# encoding: utf-8 require "cases/helper" require 'models/topic' require 'models/reply' require 'models/person' require 'models/developer' require 'models/warehouse_thing' # The following methods in Topic are used in test_conditional_validation_* class Topic def condition_is_true return true end def condition_is_true_but_its_not return false end end class ProtectedPerson < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'people' attr_accessor :addon attr_protected :first_name end class UniqueReply < Reply validates_uniqueness_of :content, :scope => 'parent_id' end class PlagiarizedReply < Reply validates_acceptance_of :author_name end class SillyUniqueReply < UniqueReply end class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :unique_replies, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "parent_id" has_many :silly_unique_replies, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "parent_id" end class Wizard < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true validates_uniqueness_of :name end class IneptWizard < Wizard validates_uniqueness_of :city end class Conjurer < IneptWizard end class Thaumaturgist < IneptWizard end class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :topics, :developers, 'warehouse-things' def setup Topic.write_inheritable_attribute(:validate, nil) Topic.write_inheritable_attribute(:validate_on_create, nil) Topic.write_inheritable_attribute(:validate_on_update, nil) end def test_single_field_validation r = Reply.new r.title = "There's no content!" assert !r.valid?, "A reply without content shouldn't be saveable" r.content = "Messa content!" assert r.valid?, "A reply with content should be saveable" end def test_single_attr_validation_and_error_msg r = Reply.new r.title = "There's no content!" assert !r.valid? assert r.errors.invalid?("content"), "A reply without content should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal "Empty", r.errors.on("content"), "A reply without content should contain an error" assert_equal 1, r.errors.count end def test_double_attr_validation_and_error_msg r = Reply.new assert !r.valid? assert r.errors.invalid?("title"), "A reply without title should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal "Empty", r.errors.on("title"), "A reply without title should contain an error" assert r.errors.invalid?("content"), "A reply without content should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal "Empty", r.errors.on("content"), "A reply without content should contain an error" assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_error_on_create r = Reply.new r.title = "Wrong Create" assert !r.valid? assert r.errors.invalid?("title"), "A reply with a bad title should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal "is Wrong Create", r.errors.on("title"), "A reply with a bad content should contain an error" end def test_error_on_update r = Reply.new r.title = "Bad" r.content = "Good" assert r.save, "First save should be successful" r.title = "Wrong Update" assert !r.save, "Second save should fail" assert r.errors.invalid?("title"), "A reply with a bad title should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal "is Wrong Update", r.errors.on("title"), "A reply with a bad content should contain an error" end def test_invalid_record_exception assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Reply.create! } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Reply.new.save! } begin r = Reply.new r.save! flunk rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid assert_equal r, invalid.record end end def test_exception_on_create_bang_many assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do Reply.create!([ { "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }]) end end def test_scoped_create_without_attributes Reply.with_scope(:create => {}) do assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Reply.create! } end end def test_create_with_exceptions_using_scope_for_protected_attributes assert_nothing_raised do ProtectedPerson.with_scope( :create => { :first_name => "Mary" } ) do person = ProtectedPerson.create! :addon => "Addon" assert_equal person.first_name, "Mary", "scope should ignore attr_protected" end end end def test_create_with_exceptions_using_scope_and_empty_attributes assert_nothing_raised do ProtectedPerson.with_scope( :create => { :first_name => "Mary" } ) do person = ProtectedPerson.create! assert_equal person.first_name, "Mary", "should be ok when no attributes are passed to create!" end end end def test_single_error_per_attr_iteration r = Reply.new r.save errors = [] r.errors.each { |attr, msg| errors << [attr, msg] } assert errors.include?(["title", "Empty"]) assert errors.include?(["content", "Empty"]) end def test_multiple_errors_per_attr_iteration_with_full_error_composition r = Reply.new r.title = "Wrong Create" r.content = "Mismatch" r.save errors = [] r.errors.each_full { |error| errors << error } assert_equal "Title is Wrong Create", errors[0] assert_equal "Title is Content Mismatch", errors[1] assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_errors_on_base r = Reply.new r.content = "Mismatch" r.save r.errors.add_to_base "Reply is not dignifying" errors = [] r.errors.each_full { |error| errors << error } assert_equal "Reply is not dignifying", r.errors.on_base assert errors.include?("Title Empty") assert errors.include?("Reply is not dignifying") assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_create_without_validation reply = Reply.new assert !reply.save assert reply.save(false) end def test_create_without_validation_bang count = Reply.count assert_nothing_raised { Reply.new.save_without_validation! } assert count+1, Reply.count end def test_validates_each perform = true hits = 0 Topic.validates_each(:title, :content, [:title, :content]) do |record, attr| if perform record.errors.add attr, 'gotcha' hits += 1 end end t = Topic.new("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.save assert_equal 4, hits assert_equal %w(gotcha gotcha), t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal %w(gotcha gotcha), t.errors.on(:content) ensure perform = false end def test_no_title_confirmation Topic.validates_confirmation_of(:title) t = Topic.new(:author_name => "Plutarch") assert t.valid? t.title_confirmation = "Parallel Lives" assert !t.valid? t.title_confirmation = nil t.title = "Parallel Lives" assert t.valid? t.title_confirmation = "Parallel Lives" assert t.valid? end def test_title_confirmation Topic.validates_confirmation_of(:title) t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed","title_confirmation" => "") assert !t.save t.title_confirmation = "We should be confirmed" assert t.save end def test_terms_of_service_agreement_no_acceptance Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:terms_of_service, :on => :create) t = Topic.create("title" => "We should not be confirmed") assert t.save end def test_terms_of_service_agreement Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:terms_of_service, :on => :create) t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed","terms_of_service" => "") assert !t.save assert_equal "must be accepted", t.errors.on(:terms_of_service) t.terms_of_service = "1" assert t.save end def test_eula Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:eula, :message => "must be abided", :on => :create) t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed","eula" => "") assert !t.save assert_equal "must be abided", t.errors.on(:eula) t.eula = "1" assert t.save end def test_terms_of_service_agreement_with_accept_value Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:terms_of_service, :on => :create, :accept => "I agree.") t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed", "terms_of_service" => "") assert !t.save assert_equal "must be accepted", t.errors.on(:terms_of_service) t.terms_of_service = "I agree." assert t.save end def test_validates_acceptance_of_as_database_column reply = PlagiarizedReply.create("author_name" => "Dan Brown") assert_equal "Dan Brown", reply["author_name"] end def test_validates_acceptance_of_with_non_existant_table Object.const_set :IncorporealModel, Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) assert_nothing_raised ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid do IncorporealModel.validates_acceptance_of(:incorporeal_column) end end def test_validate_presences Topic.validates_presence_of(:title, :content) t = Topic.create assert !t.save assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors.on(:content) t.title = "something" t.content = " " assert !t.save assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors.on(:content) t.content = "like stuff" assert t.save end def test_validate_uniqueness Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title) t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!") assert t.save, "Should save t as unique" t.content = "Remaining unique" assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique" t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!") assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique" assert_equal "has already been taken", t2.errors.on(:title) t2.title = "Now Im really also unique" assert t2.save, "Should now save t2 as unique" end def test_validate_uniqueness_with_scope Reply.validates_uniqueness_of(:content, :scope => "parent_id") t = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique!") r1 = t.replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "hello world" assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1" r2 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "hello world" assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2 first time" r2.content = "something else" assert r2.save, "Saving r2 second time" t2 = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique too!") r3 = t2.replies.create "title" => "r3", "content" => "hello world" assert r3.valid?, "Saving r3" end def test_validate_uniqueness_scoped_to_defining_class t = Topic.create("title" => "What, me worry?") r1 = t.unique_replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "a barrel of fun" assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1" r2 = t.silly_unique_replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "a barrel of fun" assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2" # Should succeed as validates_uniqueness_of only applies to # UniqueReply and its subclasses r3 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "a barrel of fun" assert r3.valid?, "Saving r3" end def test_validate_uniqueness_with_scope_array Reply.validates_uniqueness_of(:author_name, :scope => [:author_email_address, :parent_id]) t = Topic.create("title" => "The earth is actually flat!") r1 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "jeremy@rubyonrails.com", "title" => "You're crazy!", "content" => "Crazy reply" assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1" r2 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "jeremy@rubyonrails.com", "title" => "You're crazy!", "content" => "Crazy reply again..." assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2. Double reply by same author." r2.author_email_address = "jeremy_alt_email@rubyonrails.com" assert r2.save, "Saving r2 the second time." r3 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "jeremy_alt_email@rubyonrails.com", "title" => "You're wrong", "content" => "It's cubic" assert !r3.valid?, "Saving r3" r3.author_name = "jj" assert r3.save, "Saving r3 the second time." r3.author_name = "jeremy" assert !r3.save, "Saving r3 the third time." end def test_validate_case_insensitive_uniqueness Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title, :parent_id, :case_sensitive => false, :allow_nil => true) t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", :parent_id => 2) assert t.save, "Should save t as unique" t.content = "Remaining unique" assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique" t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm UNIQUE!", :parent_id => 1) assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique" assert t2.errors.on(:title) assert t2.errors.on(:parent_id) assert_equal "has already been taken", t2.errors.on(:title) t2.title = "I'm truly UNIQUE!" assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique" assert_nil t2.errors.on(:title) assert t2.errors.on(:parent_id) t2.parent_id = 4 assert t2.save, "Should now save t2 as unique" t2.parent_id = nil t2.title = nil assert t2.valid?, "should validate with nil" assert t2.save, "should save with nil" end def test_validate_case_sensitive_uniqueness Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title, :case_sensitive => true, :allow_nil => true) t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!") assert t.save, "Should save t as unique" t.content = "Remaining unique" assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique" t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'M UNIQUE!") assert t2.valid?, "Should be valid" assert t2.save, "Should save t2 as unique" assert !t2.errors.on(:title) assert !t2.errors.on(:parent_id) assert_not_equal "has already been taken", t2.errors.on(:title) t3 = Topic.new("title" => "I'M uNiQUe!") assert t3.valid?, "Should be valid" assert t3.save, "Should save t2 as unique" assert !t3.errors.on(:title) assert !t3.errors.on(:parent_id) assert_not_equal "has already been taken", t3.errors.on(:title) end def test_validate_uniqueness_with_non_standard_table_names i1 = WarehouseThing.create(:value => 1000) assert !i1.valid?, "i1 should not be valid" assert i1.errors.on(:value), "Should not be empty" end def test_validates_uniqueness_inside_with_scope Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title) Topic.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => { :author_name => "David" } }) do t1 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "Mary") assert t1.save t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "David") assert !t2.valid? end end def test_validate_straight_inheritance_uniqueness w1 = IneptWizard.create(:name => "Rincewind", :city => "Ankh-Morpork") assert w1.valid?, "Saving w1" # Should use validation from base class (which is abstract) w2 = IneptWizard.new(:name => "Rincewind", :city => "Quirm") assert !w2.valid?, "w2 shouldn't be valid" assert w2.errors.on(:name), "Should have errors for name" assert_equal "has already been taken", w2.errors.on(:name), "Should have uniqueness message for name" w3 = Conjurer.new(:name => "Rincewind", :city => "Quirm") assert !w3.valid?, "w3 shouldn't be valid" assert w3.errors.on(:name), "Should have errors for name" assert_equal "has already been taken", w3.errors.on(:name), "Should have uniqueness message for name" w4 = Conjurer.create(:name => "The Amazing Bonko", :city => "Quirm") assert w4.valid?, "Saving w4" w5 = Thaumaturgist.new(:name => "The Amazing Bonko", :city => "Lancre") assert !w5.valid?, "w5 shouldn't be valid" assert w5.errors.on(:name), "Should have errors for name" assert_equal "has already been taken", w5.errors.on(:name), "Should have uniqueness message for name" w6 = Thaumaturgist.new(:name => "Mustrum Ridcully", :city => "Quirm") assert !w6.valid?, "w6 shouldn't be valid" assert w6.errors.on(:city), "Should have errors for city" assert_equal "has already been taken", w6.errors.on(:city), "Should have uniqueness message for city" end def test_validate_format Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :content, :with => /^Validation\smacros \w+!$/, :message => "is bad data") t = Topic.create("title" => "i'm incorrect", "content" => "Validation macros rule!") assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" assert !t.save, "Shouldn't save because it's invalid" assert_equal "is bad data", t.errors.on(:title) assert_nil t.errors.on(:content) t.title = "Validation macros rule!" assert t.save assert_nil t.errors.on(:title) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :content) } end def test_validate_format_with_allow_blank Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :with => /^Validation\smacros \w+!$/, :allow_blank=>true) assert !Topic.create("title" => "Shouldn't be valid").valid? assert Topic.create("title" => "").valid? assert Topic.create("title" => nil).valid? assert Topic.create("title" => "Validation macros rule!").valid? end # testing ticket #3142 def test_validate_format_numeric Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :content, :with => /^[1-9][0-9]*$/, :message => "is bad data") t = Topic.create("title" => "72x", "content" => "6789") assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" assert !t.save, "Shouldn't save because it's invalid" assert_equal "is bad data", t.errors.on(:title) assert_nil t.errors.on(:content) t.title = "-11" assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" t.title = "03" assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" t.title = "z44" assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" t.title = "5v7" assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid" t.title = "1" assert t.save assert_nil t.errors.on(:title) end def test_validates_inclusion_of Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( a b c d e f g ) ) assert !Topic.create("title" => "a!", "content" => "abc").valid? assert !Topic.create("title" => "a b", "content" => "abc").valid? assert !Topic.create("title" => nil, "content" => "def").valid? t = Topic.create("title" => "a", "content" => "I know you are but what am I?") assert t.valid? t.title = "uhoh" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is not included in the list", t.errors["title"] assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => nil ) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => 0) } assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => "hi!" ) } assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => {} ) } assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => [] ) } end def test_validates_inclusion_of_with_allow_nil Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( a b c d e f g ), :allow_nil=>true ) assert !Topic.create("title" => "a!", "content" => "abc").valid? assert !Topic.create("title" => "", "content" => "abc").valid? assert Topic.create("title" => nil, "content" => "abc").valid? end def test_numericality_with_getter_method Developer.validates_numericality_of( :salary ) developer = Developer.new("name" => "michael", "salary" => nil) developer.instance_eval("def salary; read_attribute('salary') ? read_attribute('salary') : 100000; end") assert developer.valid? end def test_validates_length_of_with_allow_nil Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is => 5, :allow_nil=>true ) assert !Topic.create("title" => "ab").valid? assert !Topic.create("title" => "").valid? assert Topic.create("title" => nil).valid? assert Topic.create("title" => "abcde").valid? end def test_validates_length_of_with_allow_blank Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is => 5, :allow_blank=>true ) assert !Topic.create("title" => "ab").valid? assert Topic.create("title" => "").valid? assert Topic.create("title" => nil).valid? assert Topic.create("title" => "abcde").valid? end def test_validates_inclusion_of_with_formatted_message Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( a b c d e f g ), :message => "option %s is not in the list" ) assert Topic.create("title" => "a", "content" => "abc").valid? t = Topic.create("title" => "uhoh", "content" => "abc") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "option uhoh is not in the list", t.errors["title"] end def test_numericality_with_allow_nil_and_getter_method Developer.validates_numericality_of( :salary, :allow_nil => true) developer = Developer.new("name" => "michael", "salary" => nil) developer.instance_eval("def salary; read_attribute('salary') ? read_attribute('salary') : 100000; end") assert developer.valid? end def test_validates_exclusion_of Topic.validates_exclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( abe monkey ) ) assert Topic.create("title" => "something", "content" => "abc").valid? assert !Topic.create("title" => "monkey", "content" => "abc").valid? end def test_validates_exclusion_of_with_formatted_message Topic.validates_exclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( abe monkey ), :message => "option %s is restricted" ) assert Topic.create("title" => "something", "content" => "abc") t = Topic.create("title" => "monkey") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "option monkey is restricted", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_using_minimum Topic.validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 5 t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = "not" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] t.title = "" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] t.title = nil assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_minimum Topic.validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 5, :allow_nil => true t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = nil assert t.valid? end def test_validates_length_of_using_maximum Topic.validates_length_of :title, :maximum => 5 t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = "notvalid" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too long (maximum is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] t.title = "" assert t.valid? t.title = nil assert !t.valid? end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_maximum Topic.validates_length_of :title, :maximum => 5, :allow_nil => true t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = nil assert t.valid? end def test_validates_length_of_using_within Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :content, :within => 3..5) t = Topic.new("title" => "a!", "content" => "I'm ooooooooh so very long") assert !t.valid? assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 3 characters)", t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too long (maximum is 5 characters)", t.errors.on(:content) t.title = nil t.content = nil assert !t.valid? assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 3 characters)", t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 3 characters)", t.errors.on(:content) t.title = "abe" t.content = "mad" assert t.valid? end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_within Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, :within => 3..5, :allow_nil => true t = Topic.create('title' => 'abc', 'content' => 'abcd') assert t.valid? t.title = nil assert t.valid? end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_within_on_create Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, :within => 5..10, :on => :create, :too_long => "my string is too long: %d" t = Topic.create("title" => "thisisnotvalid", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "my string is too long: 10", t.errors[:title] t.title = "butthisis" assert t.save t.title = "few" assert t.save t.content = "andthisislong" assert t.save t.content = t.title = "iamfine" assert t.save end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_within_on_update Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, :within => 5..10, :on => :update, :too_short => "my string is too short: %d" t = Topic.create("title" => "vali", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:title) t.title = "not" assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "my string is too short: 5", t.errors[:title] t.title = "valid" t.content = "andthisistoolong" assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:content) t.content = "iamfine" assert t.save end def test_validates_length_of_using_is Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => 5 t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = "notvalid" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is the wrong length (should be 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] t.title = "" assert !t.valid? t.title = nil assert !t.valid? end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_is Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => 5, :allow_nil => true t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = nil assert t.valid? end def test_validates_length_of_using_bignum bigmin = 2 ** 30 bigmax = 2 ** 32 bigrange = bigmin...bigmax assert_nothing_raised do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => bigmin + 5 Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => bigrange Topic.validates_length_of :title, :in => bigrange Topic.validates_length_of :title, :minimum => bigmin Topic.validates_length_of :title, :maximum => bigmax end end def test_validates_length_with_globally_modified_error_message ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[:too_short] = 'tu est trops petit hombre %d' Topic.validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 10 t = Topic.create(:title => 'too short') assert !t.valid? assert_equal 'tu est trops petit hombre 10', t.errors['title'] end def test_validates_size_of_association assert_nothing_raised { Topic.validates_size_of :replies, :minimum => 1 } t = Topic.new('title' => 'noreplies', 'content' => 'whatever') assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:replies) reply = t.replies.build('title' => 'areply', 'content' => 'whateveragain') assert t.valid? end def test_validates_size_of_association_using_within assert_nothing_raised { Topic.validates_size_of :replies, :within => 1..2 } t = Topic.new('title' => 'noreplies', 'content' => 'whatever') assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:replies) reply = t.replies.build('title' => 'areply', 'content' => 'whateveragain') assert t.valid? 2.times { t.replies.build('title' => 'areply', 'content' => 'whateveragain') } assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:replies) end def test_validates_length_of_nasty_params assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :minimum=>6, :maximum=>9) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>6, :maximum=>9) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>6, :minimum=>9) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>6, :is=>9) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :minimum=>"a") } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :maximum=>"a") } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>"a") } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :is=>"a") } end def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_minimum_with_message Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :minimum=>5, :message=>"boo %d" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "boo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_minimum_with_too_short Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :minimum=>5, :too_short=>"hoo %d" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_maximum_with_message Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :message=>"boo %d" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "boo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_maximum_with_too_long Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_is_with_message Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is=>5, :message=>"boo %d" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "boo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_is_with_wrong_length Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is=>5, :wrong_length=>"hoo %d" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_length_of_using_minimum_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 5 t = Topic.create("title" => "一二三四五", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = "一二三四" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] end end def test_validates_length_of_using_maximum_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :maximum => 5 t = Topic.create("title" => "一二三四五", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = "一二34五六" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too long (maximum is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] end end def test_validates_length_of_using_within_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :content, :within => 3..5) t = Topic.new("title" => "一二", "content" => "12三四五六七") assert !t.valid? assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 3 characters)", t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is too long (maximum is 5 characters)", t.errors.on(:content) t.title = "一二三" t.content = "12三" assert t.valid? end end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_within_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, :within => 3..5, :allow_nil => true t = Topic.create('title' => '一二三', 'content' => '一二三四五') assert t.valid? t.title = nil assert t.valid? end end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_within_on_create_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, :within => 5..10, :on => :create, :too_long => "長すぎます: %d" t = Topic.create("title" => "一二三四五六七八九十A", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "長すぎます: 10", t.errors[:title] t.title = "一二三四五六七八九" assert t.save t.title = "一二3" assert t.save t.content = "一二三四五六七八九十" assert t.save t.content = t.title = "一二三四五六" assert t.save end end def test_optionally_validates_length_of_using_within_on_update_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, :within => 5..10, :on => :update, :too_short => "短すぎます: %d" t = Topic.create("title" => "一二三4", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:title) t.title = "1二三4" assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "短すぎます: 5", t.errors[:title] t.title = "valid" t.content = "一二三四五六七八九十A" assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:content) t.content = "一二345" assert t.save end end def test_validates_length_of_using_is_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => 5 t = Topic.create("title" => "一二345", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? t.title = "一二345六" assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "is the wrong length (should be 5 characters)", t.errors["title"] end end def test_validates_size_of_association_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do assert_nothing_raised { Topic.validates_size_of :replies, :minimum => 1 } t = Topic.new('title' => 'あいうえお', 'content' => 'かきくけこ') assert !t.save assert t.errors.on(:replies) t.replies.build('title' => 'あいうえお', 'content' => 'かきくけこ') assert t.valid? end end def test_validates_associated_many Topic.validates_associated( :replies ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") t.replies << [r = Reply.new("title" => "A reply"), r2 = Reply.new("title" => "Another reply", "content" => "non-empty"), r3 = Reply.new("title" => "Yet another reply"), r4 = Reply.new("title" => "The last reply", "content" => "non-empty")] assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:replies) assert_equal 1, r.errors.count # make sure all associated objects have been validated assert_equal 0, r2.errors.count assert_equal 1, r3.errors.count assert_equal 0, r4.errors.count r.content = r3.content = "non-empty" assert t.valid? end def test_validates_associated_one Reply.validates_associated( :topic ) Topic.validates_presence_of( :content ) r = Reply.new("title" => "A reply", "content" => "with content!") r.topic = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh") assert !r.valid? assert r.errors.on(:topic) r.topic.content = "non-empty" assert r.valid? end def test_validate_block Topic.validate { |topic| topic.errors.add("title", "will never be valid") } t = Topic.create("title" => "Title", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "will never be valid", t.errors["title"] end def test_invalid_validator Topic.validate 3 assert_raise(ArgumentError) { t = Topic.create } end def test_throw_away_typing d = Developer.new("name" => "David", "salary" => "100,000") assert !d.valid? assert_equal 100, d.salary assert_equal "100,000", d.salary_before_type_cast end def test_validates_acceptance_of_with_custom_error_using_quotes Developer.validates_acceptance_of :salary, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.salary = "0" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:salary).last end def test_validates_confirmation_of_with_custom_error_using_quotes Developer.validates_confirmation_of :name, :message=> "confirm 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = "John" d.name_confirmation = "Johnny" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "confirm 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:name) end def test_validates_format_of_with_custom_error_using_quotes Developer.validates_format_of :name, :with => /^(A-Z*)$/, :message=> "format 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = d.name_confirmation = "John 32" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "format 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:name) end def test_validates_inclusion_of_with_custom_error_using_quotes Developer.validates_inclusion_of :salary, :in => 1000..80000, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.salary = "90,000" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:salary).last end def test_validates_length_of_with_custom_too_long_using_quotes Developer.validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 4, :too_long=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = "Jeffrey" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:name).last end def test_validates_length_of_with_custom_too_short_using_quotes Developer.validates_length_of :name, :minimum => 4, :too_short=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = "Joe" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:name).last end def test_validates_length_of_with_custom_message_using_quotes Developer.validates_length_of :name, :minimum => 4, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = "Joe" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:name).last end def test_validates_presence_of_with_custom_message_using_quotes Developer.validates_presence_of :non_existent, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = "Joe" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:non_existent) end def test_validates_uniqueness_of_with_custom_message_using_quotes Developer.validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" d = Developer.new d.name = "David" assert !d.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", d.errors.on(:name).last end def test_validates_associated_with_custom_message_using_quotes Reply.validates_associated :topic, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes" Topic.validates_presence_of :content r = Reply.create("title" => "A reply", "content" => "with content!") r.topic = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh") assert !r.valid? assert_equal "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes", r.errors.on(:topic).last end def test_if_validation_using_method_true # When the method returns true Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :if => :condition_is_true ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_unless_validation_using_method_true # When the method returns true Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :unless => :condition_is_true ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? assert !t.errors.on(:title) end def test_if_validation_using_method_false # When the method returns false Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :if => :condition_is_true_but_its_not ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? assert !t.errors.on(:title) end def test_unless_validation_using_method_false # When the method returns false Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :unless => :condition_is_true_but_its_not ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_if_validation_using_string_true # When the evaluated string returns true Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :if => "a = 1; a == 1" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_unless_validation_using_string_true # When the evaluated string returns true Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :unless => "a = 1; a == 1" ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? assert !t.errors.on(:title) end def test_if_validation_using_string_false # When the evaluated string returns false Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :if => "false") t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? assert !t.errors.on(:title) end def test_unless_validation_using_string_false # When the evaluated string returns false Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :unless => "false") t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_if_validation_using_block_true # When the block returns true Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :if => Proc.new { |r| r.content.size > 4 } ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_unless_validation_using_block_true # When the block returns true Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :unless => Proc.new { |r| r.content.size > 4 } ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? assert !t.errors.on(:title) end def test_if_validation_using_block_false # When the block returns false Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :if => Proc.new { |r| r.title != "uhohuhoh"} ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert t.valid? assert !t.errors.on(:title) end def test_unless_validation_using_block_false # When the block returns false Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d", :unless => Proc.new { |r| r.title != "uhohuhoh"} ) t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever") assert !t.valid? assert t.errors.on(:title) assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"] end def test_validates_associated_missing Reply.validates_presence_of(:topic) r = Reply.create("title" => "A reply", "content" => "with content!") assert !r.valid? assert r.errors.on(:topic) r.topic = Topic.find :first assert r.valid? end def test_errors_to_xml r = Reply.new :title => "Wrong Create" assert !r.valid? xml = r.errors.to_xml(:skip_instruct => true) assert_equal "", xml.first(8) assert xml.include?("Title is Wrong Create") assert xml.include?("Content Empty") end def test_validation_order Topic.validates_presence_of :title Topic.validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 2 t = Topic.new("title" => "") assert !t.valid? assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors.on("title").first end # previous implementation of validates_presence_of eval'd the # string with the wrong binding, this regression test is to # ensure that it works correctly def test_validation_with_if_as_string Topic.validates_presence_of(:title) Topic.validates_presence_of(:author_name, :if => "title.to_s.match('important')") t = Topic.new assert !t.valid?, "A topic without a title should not be valid" assert !t.errors.invalid?("author_name"), "A topic without an 'important' title should not require an author" t.title = "Just a title" assert t.valid?, "A topic with a basic title should be valid" t.title = "A very important title" assert !t.valid?, "A topic with an important title, but without an author, should not be valid" assert t.errors.invalid?("author_name"), "A topic with an 'important' title should require an author" t.author_name = "Hubert J. Farnsworth" assert t.valid?, "A topic with an important title and author should be valid" end private def with_kcode(kcode) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' orig_kcode, $KCODE = $KCODE, kcode begin yield ensure $KCODE = orig_kcode end else yield end end end class ValidatesNumericalityTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase NIL = [nil] BLANK = ["", " ", " \t \r \n"] BIGDECIMAL_STRINGS = %w(12345678901234567890.1234567890) # 30 significent digits FLOAT_STRINGS = %w(0.0 +0.0 -0.0 10.0 10.5 -10.5 -0.0001 -090.1 90.1e1 -90.1e5 -90.1e-5 90e-5) INTEGER_STRINGS = %w(0 +0 -0 10 +10 -10 0090 -090) FLOATS = [0.0, 10.0, 10.5, -10.5, -0.0001] + FLOAT_STRINGS INTEGERS = [0, 10, -10] + INTEGER_STRINGS BIGDECIMAL = BIGDECIMAL_STRINGS.collect! { |bd| BigDecimal.new(bd) } JUNK = ["not a number", "42 not a number", "0xdeadbeef", "00-1", "--3", "+-3", "+3-1", "-+019.0", "", "123\nnot a number"] def setup Topic.write_inheritable_attribute(:validate, nil) Topic.write_inheritable_attribute(:validate_on_create, nil) Topic.write_inheritable_attribute(:validate_on_update, nil) end def test_default_validates_numericality_of Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved invalid!(NIL + BLANK + JUNK) valid!(FLOATS + INTEGERS + BIGDECIMAL) end def test_validates_numericality_of_with_nil_allowed Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :allow_nil => true invalid!(BLANK + JUNK) valid!(NIL + FLOATS + INTEGERS + BIGDECIMAL) end def test_validates_numericality_of_with_integer_only Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :only_integer => true invalid!(NIL + BLANK + JUNK + FLOATS + BIGDECIMAL) valid!(INTEGERS) end def test_validates_numericality_of_with_integer_only_and_nil_allowed Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => true invalid!(BLANK + JUNK + FLOATS + BIGDECIMAL) valid!(NIL + INTEGERS) end def test_validates_numericality_with_greater_than Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => 10 invalid!([-10, 10], 'must be greater than 10') valid!([11]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_greater_than_or_equal Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 10 invalid!([-9, 9], 'must be greater than or equal to 10') valid!([10]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_equal_to Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :equal_to => 10 invalid!([-10, 11], 'must be equal to 10') valid!([10]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_less_than Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than => 10 invalid!([10], 'must be less than 10') valid!([-9, 9]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_less_than_or_equal_to Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than_or_equal_to => 10 invalid!([11], 'must be less than or equal to 10') valid!([-10, 10]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_odd Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :odd => true invalid!([-2, 2], 'must be odd') valid!([-1, 1]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_even Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :even => true invalid!([-1, 1], 'must be even') valid!([-2, 2]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_greater_than_less_than_and_even Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => 1, :less_than => 4, :even => true invalid!([1, 3, 4]) valid!([2]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_numeric_message Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than => 4, :message => "smaller than %d" topic = Topic.new("title" => "numeric test", "approved" => 10) assert !topic.valid? assert_equal "smaller than 4", topic.errors.on(:approved) Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => 4, :message => "greater than %d" topic = Topic.new("title" => "numeric test", "approved" => 1) assert !topic.valid? assert_equal "greater than 4", topic.errors.on(:approved) end private def invalid!(values, error=nil) with_each_topic_approved_value(values) do |topic, value| assert !topic.valid?, "#{value.inspect} not rejected as a number" assert topic.errors.on(:approved) assert_equal error, topic.errors.on(:approved) if error end end def valid!(values) with_each_topic_approved_value(values) do |topic, value| assert topic.valid?, "#{value.inspect} not accepted as a number" end end def with_each_topic_approved_value(values) topic = Topic.new("title" => "numeric test", "content" => "whatever") values.each do |value| topic.approved = value yield topic, value end end end