welcome: id: 1 author_id: 1 title: Welcome to the weblog body: Such a lovely day type: Post thinking: id: 2 author_id: 1 title: So I was thinking body: Like I hopefully always am type: SpecialPost authorless: id: 3 author_id: 0 title: I don't have any comments body: I just don't want to type: Post sti_comments: id: 4 author_id: 1 title: sti comments body: hello type: Post sti_post_and_comments: id: 5 author_id: 1 title: sti me body: hello type: StiPost sti_habtm: id: 6 author_id: 1 title: habtm sti test body: hello type: Post eager_other: id: 7 author_id: 2 title: eager loading with OR'd conditions body: hello type: Post