class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base scope :base, -> { all } scope :written_before, lambda { |time| if time where "written_on < ?", time end } scope :approved, -> { where(approved: true) } scope :rejected, -> { where(approved: false) } scope :scope_with_lambda, lambda { all } scope :by_lifo, -> { where(author_name: "lifo") } scope :replied, -> { where "replies_count > 0" } scope "approved_as_string", -> { where(approved: true) } scope :anonymous_extension, -> { all } do def one 1 end end scope :with_object, { def call klass.where(approved: true) end }.new(self) module NamedExtension def two 2 end end has_many :replies, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: "parent_id", autosave: true has_many :approved_replies, -> { approved }, class_name: "Reply", foreign_key: "parent_id", counter_cache: "replies_count" has_many :unique_replies, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: "parent_id" has_many :silly_unique_replies, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: "parent_id" serialize :content before_create :default_written_on before_destroy :destroy_children def parent Topic.find(parent_id) end # trivial method for testing Array#to_xml with :methods def topic_id id end alias_attribute :heading, :title before_validation :before_validation_for_transaction before_save :before_save_for_transaction before_destroy :before_destroy_for_transaction after_save :after_save_for_transaction after_create :after_create_for_transaction after_initialize :set_email_address class_attribute :after_initialize_called after_initialize do self.class.after_initialize_called = true end def approved=(val) @custom_approved = val write_attribute(:approved, val) end protected def default_written_on self.written_on = unless attribute_present?("written_on") end def destroy_children self.class.where("parent_id = #{id}").delete_all end def set_email_address unless self.persisted? self.author_email_address = "" end end def before_validation_for_transaction; end def before_save_for_transaction; end def before_destroy_for_transaction; end def after_save_for_transaction; end def after_create_for_transaction; end end class ImportantTopic < Topic serialize :important, Hash end class DefaultRejectedTopic < Topic default_scope -> { where(approved: false) } end class BlankTopic < Topic # declared here to make sure that dynamic finder with a bang can find a model that responds to `blank?` def blank? true end end module Web class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :replies, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: "parent_id", class_name: "Web::Reply" end end