# frozen_string_literal: true # test that attr_readonly isn't called on the :taggable polymorphic association module Taggable end class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tag, -> { includes(:tagging) } belongs_to :super_tag, class_name: "Tag", foreign_key: "super_tag_id" belongs_to :invalid_tag, class_name: "Tag", foreign_key: "tag_id" belongs_to :ordered_tag, class_name: "OrderedTag", foreign_key: "tag_id" belongs_to :blue_tag, -> { where tags: { name: "Blue" } }, class_name: "Tag", foreign_key: :tag_id belongs_to :tag_with_primary_key, class_name: "Tag", foreign_key: :tag_id, primary_key: :custom_primary_key belongs_to :taggable, polymorphic: true, counter_cache: :tags_count has_many :things, through: :taggable end class IndestructibleTagging < Tagging before_destroy { throw :abort } end