require 'abstract_unit' require 'fixtures/post' require 'fixtures/comment' require 'fixtures/developer' require 'fixtures/project' require 'fixtures/reader' require 'fixtures/person' # Dummy class methods to test implicit association scoping. def find :first end def find :first end class ReadOnlyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :posts, :comments, :developers, :projects, :developers_projects def test_cant_save_readonly_record dev = Developer.find(1) assert !dev.readonly? dev.readonly! assert dev.readonly? assert_nothing_raised do = 'Luscious forbidden fruit.' assert ! = 'Forbidden.' end assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord) { } assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord) {! } end def test_find_with_readonly_option Developer.find(:all).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? } Developer.find(:all, :readonly => false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? } Developer.find(:all, :readonly => true).each { |d| assert d.readonly? } end def test_find_with_joins_option_implies_readonly # Blank joins don't count. Developer.find(:all, :joins => ' ').each { |d| assert !d.readonly? } Developer.find(:all, :joins => ' ', :readonly => false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? } # Others do. Developer.find(:all, :joins => ', projects').each { |d| assert d.readonly? } Developer.find(:all, :joins => ', projects', :readonly => false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? } end def test_habtm_find_readonly dev = Developer.find(1) assert !dev.projects.empty? assert dev.projects.all?(&:readonly?) assert dev.projects.find(:all).all?(&:readonly?) assert dev.projects.find(:all, :readonly => true).all?(&:readonly?) end def test_has_many_find_readonly post = Post.find(1) assert !post.comments.empty? assert !post.comments.any?(&:readonly?) assert !post.comments.find(:all).any?(&:readonly?) assert post.comments.find(:all, :readonly => true).all?(&:readonly?) end def test_has_many_with_through_is_not_implicitly_marked_readonly assert people = Post.find(1).people assert !people.any?(&:readonly?) end def test_readonly_scoping Post.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do assert !Post.find(1).readonly? assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly? assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly? end Post.with_scope(:find => { :joins => ' ' }) do assert !Post.find(1).readonly? assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly? assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly? end # Oracle barfs on this because the join includes unqualified and # conflicting column names unless current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) Post.with_scope(:find => { :joins => ', developers' }) do assert Post.find(1).readonly? assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly? assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly? end end Post.with_scope(:find => { :readonly => true }) do assert Post.find(1).readonly? assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly? assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly? end end def test_association_collection_method_missing_scoping_not_readonly assert !Developer.find(1) assert !Post.find(1) end end