require "cases/helper" require 'models/tag' require 'models/tagging' require 'models/post' require 'models/topic' require 'models/comment' require 'models/author' require 'models/entrant' require 'models/developer' require 'models/reply' require 'models/company' require 'models/bird' require 'models/car' require 'models/engine' require 'models/tyre' require 'models/minivan' class RelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :authors, :topics, :entrants, :developers, :companies, :developers_projects, :accounts, :categories, :categorizations, :posts, :comments, :tags, :taggings, :cars, :minivans def test_do_not_double_quote_string_id van = Minivan.last assert van assert_equal, Minivan.where(:minivan_id => van).to_a.first.minivan_id end def test_do_not_double_quote_string_id_with_array van = Minivan.last assert van assert_equal van, Minivan.where(:minivan_id => [van]).to_a.first end def test_bind_values relation = Post.all assert_equal [], relation.bind_values relation2 = relation.bind 'foo' assert_equal %w{ foo }, relation2.bind_values assert_equal [], relation.bind_values end def test_two_scopes_with_includes_should_not_drop_any_include # heat habtm cache car = Car.incl_engines.incl_tyres.first car.tyres.length car.engines.length car = Car.incl_engines.incl_tyres.first assert_no_queries { car.tyres.length } assert_no_queries { car.engines.length } end def test_dynamic_finder x = Post.where('author_id = ?', 1) assert x.klass.respond_to?(:find_by_id), '@klass should handle dynamic finders' end def test_multivalue_where posts = Post.where('author_id = ? AND id = ?', 1, 1) assert_equal 1, posts.to_a.size end def test_scoped topics = Topic.all assert_kind_of ActiveRecord::Relation, topics assert_equal 5, topics.size end def test_to_json assert_nothing_raised { Bird.all.to_json } assert_nothing_raised { Bird.all.to_a.to_json } end def test_to_yaml assert_nothing_raised { Bird.all.to_yaml } assert_nothing_raised { Bird.all.to_a.to_yaml } end def test_to_xml assert_nothing_raised { Bird.all.to_xml } assert_nothing_raised { Bird.all.to_a.to_xml } end def test_scoped_all topics = Topic.all.to_a assert_kind_of Array, topics assert_no_queries { assert_equal 5, topics.size } end def test_loaded_all topics = Topic.all assert_queries(1) do 2.times { assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size } end assert topics.loaded? end def test_scoped_first topics = Topic.all.order('id ASC') assert_queries(1) do 2.times { assert_equal "The First Topic", topics.first.title } end assert ! topics.loaded? end def test_loaded_first topics = Topic.all.order('id ASC') assert_queries(1) do topics.to_a # force load 2.times { assert_equal "The First Topic", topics.first.title } end assert topics.loaded? end def test_reload topics = Topic.all assert_queries(1) do 2.times { topics.to_a } end assert topics.loaded? original_size = topics.to_a.size Topic.create! :title => 'fake' assert_queries(1) { topics.reload } assert_equal original_size + 1, topics.size assert topics.loaded? end def test_finding_with_subquery relation = Topic.where(:approved => true) assert_equal relation.to_a,'*').from(relation).to_a assert_equal relation.to_a,'subquery.*').from(relation).to_a assert_equal relation.to_a,'a.*').from(relation, :a).to_a end def test_finding_with_subquery_with_binds relation = Post.first.comments assert_equal relation.to_a,'*').from(relation).to_a assert_equal relation.to_a,'subquery.*').from(relation).to_a assert_equal relation.to_a,'a.*').from(relation, :a).to_a end def test_finding_with_subquery_without_select_does_not_change_the_select relation = Topic.where(approved: true) assert_raises(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do Topic.from(relation).to_a end end def test_finding_with_conditions assert_equal ["David"], Author.where(:name => 'David').map(&:name) assert_equal ['Mary'], Author.where(["name = ?", 'Mary']).map(&:name) assert_equal ['Mary'], Author.where("name = ?", 'Mary').map(&:name) end def test_finding_with_order topics = Topic.order('id') assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:first).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_arel_order topics = Topic.order(Topic.arel_table[:id].asc) assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:first).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_assoc_order topics = Topic.order(:id => :desc) assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:fifth).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_reverted_assoc_order topics = Topic.order(:id => :asc).reverse_order assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:fifth).title, topics.first.title end def test_order_with_hash_and_symbol_generates_the_same_sql assert_equal Topic.order(:id).to_sql, Topic.order(:id => :asc).to_sql end def test_finding_with_desc_order_with_string topics = Topic.order(id: "desc") assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal [topics(:fifth), topics(:fourth), topics(:third), topics(:second), topics(:first)], topics.to_a end def test_finding_with_asc_order_with_string topics = Topic.order(id: 'asc') assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal [topics(:first), topics(:second), topics(:third), topics(:fourth), topics(:fifth)], topics.to_a end def test_support_upper_and_lower_case_directions assert_includes Topic.order(id: "ASC").to_sql, "ASC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: "asc").to_sql, "ASC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: :ASC).to_sql, "ASC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: :asc).to_sql, "ASC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: "DESC").to_sql, "DESC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: "desc").to_sql, "DESC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: :DESC).to_sql, "DESC" assert_includes Topic.order(id: :desc).to_sql,"DESC" end def test_raising_exception_on_invalid_hash_params e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.order(:name, "id DESC", id: :asfsdf) } assert_equal 'Direction "asfsdf" is invalid. Valid directions are: [:asc, :desc, :ASC, :DESC, "asc", "desc", "ASC", "DESC"]', e.message end def test_finding_last_with_arel_order topics = Topic.order(Topic.arel_table[:id].asc) assert_equal topics(:fifth).title, topics.last.title end def test_finding_with_order_concatenated topics = Topic.order('author_name').order('title') assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:fourth).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_order_by_aliased_attributes topics = Topic.order(:heading) assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:fifth).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_assoc_order_by_aliased_attributes topics = Topic.order(heading: :desc) assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:third).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_reorder topics = Topic.order('author_name').order('title').reorder('id').to_a topics_titles ={ |t| t.title } assert_equal ['The First Topic', 'The Second Topic of the day', 'The Third Topic of the day', 'The Fourth Topic of the day', 'The Fifth Topic of the day'], topics_titles end def test_finding_with_reorder_by_aliased_attributes topics = Topic.order('author_name').reorder(:heading) assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:fifth).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_assoc_reorder_by_aliased_attributes topics = Topic.order('author_name').reorder(heading: :desc) assert_equal 5, topics.to_a.size assert_equal topics(:third).title, topics.first.title end def test_finding_with_order_and_take entrants = Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2).to_a assert_equal 2, entrants.size assert_equal entrants(:first).name, end def test_finding_with_cross_table_order_and_limit tags = Tag.includes(:taggings). order(" asc", "taggings.taggable_id asc", "REPLACE('abc', taggings.taggable_type, taggings.taggable_type)"). limit(1).to_a assert_equal 1, tags.length end def test_finding_with_complex_order_and_limit tags = Tag.includes(:taggings).references(:taggings).order("REPLACE('abc', taggings.taggable_type, taggings.taggable_type)").limit(1).to_a assert_equal 1, tags.length end def test_finding_with_complex_order tags = Tag.includes(:taggings).references(:taggings).order("REPLACE('abc', taggings.taggable_type, taggings.taggable_type)").to_a assert_equal 3, tags.length end def test_finding_with_order_limit_and_offset entrants = Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2).offset(1) assert_equal 2, entrants.to_a.size assert_equal entrants(:second).name, entrants = Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2).offset(2) assert_equal 1, entrants.to_a.size assert_equal entrants(:third).name, end def test_finding_with_group developers ="salary").select("salary").to_a assert_equal 4, developers.size assert_equal 4, end def test_select_with_block even_ids = {|d| % 2 == 0 }.map(&:id) assert_equal [2, 4, 6, 8, 10], even_ids.sort end def test_none assert_no_queries do assert_equal [], Developer.none assert_equal [], Developer.all.none end end def test_none_chainable assert_no_queries do assert_equal [], Developer.none.where(:name => 'David') end end def test_none_chainable_to_existing_scope_extension_method assert_no_queries do assert_equal 1, end end def test_none_chained_to_methods_firing_queries_straight_to_db assert_no_queries do assert_equal [], Developer.none.pluck(:id, :name) assert_equal 0, Developer.none.delete_all assert_equal 0, Developer.none.update_all(:name => 'David') assert_equal 0, Developer.none.delete(1) assert_equal false, Developer.none.exists?(1) end end def test_null_relation_content_size_methods assert_no_queries do assert_equal 0, Developer.none.size assert_equal 0, Developer.none.count assert_equal true, Developer.none.empty? assert_equal false, Developer.none.any? assert_equal false, Developer.none.many? end end def test_null_relation_calculations_methods assert_no_queries do assert_equal 0, Developer.none.count assert_equal 0, Developer.none.calculate(:count, nil, {}) assert_equal nil, Developer.none.calculate(:average, 'salary') end end def test_null_relation_metadata_methods assert_equal "", Developer.none.to_sql assert_equal({}, Developer.none.where_values_hash) end def test_null_relation_where_values_hash assert_equal({ 'salary' => 100_000 }, Developer.none.where(salary: 100_000).where_values_hash) end def test_joins_with_nil_argument assert_nothing_raised { DependentFirm.joins(nil).first } end def test_finding_with_hash_conditions_on_joined_table firms = DependentFirm.joins(:account).where({:name => 'RailsCore', :accounts => { :credit_limit => 55..60 }}).to_a assert_equal 1, firms.size assert_equal companies(:rails_core), firms.first end def test_find_all_with_join developers_on_project_one = Developer.joins('LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON = developers_projects.developer_id'). where('project_id=1').to_a assert_equal 3, developers_on_project_one.length developer_names = { |d| } assert developer_names.include?('David') assert developer_names.include?('Jamis') end def test_find_on_hash_conditions assert_equal Topic.all.merge!(:where => {:approved => false}).to_a, Topic.where({ :approved => false }).to_a end def test_joins_with_string_array person_with_reader_and_post = Post.joins([ "INNER JOIN categorizations ON categorizations.post_id =", "INNER JOIN categories ON = categorizations.category_id AND categories.type = 'SpecialCategory'" ] ).to_a assert_equal 1, person_with_reader_and_post.size end def test_no_arguments_to_query_methods_raise_errors assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Topic.references() } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Topic.includes() } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Topic.preload() } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Topic.reorder() } end def test_blank_like_arguments_to_query_methods_dont_raise_errors assert_nothing_raised { Topic.references([]) } assert_nothing_raised { Topic.includes([]) } assert_nothing_raised { Topic.preload([]) } assert_nothing_raised {[]) } assert_nothing_raised { Topic.reorder([]) } end def test_scoped_responds_to_delegated_methods relation = Topic.all ["map", "uniq", "sort", "insert", "delete", "update"].each do |method| assert_respond_to relation, method, "Topic.all should respond to #{method.inspect}" end end def test_respond_to_delegates_to_relation relation = Topic.all fake_arel = { def respond_to? method, access = false responds << [method, access] end }.new [] relation.extend( { attr_accessor :arel }) relation.arel = fake_arel relation.respond_to?(:matching_attributes) assert_equal [:matching_attributes, false], fake_arel.responds.first fake_arel.responds = [] relation.respond_to?(:matching_attributes, true) assert_equal [:matching_attributes, true], fake_arel.responds.first end def test_respond_to_dynamic_finders relation = Topic.all ["find_by_title", "find_by_title_and_author_name"].each do |method| assert_respond_to relation, method, "Topic.all should respond to #{method.inspect}" end end def test_respond_to_class_methods_and_scopes assert Topic.all.respond_to?(:by_lifo) end def test_find_with_readonly_option Developer.all.each { |d| assert !d.readonly? } Developer.all.readonly.each { |d| assert d.readonly? } end def test_eager_association_loading_of_stis_with_multiple_references authors = Author.eager_load(:posts => { :special_comments => { :post => [ :special_comments, :very_special_comment ] } }). order('comments.body, very_special_comments_posts.body').where(' = 4').to_a assert_equal [authors(:david)], authors assert_no_queries do end end def test_find_with_preloaded_associations assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.preload(:comments).order('') assert posts.first.comments.first end assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.preload(:comments).order('') assert posts.first.comments.first end assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.preload(:author).order('') assert end assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.preload(:author).order('') assert end assert_queries(3) do posts = Post.preload(:author, :comments).order('') assert assert posts.first.comments.first end end def test_preload_applies_to_all_chained_preloaded_scopes assert_queries(3) do post = Post.with_comments.with_tags.first assert post end end def test_find_with_included_associations assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.includes(:comments).order('') assert posts.first.comments.first end assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.all.includes(:comments).order('') assert posts.first.comments.first end assert_queries(2) do posts = Post.includes(:author).order('') assert end assert_queries(3) do posts = Post.includes(:author, :comments).order('') assert assert posts.first.comments.first end end def test_default_scope_with_conditions_string assert_equal Developer.where(name: 'David').map(&:id).sort, assert_nil DeveloperCalledDavid.create!.name end def test_default_scope_with_conditions_hash assert_equal Developer.where(name: 'Jamis').map(&:id).sort, assert_equal 'Jamis', DeveloperCalledJamis.create!.name end def test_default_scoping_finder_methods developers = DeveloperCalledDavid.order('id').map(&:id).sort assert_equal Developer.where(name: 'David').map(&:id).sort, developers end def test_includes_with_select query ='comments_count AS ranking').order('ranking').includes(:comments) .where(comments: { id: 1 }) assert_equal ['comments_count AS ranking'], query.select_values assert_equal 1, query.to_a.size end def test_loading_with_one_association posts = Post.preload(:comments) post = posts.find { |p| == 1 } assert_equal 2, post.comments.size assert post.comments.include?(comments(:greetings)) post = Post.where("posts.title = 'Welcome to the weblog'").preload(:comments).first assert_equal 2, post.comments.size assert post.comments.include?(comments(:greetings)) posts = Post.preload(:last_comment) post = posts.find { |p| == 1 } assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment end def test_to_sql_on_eager_join expected = assert_sql { Post.eager_load(:last_comment).order(' DESC').to_a }.first actual = Post.eager_load(:last_comment).order(' DESC').to_sql assert_equal expected, actual end def test_to_sql_on_scoped_proxy auth = Author.first Post.where("1=1").written_by(auth) assert_not auth.posts.to_sql.include?("1=1") end def test_loading_with_one_association_with_non_preload posts = Post.eager_load(:last_comment).order(' DESC') post = posts.find { |p| == 1 } assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment end def test_dynamic_find_by_attributes david = authors(:david) author = Author.preload(:taggings).find_by_id( expected_taggings = taggings(:welcome_general, :thinking_general) assert_no_queries do assert_equal expected_taggings, author.taggings.distinct.sort_by { |t| } assert_equal expected_taggings, author.taggings.uniq.sort_by { |t| } end authors = Author.all assert_equal david, authors.find_by_id_and_name(, assert_equal david, authors.find_by_id_and_name!(, end def test_dynamic_find_by_attributes_bang author = Author.all.find_by_id!(authors(:david).id) assert_equal "David", assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Author.all.find_by_id_and_name!(20, 'invalid') } end def test_find_id authors = Author.all david = authors.find(authors(:david).id) assert_equal 'David', assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { authors.where(:name => 'lifo').find('42') } end def test_find_ids authors = Author.order('id ASC') results = authors.find(authors(:david).id, authors(:mary).id) assert_kind_of Array, results assert_equal 2, results.size assert_equal 'David', results[0].name assert_equal 'Mary', results[1].name assert_equal results, authors.find([authors(:david).id, authors(:mary).id]) assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { authors.where(:name => 'lifo').find(authors(:david).id, '42') } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { authors.find(['42', 43]) } end def test_find_in_empty_array authors = Author.all.where(:id => []) assert authors.to_a.blank? end def test_where_with_ar_object author = Author.first authors = Author.all.where(:id => author) assert_equal 1, authors.to_a.length end def test_find_with_list_of_ar author = Author.first authors = Author.find([]) assert_equal author, authors.first end class Mary < Author; end def test_find_by_classname Author.create!(:name => assert_equal 1, Author.where(:name => Mary).size end def test_find_by_id_with_list_of_ar author = Author.first authors = Author.find_by_id([author]) assert_equal author, authors end def test_find_all_using_where_twice_should_or_the_relation david = authors(:david) relation = Author.unscoped relation = relation.where(:name => relation = relation.where(:name => 'Santiago') relation = relation.where(:id => assert_equal [], relation.to_a end def test_multi_where_ands_queries relation = Author.unscoped david = authors(:david) sql = relation.where(:name => => 'Santiago').to_sql assert_match('AND', sql) end def test_find_all_with_multiple_should_use_and david = authors(:david) relation = [ { :name => }, { :name => 'Santiago' }, { :name => 'tenderlove' }, ].inject(Author.unscoped) do |memo, param| memo.where(param) end assert_equal [], relation.to_a end def test_find_all_using_where_with_relation david = authors(:david) # switching the lines below would succeed in current rails # assert_queries(2) { assert_queries(1) { relation = Author.where(:id => Author.where(:id => assert_equal [david], relation.to_a } assert_queries(1) { relation = Author.where('id in (?)', Author.where(id: david).select(:id)) assert_equal [david], relation.to_a } assert_queries(1) do relation = Author.where('id in (:author_ids)', author_ids: Author.where(id: david).select(:id)) assert_equal [david], relation.to_a end end def test_find_all_using_where_with_relation_with_bound_values david = authors(:david) davids_posts = david.posts.order(:id).to_a assert_queries(1) do relation = Post.where(id: assert_equal davids_posts, relation.order(:id).to_a end assert_queries(1) do relation = Post.where('id in (?)', assert_equal davids_posts, relation.order(:id).to_a, 'should process Relation as bind variables' end assert_queries(1) do relation = Post.where('id in (:post_ids)', post_ids: assert_equal davids_posts, relation.order(:id).to_a, 'should process Relation as named bind variables' end end def test_find_all_using_where_with_relation_and_alternate_primary_key cool_first = minivans(:cool_first) # switching the lines below would succeed in current rails # assert_queries(2) { assert_queries(1) { relation = Minivan.where(:minivan_id => Minivan.where(:name => assert_equal [cool_first], relation.to_a } end def test_find_all_using_where_with_relation_does_not_alter_select_values david = authors(:david) subquery = Author.where(:id => assert_queries(1) { relation = Author.where(:id => subquery) assert_equal [david], relation.to_a } assert_equal 0, subquery.select_values.size end def test_find_all_using_where_with_relation_with_joins david = authors(:david) assert_queries(1) { relation = Author.where(:id => Author.joins(:posts).where(:id => assert_equal [david], relation.to_a } end def test_find_all_using_where_with_relation_with_select_to_build_subquery david = authors(:david) assert_queries(1) { relation = Author.where(:name => Author.where(:id => assert_equal [david], relation.to_a } end def test_exists davids = Author.where(:name => 'David') assert davids.exists? assert davids.exists?(authors(:david).id) assert ! davids.exists?(authors(:mary).id) assert ! davids.exists?("42") assert ! davids.exists?(42) assert ! davids.exists?( fake = Author.where(:name => 'fake author') assert ! fake.exists? assert ! fake.exists?(authors(:david).id) end def test_last authors = Author.all assert_equal authors(:bob), authors.last end def test_destroy_all davids = Author.where(:name => 'David') # Force load assert_equal [authors(:david)], davids.to_a assert davids.loaded? assert_difference('Author.count', -1) { davids.destroy_all } assert_equal [], davids.to_a assert davids.loaded? end def test_delete_all davids = Author.where(:name => 'David') assert_difference('Author.count', -1) { davids.delete_all } assert ! davids.loaded? end def test_delete_all_loaded davids = Author.where(:name => 'David') # Force load assert_equal [authors(:david)], davids.to_a assert davids.loaded? assert_difference('Author.count', -1) { davids.delete_all } assert_equal [], davids.to_a assert davids.loaded? end def test_delete_all_limit_error assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError) { Author.limit(10).delete_all } end def test_select_takes_a_variable_list_of_args david = developers(:david) developer = Developer.where(id:, :salary).first assert_equal, assert_equal david.salary, developer.salary end def test_select_takes_an_aliased_attribute first = topics(:first) topic = Topic.where(id: assert_equal first.heading, topic.heading end def test_select_argument_error assert_raises(ArgumentError) { } end def test_count posts = Post.all assert_equal 11, posts.count assert_equal 11, posts.count(:all) assert_equal 11, posts.count(:id) assert_equal 1, posts.where('comments_count > 1').count assert_equal 9, posts.where(:comments_count => 0).count end def test_count_with_distinct posts = Post.all assert_equal 3, posts.distinct(true).count(:comments_count) assert_equal 11, posts.distinct(false).count(:comments_count) assert_equal 3, posts.distinct(true).select(:comments_count).count assert_equal 11, posts.distinct(false).select(:comments_count).count end def test_count_explicit_columns Post.update_all(:comments_count => nil) posts = Post.all assert_equal [0],'comments_count').where('id is not null').group('id').order('id').count.values.uniq assert_equal 0, posts.where('id is not null').select('comments_count').count assert_equal 11,'comments_count').count('id') assert_equal 0,'comments_count').count assert_equal 0, posts.count(:comments_count) assert_equal 0, posts.count('comments_count') end def test_multiple_selects post ='comments_count').select('title').order("id ASC").first assert_equal "Welcome to the weblog", post.title assert_equal 2, post.comments_count end def test_size posts = Post.all assert_queries(1) { assert_equal 11, posts.size } assert ! posts.loaded? best_posts = posts.where(:comments_count => 0) best_posts.to_a # force load assert_no_queries { assert_equal 9, best_posts.size } end def test_size_with_limit posts = Post.limit(10) assert_queries(1) { assert_equal 10, posts.size } assert ! posts.loaded? best_posts = posts.where(:comments_count => 0) best_posts.to_a # force load assert_no_queries { assert_equal 9, best_posts.size } end def test_size_with_zero_limit posts = Post.limit(0) assert_no_queries { assert_equal 0, posts.size } assert ! posts.loaded? posts.to_a # force load assert_no_queries { assert_equal 0, posts.size } end def test_empty_with_zero_limit posts = Post.limit(0) assert_no_queries { assert_equal true, posts.empty? } assert ! posts.loaded? end def test_count_complex_chained_relations posts ='comments_count').where('id is not null').group("author_id").where("comments_count > 0") expected = { 1 => 2 } assert_equal expected, posts.count end def test_empty posts = Post.all assert_queries(1) { assert_equal false, posts.empty? } assert ! posts.loaded? no_posts = posts.where(:title => "") assert_queries(1) { assert_equal true, no_posts.empty? } assert ! no_posts.loaded? best_posts = posts.where(:comments_count => 0) best_posts.to_a # force load assert_no_queries { assert_equal false, best_posts.empty? } end def test_empty_complex_chained_relations posts ="comments_count").where("id is not null").group("author_id").where("comments_count > 0") assert_queries(1) { assert_equal false, posts.empty? } assert ! posts.loaded? no_posts = posts.where(:title => "") assert_queries(1) { assert_equal true, no_posts.empty? } assert ! no_posts.loaded? end def test_any posts = Post.all # This test was failing when run on its own (as opposed to running the entire suite). # The second line in the assert_queries block was causing visit_Arel_Attributes_Attribute # in Arel::Visitors::ToSql to trigger a SHOW TABLES query. Running that line here causes # the SHOW TABLES result to be cached so we don't have to do it again in the block. # # This is obviously a rubbish fix but it's the best I can come up with for now... posts.where(:id => nil).any? assert_queries(3) do assert posts.any? # Uses COUNT() assert ! posts.where(:id => nil).any? assert posts.any? {|p| > 0 } assert ! posts.any? {|p| <= 0 } end assert posts.loaded? end def test_many posts = Post.all assert_queries(2) do assert posts.many? # Uses COUNT() assert posts.many? {|p| > 0 } assert ! posts.many? {|p| < 2 } end assert posts.loaded? end def test_many_with_limits posts = Post.all assert posts.many? assert ! posts.limit(1).many? end def test_build posts = Post.all post = assert_kind_of Post, post end def test_scoped_build posts = Post.where(:title => 'You told a lie') post = assert_kind_of Post, post assert_equal 'You told a lie', post.title end def test_create birds = Bird.all sparrow = birds.create assert_kind_of Bird, sparrow assert !sparrow.persisted? hen = birds.where(:name => 'hen').create assert hen.persisted? assert_equal 'hen', end def test_create_bang birds = Bird.all assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { birds.create! } hen = birds.where(:name => 'hen').create! assert_kind_of Bird, hen assert hen.persisted? assert_equal 'hen', end def test_first_or_create parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create(:name => 'parrot') assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert parrot.persisted? assert_equal 'parrot', assert_equal 'green', parrot.color same_parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create(:name => 'parakeet') assert_kind_of Bird, same_parrot assert same_parrot.persisted? assert_equal parrot, same_parrot end def test_first_or_create_with_no_parameters parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert !parrot.persisted? assert_equal 'green', parrot.color end def test_first_or_create_with_block parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create { |bird| = 'parrot' } assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert parrot.persisted? assert_equal 'green', parrot.color assert_equal 'parrot', same_parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create { |bird| = 'parakeet' } assert_equal parrot, same_parrot end def test_first_or_create_with_array several_green_birds = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create([{:name => 'parrot'}, {:name => 'parakeet'}]) assert_kind_of Array, several_green_birds several_green_birds.each { |bird| assert bird.persisted? } same_parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create([{:name => 'hummingbird'}, {:name => 'macaw'}]) assert_kind_of Bird, same_parrot assert_equal several_green_birds.first, same_parrot end def test_first_or_create_bang_with_valid_options parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create!(:name => 'parrot') assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert parrot.persisted? assert_equal 'parrot', assert_equal 'green', parrot.color same_parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create!(:name => 'parakeet') assert_kind_of Bird, same_parrot assert same_parrot.persisted? assert_equal parrot, same_parrot end def test_first_or_create_bang_with_invalid_options assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create!(:pirate_id => 1) } end def test_first_or_create_bang_with_no_parameters assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create! } end def test_first_or_create_bang_with_valid_block parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create! { |bird| = 'parrot' } assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert parrot.persisted? assert_equal 'green', parrot.color assert_equal 'parrot', same_parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create! { |bird| = 'parakeet' } assert_equal parrot, same_parrot end def test_first_or_create_bang_with_invalid_block assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create! { |bird| bird.pirate_id = 1 } end end def test_first_or_create_with_valid_array several_green_birds = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create!([{:name => 'parrot'}, {:name => 'parakeet'}]) assert_kind_of Array, several_green_birds several_green_birds.each { |bird| assert bird.persisted? } same_parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create!([{:name => 'hummingbird'}, {:name => 'macaw'}]) assert_kind_of Bird, same_parrot assert_equal several_green_birds.first, same_parrot end def test_first_or_create_with_invalid_array assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_create!([ {:name => 'parrot'}, {:pirate_id => 1} ]) } end def test_first_or_initialize parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_initialize(:name => 'parrot') assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert !parrot.persisted? assert parrot.valid? assert parrot.new_record? assert_equal 'parrot', assert_equal 'green', parrot.color end def test_first_or_initialize_with_no_parameters parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_initialize assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert !parrot.persisted? assert !parrot.valid? assert parrot.new_record? assert_equal 'green', parrot.color end def test_first_or_initialize_with_block parrot = Bird.where(:color => 'green').first_or_initialize { |bird| = 'parrot' } assert_kind_of Bird, parrot assert !parrot.persisted? assert parrot.valid? assert parrot.new_record? assert_equal 'green', parrot.color assert_equal 'parrot', end def test_find_or_create_by assert_nil Bird.find_by(name: 'bob') bird = Bird.find_or_create_by(name: 'bob') assert bird.persisted? assert_equal bird, Bird.find_or_create_by(name: 'bob') end def test_find_or_create_by_with_create_with assert_nil Bird.find_by(name: 'bob') bird = Bird.create_with(color: 'green').find_or_create_by(name: 'bob') assert bird.persisted? assert_equal 'green', bird.color assert_equal bird, Bird.create_with(color: 'blue').find_or_create_by(name: 'bob') end def test_find_or_create_by! assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Bird.find_or_create_by!(color: 'green') } end def test_find_or_initialize_by assert_nil Bird.find_by(name: 'bob') bird = Bird.find_or_initialize_by(name: 'bob') assert bird.new_record?! assert_equal bird, Bird.find_or_initialize_by(name: 'bob') end def test_explicit_create_scope hens = Bird.where(:name => 'hen') assert_equal 'hen', hens = hens.create_with(:name => 'cock') assert_equal 'cock', end def test_except relation = Post.where(:author_id => 1).order('id ASC').limit(1) assert_equal [posts(:welcome)], relation.to_a author_posts = relation.except(:order, :limit) assert_equal Post.where(:author_id => 1).to_a, author_posts.to_a all_posts = relation.except(:where, :order, :limit) assert_equal Post.all, all_posts end def test_only relation = Post.where(:author_id => 1).order('id ASC').limit(1) assert_equal [posts(:welcome)], relation.to_a author_posts = relation.only(:where) assert_equal Post.where(:author_id => 1).to_a, author_posts.to_a all_posts = relation.only(:limit) assert_equal Post.limit(1).to_a.first, all_posts.first end def test_anonymous_extension relation = Post.where(:author_id => 1).order('id ASC').extending do def author 'lifo' end end assert_equal "lifo", assert_equal "lifo", relation.limit(1).author end def test_named_extension relation = Post.where(:author_id => 1).order('id ASC').extending(Post::NamedExtension) assert_equal "lifo", assert_equal "lifo", relation.limit(1).author end def test_order_by_relation_attribute assert_equal Post.order(Post.arel_table[:title]).to_a, Post.order("title").to_a end def test_default_scope_order_with_scope_order assert_equal 'zyke', CoolCar.order_using_new_style.limit(1) assert_equal 'zyke', FastCar.order_using_new_style.limit(1) end def test_order_using_scoping car1 = CoolCar.order('id DESC').scoping do CoolCar.all.merge!(order: 'id asc').first end assert_equal 'zyke', car2 = FastCar.order('id DESC').scoping do FastCar.all.merge!(order: 'id asc').first end assert_equal 'zyke', end def test_unscoped_block_style assert_equal 'honda', CoolCar.unscoped { CoolCar.order_using_new_style.limit(1)} assert_equal 'honda', FastCar.unscoped { FastCar.order_using_new_style.limit(1)} end def test_intersection_with_array relation = Author.where(:name => "David") rails_author = relation.first assert_equal [rails_author], [rails_author] & relation assert_equal [rails_author], relation & [rails_author] end def test_primary_key assert_equal "id", Post.all.primary_key end def test_disable_implicit_join_references_is_deprecated assert_deprecated do ActiveRecord::Base.disable_implicit_join_references = true end end def test_ordering_with_extra_spaces assert_equal authors(:david), Author.order('id DESC , name DESC').last end def test_update_all_with_blank_argument assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Comment.update_all({}) } end def test_update_all_with_joins comments = Comment.joins(:post).where('' => posts(:welcome).id) count = comments.count assert_equal count, comments.update_all(:post_id => posts(:thinking).id) assert_equal posts(:thinking), comments(:greetings).post end def test_update_all_with_joins_and_limit comments = Comment.joins(:post).where('' => posts(:welcome).id).limit(1) assert_equal 1, comments.update_all(:post_id => posts(:thinking).id) end def test_update_all_with_joins_and_limit_and_order comments = Comment.joins(:post).where('' => posts(:welcome).id).order('').limit(1) assert_equal 1, comments.update_all(:post_id => posts(:thinking).id) assert_equal posts(:thinking), comments(:greetings).post assert_equal posts(:welcome), comments(:more_greetings).post end def test_update_all_with_joins_and_offset all_comments = Comment.joins(:post).where('' => posts(:welcome).id) count = all_comments.count comments = all_comments.offset(1) assert_equal count - 1, comments.update_all(:post_id => posts(:thinking).id) end def test_update_all_with_joins_and_offset_and_order all_comments = Comment.joins(:post).where('' => posts(:welcome).id).order('', '') count = all_comments.count comments = all_comments.offset(1) assert_equal count - 1, comments.update_all(:post_id => posts(:thinking).id) assert_equal posts(:thinking), comments(:more_greetings).post assert_equal posts(:welcome), comments(:greetings).post end def test_distinct tag1 = Tag.create(:name => 'Foo') tag2 = Tag.create(:name => 'Foo') query = => [,]) assert_equal ['Foo', 'Foo'], assert_sql(/DISTINCT/) do assert_equal ['Foo'], assert_equal ['Foo'], end assert_sql(/DISTINCT/) do assert_equal ['Foo'], query.distinct(true).map(&:name) assert_equal ['Foo'], query.uniq(true).map(&:name) end assert_equal ['Foo', 'Foo'], query.distinct(true).distinct(false).map(&:name) assert_equal ['Foo', 'Foo'], query.uniq(true).uniq(false).map(&:name) end def test_doesnt_add_having_values_if_options_are_blank scope = Post.having('') assert_equal [], scope.having_values scope = Post.having([]) assert_equal [], scope.having_values end def test_references_triggers_eager_loading scope = Post.includes(:comments) assert !scope.eager_loading? assert scope.references(:comments).eager_loading? end def test_references_doesnt_trigger_eager_loading_if_reference_not_included scope = Post.references(:comments) assert !scope.eager_loading? end def test_automatically_added_where_references scope = Post.where(:comments => { :body => "Bla" }) assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values scope = Post.where('comments.body' => 'Bla') assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values end def test_automatically_added_where_not_references scope = Post.where.not(comments: { body: "Bla" }) assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values scope = Post.where.not('comments.body' => 'Bla') assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values end def test_automatically_added_having_references scope = Post.having(:comments => { :body => "Bla" }) assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values scope = Post.having('comments.body' => 'Bla') assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values end def test_automatically_added_order_references scope = Post.order('comments.body') assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values scope = Post.order('comments.body', 'yaks.body') assert_equal ['comments', 'yaks'], scope.references_values # Don't infer yaks, let's not go down that road again... scope = Post.order('comments.body, yaks.body') assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values scope = Post.order('comments.body asc') assert_equal ['comments'], scope.references_values scope = Post.order('foo(comments.body)') assert_equal [], scope.references_values end def test_automatically_added_reorder_references scope = Post.reorder('comments.body') assert_equal %w(comments), scope.references_values scope = Post.reorder('comments.body', 'yaks.body') assert_equal %w(comments yaks), scope.references_values # Don't infer yaks, let's not go down that road again... scope = Post.reorder('comments.body, yaks.body') assert_equal %w(comments), scope.references_values scope = Post.reorder('comments.body asc') assert_equal %w(comments), scope.references_values scope = Post.reorder('foo(comments.body)') assert_equal [], scope.references_values end def test_order_with_reorder_nil_removes_the_order relation = Post.order(:title).reorder(nil) assert_nil relation.order_values.first end def test_reverse_order_with_reorder_nil_removes_the_order relation = Post.order(:title).reverse_order.reorder(nil) assert_nil relation.order_values.first end def test_presence topics = Topic.all # the first query is triggered because there are no topics yet. assert_queries(1) { assert topics.present? } # checking if there are topics is used before you actually display them, # thus it shouldn't invoke an extra count query. assert_no_queries { assert topics.present? } assert_no_queries { assert !topics.blank? } # shows count of topics and loops after loading the query should not trigger extra queries either. assert_no_queries { topics.size } assert_no_queries { topics.length } assert_no_queries { topics.each } # count always trigger the COUNT query. assert_queries(1) { topics.count } assert topics.loaded? end test "find_by with hash conditions returns the first matching record" do assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by(author_id: 2) end test "find_by with non-hash conditions returns the first matching record" do assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by("author_id = 2") end test "find_by with multi-arg conditions returns the first matching record" do assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by('author_id = ?', 2) end test "find_by returns nil if the record is missing" do assert_equal nil, Post.all.find_by("1 = 0") end test "find_by doesn't have implicit ordering" do assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Post.find_by(author_id: 2) } end test "find_by! with hash conditions returns the first matching record" do assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by!(author_id: 2) end test "find_by! with non-hash conditions returns the first matching record" do assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by!("author_id = 2") end test "find_by! with multi-arg conditions returns the first matching record" do assert_equal posts(:eager_other), Post.order(:id).find_by!('author_id = ?', 2) end test "find_by! doesn't have implicit ordering" do assert_sql(/^((?!ORDER).)*$/) { Post.find_by!(author_id: 2) } end test "find_by! raises RecordNotFound if the record is missing" do assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) do Post.all.find_by!("1 = 0") end end test "loaded relations cannot be mutated by multi value methods" do relation = Post.all relation.to_a assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelation) do relation.where! 'foo' end end test "loaded relations cannot be mutated by single value methods" do relation = Post.all relation.to_a assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelation) do relation.limit! 5 end end test "loaded relations cannot be mutated by merge!" do relation = Post.all relation.to_a assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelation) do relation.merge! where: 'foo' end end test "loaded relations cannot be mutated by extending!" do relation = Post.all relation.to_a assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelation) do relation.extending! end end test "relations show the records in #inspect" do relation = Post.limit(2) assert_equal "#", relation.inspect end test "relations limit the records in #inspect at 10" do relation = Post.limit(11) assert_equal "#", relation.inspect end test "already-loaded relations don't perform a new query in #inspect" do relation = Post.limit(2) relation.to_a expected = "#" assert_no_queries do assert_equal expected, relation.inspect end end test 'using a custom table affects the wheres' do table_alias = Post.arel_table.alias('omg_posts') relation = Post, table_alias relation.where!(:foo => "bar") node = relation.arel.constraints.first.grep(Arel::Attributes::Attribute).first assert_equal table_alias, node.relation end test '#load' do relation = Post.all assert_queries(1) do assert_equal relation, relation.load end assert_no_queries { relation.to_a } end test 'group with select and includes' do authors_count ='author_id, COUNT(author_id) AS num_posts'). group('author_id').order('author_id').includes(:author).to_a assert_no_queries do result = do |post| [post.num_posts,] end expected = [[1, nil], [5, "David"], [3, "Mary"], [2, "Bob"]] assert_equal expected, result end end test "joins with select" do posts = Post.joins(:author).select("id", "authors.author_address_id").order("").limit(3) assert_equal [1, 2, 4], assert_equal [1, 1, 1], end test "delegations do not leak to other classes" do Topic.all.by_lifo assert Topic.all.class.method_defined?(:by_lifo) assert !Post.all.respond_to?(:by_lifo) end def test_unscope_removes_binds left = Post.where(id:'?')) column = Post.columns_hash['id'] left.bind_values += [[column, 20]] relation = left.unscope(where: :id) assert_equal [], relation.bind_values end def test_merging_removes_rhs_bind_parameters left = Post.where(id: 20) right = Post.where(id: [1,2,3,4]) merged = left.merge(right) assert_equal [], merged.bind_values end def test_merging_keeps_lhs_bind_parameters column = Post.columns_hash['id'] binds = [[column, 20]] right = Post.where(id: 20) left = Post.where(id: 10) merged = left.merge(right) assert_equal binds, merged.bind_values end def test_merging_reorders_bind_params post = Post.first right = Post.where(id: left = Post.where(title: post.title) merged = left.merge(right) assert_equal post, merged.first end end