require 'abstract_unit' require 'fixtures/comment' require 'fixtures/company' require 'fixtures/topic' require 'fixtures/reply' require 'fixtures/entrant' require 'fixtures/developer' require 'fixtures/post' class FinderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :companies, :topics, :entrants, :developers, :developers_projects, :posts, :comments, :accounts, :authors def test_find assert_equal(topics(:first).title, Topic.find(1).title) end # find should handle strings that come from URLs # (example: Category.find(params[:id])) def test_find_with_string assert_equal(Topic.find(1).title,Topic.find("1").title) end def test_exists assert Topic.exists?(1) assert Topic.exists?("1") assert Topic.exists?(:author_name => "David") assert Topic.exists?(:author_name => "Mary", :approved => true) assert Topic.exists?(["parent_id = ?", 1]) assert !Topic.exists?(45) assert !Topic.exists?("foo") assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Topic.exists?([1,2]) } end def test_find_by_array_of_one_id assert_kind_of(Array, Topic.find([ 1 ])) assert_equal(1, Topic.find([ 1 ]).length) end def test_find_by_ids assert_equal 2, Topic.find(1, 2).size assert_equal topics(:second).title, Topic.find([2]).first.title end def test_find_by_ids_with_limit_and_offset assert_equal 2, Entrant.find([1,3,2], :limit => 2).size assert_equal 1, Entrant.find([1,3,2], :limit => 3, :offset => 2).size # Also test an edge case: If you have 11 results, and you set a # limit of 3 and offset of 9, then you should find that there # will be only 2 results, regardless of the limit. devs = Developer.find :all last_devs = Developer.find, :limit => 3, :offset => 9 assert_equal 2, last_devs.size end def test_find_an_empty_array assert_equal [], Topic.find([]) end def test_find_by_ids_missing_one assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, 2, 45) } end def test_find_all_with_limit entrants = Entrant.find(:all, :order => "id ASC", :limit => 2) assert_equal(2, entrants.size) assert_equal(entrants(:first).name, end def test_find_all_with_prepared_limit_and_offset entrants = Entrant.find(:all, :order => "id ASC", :limit => 2, :offset => 1) assert_equal(2, entrants.size) assert_equal(entrants(:second).name, entrants = Entrant.find(:all, :order => "id ASC", :limit => 2, :offset => 2) assert_equal(1, entrants.size) assert_equal(entrants(:third).name, end def test_find_all_with_limit_and_offset_and_multiple_orderings developers = Developer.find(:all, :order => "salary ASC, id DESC", :limit => 3, :offset => 1) assert_equal ["David", "fixture_10", "fixture_9"], developers.collect {|d|} end def test_find_with_limit_and_condition developers = Developer.find(:all, :order => "id DESC", :conditions => "salary = 100000", :limit => 3, :offset =>7) assert_equal(1, developers.size) assert_equal("fixture_3", end def test_find_with_entire_select_statement topics = Topic.find_by_sql "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE author_name = 'Mary'" assert_equal(1, topics.size) assert_equal(topics(:second).title, topics.first.title) end def test_find_with_prepared_select_statement topics = Topic.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM topics WHERE author_name = ?", "Mary"] assert_equal(1, topics.size) assert_equal(topics(:second).title, topics.first.title) end def test_find_by_sql_with_sti_on_joined_table accounts = Account.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM accounts INNER JOIN companies ON = accounts.firm_id") assert_equal [Account], accounts.collect(&:class).uniq end def test_find_first first = Topic.find(:first, :conditions => "title = 'The First Topic'") assert_equal(topics(:first).title, first.title) end def test_find_first_failing first = Topic.find(:first, :conditions => "title = 'The First Topic!'") assert_nil(first) end def test_unexisting_record_exception_handling assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1).parent } Topic.find(2).topic end def test_find_only_some_columns topic = Topic.find(1, :select => "author_name") assert_raises(NoMethodError) { topic.title } assert_equal "David", topic.author_name assert !topic.attribute_present?("title") assert !topic.respond_to?("title") assert topic.attribute_present?("author_name") assert topic.respond_to?("author_name") end def test_find_on_blank_conditions [nil, " ", [], {}].each do |blank| assert_nothing_raised { Topic.find(:first, :conditions => blank) } end end def test_find_on_blank_bind_conditions [ [""], ["",{}] ].each do |blank| assert_nothing_raised { Topic.find(:first, :conditions => blank) } end end def test_find_on_array_conditions assert Topic.find(1, :conditions => ["approved = ?", false]) assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, :conditions => ["approved = ?", true]) } end def test_find_on_hash_conditions assert Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :approved => false }) assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :approved => true }) } end def test_find_on_association_proxy_conditions assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], Comment.find_all_by_post_id(authors(:david).posts).map(&:id).sort end def test_find_on_hash_conditions_with_range assert_equal [1,2], Topic.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => 1..2 }).map(&:id).sort assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :id => 2..3 }) } end def test_find_on_hash_conditions_with_multiple_ranges assert_equal [1,2,3], Comment.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => 1..3, :post_id => 1..2 }).map(&:id).sort assert_equal [1], Comment.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => 1..1, :post_id => 1..10 }).map(&:id).sort end def test_find_on_multiple_hash_conditions assert Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :author_name => "David", :title => "The First Topic", :replies_count => 1, :approved => false }) assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :author_name => "David", :title => "The First Topic", :replies_count => 1, :approved => true }) } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :author_name => "David", :title => "HHC", :replies_count => 1, :approved => false }) } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1, :conditions => { :author_name => "David", :title => "The First Topic", :replies_count => 1, :approved => true }) } end def test_condition_interpolation assert_kind_of Firm, Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = '%s'", "37signals"]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = '%s'", "37signals!"]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = '%s'", "37signals!' OR 1=1"]) assert_kind_of Time, Topic.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = %d", 1]).written_on end def test_condition_array_interpolation assert_kind_of Firm, Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = '%s'", "37signals"]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = '%s'", "37signals!"]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = '%s'", "37signals!' OR 1=1"]) assert_kind_of Time, Topic.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = %d", 1]).written_on end def test_condition_hash_interpolation assert_kind_of Firm, Company.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "37signals"}) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "37signals!"}) assert_kind_of Time, Topic.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => 1}).written_on end def test_hash_condition_find_malformed assert_raises(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Company.find(:first, :conditions => { :id => 2, :dhh => true }) } end def test_hash_condition_find_with_escaped_characters Company.create("name" => "Ain't noth'n like' \#stuff") assert Company.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "Ain't noth'n like' \#stuff" }) end def test_hash_condition_find_with_array p1, p2 = Post.find(:all, :limit => 2, :order => 'id asc') assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => [p1, p2] }, :order => 'id asc') assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => [p1,] }, :order => 'id asc') end def test_hash_condition_find_with_nil topic = Topic.find(:first, :conditions => { :last_read => nil } ) assert_not_nil topic assert_nil topic.last_read end def test_bind_variables assert_kind_of Firm, Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ?", "37signals"]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ?", "37signals!"]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ?", "37signals!' OR 1=1"]) assert_kind_of Time, Topic.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", 1]).written_on assert_raises(ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid) { Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["id=? AND name = ?", 2]) } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid) { Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["id=?", 2, 3, 4]) } end def test_bind_variables_with_quotes Company.create("name" => "37signals' go'es agains") assert Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ?", "37signals' go'es agains"]) end def test_named_bind_variables_with_quotes Company.create("name" => "37signals' go'es agains") assert Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = :name", {:name => "37signals' go'es agains"}]) end def test_bind_arity assert_nothing_raised { bind '' } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid) { bind '', 1 } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid) { bind '?' } assert_nothing_raised { bind '?', 1 } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid) { bind '?', 1, 1 } end def test_named_bind_variables assert_equal '1', bind(':a', :a => 1) # ' ruby-mode assert_equal '1 1', bind(':a :a', :a => 1) # ' ruby-mode assert_kind_of Firm, Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = :name", { :name => "37signals" }]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = :name", { :name => "37signals!" }]) assert_nil Company.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = :name", { :name => "37signals!' OR 1=1" }]) assert_kind_of Time, Topic.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = :id", { :id => 1 }]).written_on end def test_bind_enumerable assert_equal '1,2,3', bind('?', [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal %('a','b','c'), bind('?', %w(a b c)) assert_equal '1,2,3', bind(':a', :a => [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal %('a','b','c'), bind(':a', :a => %w(a b c)) # ' require 'set' assert_equal '1,2,3', bind('?',[1, 2, 3])) assert_equal %('a','b','c'), bind('?', b c))) assert_equal '1,2,3', bind(':a', :a =>[1, 2, 3])) assert_equal %('a','b','c'), bind(':a', :a => b c))) # ' end def test_bind_empty_enumerable quoted_nil = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(nil) assert_equal quoted_nil, bind('?', []) assert_equal " in (#{quoted_nil})", bind(' in (?)', []) assert_equal "foo in (#{quoted_nil})", bind('foo in (?)', []) end def test_bind_string assert_equal "''", bind('?', '') end def test_bind_record o = assert_equal '1', bind('?', o) os = [o] * 3 assert_equal '1,1,1', bind('?', os) end def test_string_sanitation assert_not_equal "'something ' 1=1'", ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize("something ' 1=1") assert_equal "'something; select table'", ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize("something; select table") end def test_count assert_equal(0, Entrant.count(:conditions => "id > 3")) assert_equal(1, Entrant.count(:conditions => ["id > ?", 2])) assert_equal(2, Entrant.count(:conditions => ["id > ?", 1])) end def test_count_by_sql assert_equal(0, Entrant.count_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > 3")) assert_equal(1, Entrant.count_by_sql(["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > ?", 2])) assert_equal(2, Entrant.count_by_sql(["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > ?", 1])) end def test_find_by_one_attribute assert_equal topics(:first), Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic") assert_nil Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic!") end def test_find_by_one_attribute_with_order_option assert_equal accounts(:signals37), Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :order => 'id') assert_equal accounts(:rails_core_account), Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :order => 'id DESC') end def test_find_by_one_attribute_with_conditions assert_equal accounts(:rails_core_account), Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :conditions => ['firm_id = ?', 6]) end def test_find_by_one_attribute_with_several_options assert_equal accounts(:unknown), Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :order => 'id DESC', :conditions => ['id != ?', 3]) end def test_find_by_one_missing_attribute assert_raises(NoMethodError) { Topic.find_by_undertitle("The First Topic!") } end def test_find_by_invalid_method_syntax assert_raises(NoMethodError) { Topic.fail_to_find_by_title("The First Topic") } assert_raises(NoMethodError) { Topic.find_by_title?("The First Topic") } assert_raises(NoMethodError) { Topic.fail_to_find_or_create_by_title("Nonexistent Title") } assert_raises(NoMethodError) { Topic.find_or_create_by_title?("Nonexistent Title") } end def test_find_by_two_attributes assert_equal topics(:first), Topic.find_by_title_and_author_name("The First Topic", "David") assert_nil Topic.find_by_title_and_author_name("The First Topic", "Mary") end def test_find_all_by_one_attribute topics = Topic.find_all_by_content("Have a nice day") assert_equal 2, topics.size assert topics.include?(topics(:first)) assert_equal [], Topic.find_all_by_title("The First Topic!!") end def test_find_all_by_one_attribute_with_options topics = Topic.find_all_by_content("Have a nice day", :order => "id DESC") assert topics(:first), topics.last topics = Topic.find_all_by_content("Have a nice day", :order => "id") assert topics(:first), topics.first end def test_find_all_by_array_attribute assert_equal 2, Topic.find_all_by_title(["The First Topic", "The Second Topic's of the day"]).size end def test_find_all_by_boolean_attribute topics = Topic.find_all_by_approved(false) assert_equal 1, topics.size assert topics.include?(topics(:first)) topics = Topic.find_all_by_approved(true) assert_equal 1, topics.size assert topics.include?(topics(:second)) end def test_find_by_nil_attribute topic = Topic.find_by_last_read nil assert_not_nil topic assert_nil topic.last_read end def test_find_all_by_nil_attribute topics = Topic.find_all_by_last_read nil assert_equal 1, topics.size assert_nil topics[0].last_read end def test_find_by_nil_and_not_nil_attributes topic = Topic.find_by_last_read_and_author_name nil, "Mary" assert_equal "Mary", topic.author_name end def test_find_all_by_nil_and_not_nil_attributes topics = Topic.find_all_by_last_read_and_author_name nil, "Mary" assert_equal 1, topics.size assert_equal "Mary", topics[0].author_name end def test_find_or_create_from_one_attribute number_of_companies = Company.count sig38 = Company.find_or_create_by_name("38signals") assert_equal number_of_companies + 1, Company.count assert_equal sig38, Company.find_or_create_by_name("38signals") assert !sig38.new_record? end def test_find_or_create_from_two_attributes number_of_topics = Topic.count another = Topic.find_or_create_by_title_and_author_name("Another topic","John") assert_equal number_of_topics + 1, Topic.count assert_equal another, Topic.find_or_create_by_title_and_author_name("Another topic", "John") assert !another.new_record? end def test_find_or_create_from_one_attribute_and_hash number_of_companies = Company.count sig38 = Company.find_or_create_by_name({:name => "38signals", :firm_id => 17, :client_of => 23}) assert_equal number_of_companies + 1, Company.count assert_equal sig38, Company.find_or_create_by_name({:name => "38signals", :firm_id => 17, :client_of => 23}) assert !sig38.new_record? assert_equal "38signals", assert_equal 17, sig38.firm_id assert_equal 23, sig38.client_of end def test_find_or_initialize_from_one_attribute sig38 = Company.find_or_initialize_by_name("38signals") assert_equal "38signals", assert sig38.new_record? end def test_find_or_initialize_from_two_attributes another = Topic.find_or_initialize_by_title_and_author_name("Another topic","John") assert_equal "Another topic", another.title assert_equal "John", another.author_name assert another.new_record? end def test_find_or_initialize_from_one_attribute_and_hash sig38 = Company.find_or_initialize_by_name({:name => "38signals", :firm_id => 17, :client_of => 23}) assert_equal "38signals", assert_equal 17, sig38.firm_id assert_equal 23, sig38.client_of assert sig38.new_record? end def test_find_with_bad_sql assert_raises(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Topic.find_by_sql "select 1 from badtable" } end def test_find_with_invalid_params assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Topic.find :first, :join => "It should be `joins'" } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Topic.find :first, :conditions => '1 = 1', :join => "It should be `joins'" } end def test_find_all_with_limit first_five_developers = Developer.find :all, :order => 'id ASC', :limit => 5 assert_equal 5, first_five_developers.length assert_equal 'David', assert_equal 'fixture_5', no_developers = Developer.find :all, :order => 'id ASC', :limit => 0 assert_equal 0, no_developers.length end def test_find_all_with_limit_and_offset first_three_developers = Developer.find :all, :order => 'id ASC', :limit => 3, :offset => 0 second_three_developers = Developer.find :all, :order => 'id ASC', :limit => 3, :offset => 3 last_two_developers = Developer.find :all, :order => 'id ASC', :limit => 2, :offset => 8 assert_equal 3, first_three_developers.length assert_equal 3, second_three_developers.length assert_equal 2, last_two_developers.length assert_equal 'David', assert_equal 'fixture_4', assert_equal 'fixture_9', end def test_find_all_with_limit_and_offset_and_multiple_order_clauses first_three_posts = Post.find :all, :order => 'author_id, id', :limit => 3, :offset => 0 second_three_posts = Post.find :all, :order => ' author_id,id ', :limit => 3, :offset => 3 last_posts = Post.find :all, :order => ' author_id, id ', :limit => 3, :offset => 6 assert_equal [[0,3],[1,1],[1,2]], { |p| [p.author_id,] } assert_equal [[1,4],[1,5],[1,6]], { |p| [p.author_id,] } assert_equal [[2,7]], { |p| [p.author_id,] } end def test_find_all_with_join developers_on_project_one = Developer.find( :all, :joins => 'LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON = developers_projects.developer_id', :conditions => 'project_id=1' ) assert_equal 3, developers_on_project_one.length developer_names = { |d| } assert developer_names.include?('David') assert developer_names.include?('Jamis') end def test_find_by_id_with_conditions_with_or assert_nothing_raised do Post.find([1,2,3], :conditions => " <= 3 OR posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'") end end # def test_find_ignores_previously_inserted_record post = Post.create!(:title => 'test', :body => 'it out') assert_equal [], Post.find_all_by_id(nil) end def test_find_by_empty_ids assert_equal [], Post.find([]) end def test_find_by_empty_in_condition assert_equal [], Post.find(:all, :conditions => ['id in (?)', []]) end def test_find_by_records p1, p2 = Post.find(:all, :limit => 2, :order => 'id asc') assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.find(:all, :conditions => ['id in (?)', [p1, p2]], :order => 'id asc') assert_equal [p1, p2], Post.find(:all, :conditions => ['id in (?)', [p1,]], :order => 'id asc') end def test_select_value assert_equal "37signals", Company.connection.select_value("SELECT name FROM companies WHERE id = 1") assert_nil Company.connection.select_value("SELECT name FROM companies WHERE id = -1") # make sure we didn't break count... assert_equal 0, Company.count_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM companies WHERE name = 'Halliburton'") assert_equal 1, Company.count_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM companies WHERE name = '37signals'") end def test_select_values assert_equal ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"], Company.connection.select_values("SELECT id FROM companies ORDER BY id").map! { |i| i.to_s } assert_equal ["37signals","Summit","Microsoft", "Flamboyant Software", "Ex Nihilo", "RailsCore", "Leetsoft", "Jadedpixel", "Odegy"], Company.connection.select_values("SELECT name FROM companies ORDER BY id") end protected def bind(statement, *vars) if vars.first.is_a?(Hash) ActiveRecord::Base.send(:replace_named_bind_variables, statement, vars.first) else ActiveRecord::Base.send(:replace_bind_variables, statement, vars) end end end