require 'active_support/core_ext/benchmark' require 'active_support/core_ext/uri' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/inclusion' require 'net/https' require 'date' require 'time' require 'uri' module ActiveResource # Class to handle connections to remote web services. # This class is used by ActiveResource::Base to interface with REST # services. class Connection HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES = { :get => 'Accept', :put => 'Content-Type', :post => 'Content-Type', :delete => 'Accept', :head => 'Accept' } attr_reader :site, :user, :password, :auth_type, :timeout, :proxy, :ssl_options attr_accessor :format class << self def requests @@requests ||= [] end end # The +site+ parameter is required and will set the +site+ # attribute to the URI for the remote resource service. def initialize(site, format = ActiveResource::Formats::XmlFormat) raise ArgumentError, 'Missing site URI' unless site @user = @password = nil = site self.format = format end # Set URI for remote service. def site=(site) @site = site.is_a?(URI) ? site : URI.parser.parse(site) @user = URI.parser.unescape(@site.user) if @site.user @password = URI.parser.unescape(@site.password) if @site.password end # Set the proxy for remote service. def proxy=(proxy) @proxy = proxy.is_a?(URI) ? proxy : URI.parser.parse(proxy) end # Sets the user for remote service. def user=(user) @user = user end # Sets the password for remote service. def password=(password) @password = password end # Sets the auth type for remote service. def auth_type=(auth_type) @auth_type = legitimize_auth_type(auth_type) end # Sets the number of seconds after which HTTP requests to the remote service should time out. def timeout=(timeout) @timeout = timeout end # Hash of options applied to Net::HTTP instance when +site+ protocol is 'https'. def ssl_options=(opts={}) @ssl_options = opts end # Executes a GET request. # Used to get (find) resources. def get(path, headers = {}) with_auth { request(:get, path, build_request_headers(headers, :get, } end # Executes a DELETE request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar). # Used to delete resources. def delete(path, headers = {}) with_auth { request(:delete, path, build_request_headers(headers, :delete, } end # Executes a PUT request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar). # Used to update resources. def put(path, body = '', headers = {}) with_auth { request(:put, path, body.to_s, build_request_headers(headers, :put, } end # Executes a POST request. # Used to create new resources. def post(path, body = '', headers = {}) with_auth { request(:post, path, body.to_s, build_request_headers(headers, :post, } end # Executes a HEAD request. # Used to obtain meta-information about resources, such as whether they exist and their size (via response headers). def head(path, headers = {}) with_auth { request(:head, path, build_request_headers(headers, :head, } end private # Makes a request to the remote service. def request(method, path, *arguments) result = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("request.active_resource") do |payload| payload[:method] = method payload[:request_uri] = "#{site.scheme}://#{}:#{site.port}#{path}" payload[:result] = http.send(method, path, *arguments) end handle_response(result) rescue Timeout::Error => e raise rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e raise end # Handles response and error codes from the remote service. def handle_response(response) case response.code.to_i when 301,302 raise( when 200...400 response when 400 raise( when 401 raise( when 403 raise( when 404 raise( when 405 raise( when 409 raise( when 410 raise( when 422 raise( when 401...500 raise( when 500...600 raise( else raise(, "Unknown response code: #{response.code}")) end end # Creates new Net::HTTP instance for communication with the # remote service and resources. def http configure_http(new_http) end def new_http if @proxy, @site.port,, @proxy.port, @proxy.user, @proxy.password) else, @site.port) end end def configure_http(http) http = apply_ssl_options(http) # Net::HTTP timeouts default to 60 seconds. if @timeout http.open_timeout = @timeout http.read_timeout = @timeout end http end def apply_ssl_options(http) return http unless @site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE return http unless defined?(@ssl_options) http.ca_path = @ssl_options[:ca_path] if @ssl_options[:ca_path] http.ca_file = @ssl_options[:ca_file] if @ssl_options[:ca_file] http.cert = @ssl_options[:cert] if @ssl_options[:cert] http.key = @ssl_options[:key] if @ssl_options[:key] http.cert_store = @ssl_options[:cert_store] if @ssl_options[:cert_store] http.ssl_timeout = @ssl_options[:ssl_timeout] if @ssl_options[:ssl_timeout] http.verify_mode = @ssl_options[:verify_mode] if @ssl_options[:verify_mode] http.verify_callback = @ssl_options[:verify_callback] if @ssl_options[:verify_callback] http.verify_depth = @ssl_options[:verify_depth] if @ssl_options[:verify_depth] http end def default_header @default_header ||= {} end # Builds headers for request to remote service. def build_request_headers(headers, http_method, uri) authorization_header(http_method, uri).update(default_header).update(http_format_header(http_method)).update(headers) end def response_auth_header @response_auth_header ||= "" end def with_auth retried ||= false yield rescue UnauthorizedAccess => e raise if retried || auth_type != :digest @response_auth_header = e.response['WWW-Authenticate'] retried = true retry end def authorization_header(http_method, uri) if @user || @password if auth_type == :digest { 'Authorization' => digest_auth_header(http_method, uri) } else { 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' + ["#{@user}:#{@password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n") } end else {} end end def digest_auth_header(http_method, uri) params = extract_params_from_response ha1 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{@user}:#{params['realm']}:#{@password}") ha2 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{http_method.to_s.upcase}:#{uri.path}") params.merge!('cnonce' => client_nonce) request_digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ha1, params['nonce'], "0", params['cnonce'], params['qop'], ha2].join(":")) "Digest #{auth_attributes_for(uri, request_digest, params)}" end def client_nonce Digest::MD5.hexdigest("%x" % ( + rand(65535))) end def extract_params_from_response params = {} if response_auth_header =~ /^(\w+) (.*)/ $2.gsub(/(\w+)="(.*?)"/) { params[$1] = $2 } end params end def auth_attributes_for(uri, request_digest, params) [ %Q(username="#{@user}"), %Q(realm="#{params['realm']}"), %Q(qop="#{params['qop']}"), %Q(uri="#{uri.path}"), %Q(nonce="#{params['nonce']}"), %Q(nc="0"), %Q(cnonce="#{params['cnonce']}"), %Q(opaque="#{params['opaque']}"), %Q(response="#{request_digest}")].join(", ") end def http_format_header(http_method) {HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES[http_method] => format.mime_type} end def legitimize_auth_type(auth_type) return :basic if auth_type.nil? auth_type = auth_type.to_sym auth_type.among?(:basic, :digest) ? auth_type : :basic end end end