require "cases/helper" require 'models/topic' require 'models/reply' class I18nValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase repair_validations(Topic, Reply) def setup Reply.validates_presence_of(:title) @topic = @old_load_path, @old_backend = I18n.load_path.dup, I18n.backend I18n.load_path.clear I18n.backend = I18n.backend.store_translations('en', :errors => {:messages => {:custom => nil}}) end def teardown I18n.load_path.replace @old_load_path I18n.backend = @old_backend end def unique_topic @unique ||= Topic.create :title => 'unique!' end def replied_topic @replied_topic ||= begin topic = Topic.create(:title => "topic") topic.replies << topic end end # A set of common cases for ActiveModel::Validations message generation that # are used to generate tests to keep things DRY # COMMON_CASES = [ # [ case, validation_options, generate_message_options] [ "given no options", {}, {}], [ "given custom message", {:message => "custom"}, {:message => "custom"}], [ "given if condition", {:if => lambda { true }}, {}], [ "given unless condition", {:unless => lambda { false }}, {}], [ "given option that is not reserved", {:format => "jpg"}, {:format => "jpg" }] # TODO Add :on case, but below doesn't work, because then the validation isn't run for some reason # even when using .save instead .valid? # [ "given on condition", {:on => :save}, {}] ] # validates_uniqueness_of w/ mocha COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_uniqueness_of on generated message #{name}" do Topic.validates_uniqueness_of :title, validation_options @topic.title = unique_topic.title @topic.errors.expects(:generate_message).with(:title, :taken, generate_message_options.merge(:value => 'unique!')) @topic.valid? end end # validates_associated w/ mocha COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_associated on generated message #{name}" do Topic.validates_associated :replies, validation_options replied_topic.errors.expects(:generate_message).with(:replies, :invalid, generate_message_options.merge(:value => replied_topic.replies)) end end # validates_associated w/o mocha def test_validates_associated_finds_custom_model_key_translation I18n.backend.store_translations 'en', :activerecord => {:errors => {:models => {:topic => {:attributes => {:replies => {:invalid => 'custom message'}}}}}} I18n.backend.store_translations 'en', :activerecord => {:errors => {:messages => {:invalid => 'global message'}}} Topic.validates_associated :replies replied_topic.valid? assert_equal ['custom message'], replied_topic.errors[:replies].uniq end def test_validates_associated_finds_global_default_translation I18n.backend.store_translations 'en', :activerecord => {:errors => {:messages => {:invalid => 'global message'}}} Topic.validates_associated :replies replied_topic.valid? assert_equal ['global message'], replied_topic.errors[:replies] end end