201, 'Location' => '/people/6.xml' mock.head "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 end end def test_handle_response # 2xx and 3xx are valid responses. [200, 299, 300, 399].each do |code| expected = assert_equal expected, handle_response(expected) end # 400 is a bad request (e.g. malformed URI or missing request parameter) assert_response_raises ActiveResource::BadRequest, 400 # 401 is an unauthorized request assert_response_raises ActiveResource::UnauthorizedAccess, 401 # 403 is a forbidden requst (and authorizing will not help) assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ForbiddenAccess, 403 # 404 is a missing resource. assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound, 404 # 405 is a missing not allowed error assert_response_raises ActiveResource::MethodNotAllowed, 405 # 409 is an optimistic locking error assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ResourceConflict, 409 # 410 is a removed resource assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ResourceGone, 410 # 422 is a validation error assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid, 422 # 4xx are client errors. [402, 499].each do |code| assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ClientError, code end # 5xx are server errors. [500, 599].each do |code| assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ServerError, code end # Others are unknown. [199, 600].each do |code| assert_response_raises ActiveResource::ConnectionError, code end end ResponseHeaderStub =, :message, 'Allow') def test_should_return_allowed_methods_for_method_no_allowed_exception begin handle_response, "HTTP Failed...", "GET, POST") rescue ActiveResource::MethodNotAllowed => e assert_equal "Failed. Response code = 405. Response message = HTTP Failed....", e.message assert_equal [:get, :post], e.allowed_methods end end def test_initialize_raises_argument_error_on_missing_site assert_raise(ArgumentError) { } end def test_site_accessor_accepts_uri_or_string_argument site = URI.parse("http://localhost") assert_raise(URI::InvalidURIError) { = nil } assert_nothing_raised { = "http://localhost" } assert_equal site, assert_nothing_raised { = site } assert_equal site, end def test_proxy_accessor_accepts_uri_or_string_argument proxy = URI.parse("http://proxy_user:proxy_password@proxy.local:4242") assert_nothing_raised { @conn.proxy = "http://proxy_user:proxy_password@proxy.local:4242" } assert_equal proxy, @conn.proxy assert_nothing_raised { @conn.proxy = proxy } assert_equal proxy, @conn.proxy end def test_timeout_accessor @conn.timeout = 5 assert_equal 5, @conn.timeout end def test_get matz = @conn.get("/people/1.xml") assert_equal "Matz", matz["name"] end def test_head response = @conn.head("/people/1.xml") assert response.body.blank? assert_equal 200, response.code end def test_get_with_header david = @conn.get("/people/2.xml", @header) assert_equal "David", david["name"] end def test_get_collection people = @conn.get("/people.xml") assert_equal "Matz", people[0]["name"] assert_equal "David", people[1]["name"] end def test_get_collection_single people = @conn.get("/people_single_elements.xml") assert_equal "Matz", people[0]["name"] end def test_get_collection_empty people = @conn.get("/people_empty_elements.xml") assert_equal [], people end def test_post response ="/people.xml") assert_equal "/people/5.xml", response["Location"] end def test_post_with_header response ="/members.xml", @header) assert_equal "/people/6.xml", response["Location"] end def test_put response = @conn.put("/people/1.xml") assert_equal 204, response.code end def test_put_with_header response = @conn.put("/people/2.xml", @header) assert_equal 204, response.code end def test_delete response = @conn.delete("/people/1.xml") assert_equal 200, response.code end def test_delete_with_header response = @conn.delete("/people/2.xml", @header) assert_equal 200, response.code end def test_timeout @http = mock('new Net::HTTP') @conn.expects(:http).returns(@http) @http.expects(:get).raises(Timeout::Error, 'execution expired') assert_raise(ActiveResource::TimeoutError) { @conn.get('/people_timeout.xml') } end def test_setting_timeout http ='') [10, 20].each do |timeout| @conn.timeout = timeout @conn.send(:configure_http, http) assert_equal timeout, http.open_timeout assert_equal timeout, http.read_timeout end end def test_accept_http_header @http = mock('new Net::HTTP') @conn.expects(:http).returns(@http) path = '/people/1.xml' @http.expects(:get).with(path, {'Accept' => 'application/xhtml+xml'}).returns(, 200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/xhtml'})) assert_nothing_raised(Mocha::ExpectationError) { @conn.get(path, {'Accept' => 'application/xhtml+xml'}) } end def test_ssl_options_get_applied_to_http http ='')"https://secure" @conn.ssl_options={:verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER} @conn.timeout = 10 # prevent warning about uninitialized. @conn.send(:configure_http, http) assert http.use_ssl? assert_equal http.verify_mode, OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end def test_ssl_error http ='') @conn.expects(:http).returns(http) http.expects(:get).raises(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, 'Expired certificate') assert_raise(ActiveResource::SSLError) { @conn.get('/people/1.xml') } end def test_auth_type_can_be_string @conn.auth_type = 'digest' assert_equal(:digest, @conn.auth_type) end def test_auth_type_defaults_to_basic @conn.auth_type = nil assert_equal(:basic, @conn.auth_type) end def test_auth_type_ignores_nonsensical_values @conn.auth_type = :wibble assert_equal(:basic, @conn.auth_type) end protected def assert_response_raises(klass, code) assert_raise(klass, "Expected response code #{code} to raise #{klass}") do handle_response end end def handle_response(response) @conn.__send__(:handle_response, response) end end