require "cases/helper" require "models/pirate" require "models/bird" class NestedAttributesWithCallbacksTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase Pirate.has_many(:birds_with_add_load, class_name: "Bird", before_add: proc { |p, b| @@add_callback_called << b p.birds_with_add_load.to_a }) Pirate.has_many(:birds_with_add, class_name: "Bird", before_add: proc { |p, b| @@add_callback_called << b }) Pirate.accepts_nested_attributes_for(:birds_with_add_load, :birds_with_add, allow_destroy: true) def setup @@add_callback_called = [] @pirate = do |pirate| pirate.catchphrase = "Don't call me!" pirate.birds_attributes = [{ name: "Bird1" }, { name: "Bird2" }]! end @birds = @pirate.birds.to_a end def bird_to_update @birds[0] end def bird_to_destroy @birds[1] end def existing_birds_attributes do |bird| bird.attributes.slice("id", "name") end end def new_birds @pirate.birds_with_add.to_a - @birds end def new_bird_attributes [{ "name" => "New Bird" }] end def destroy_bird_attributes [{ "id" =>, "_destroy" => true }] end def update_new_and_destroy_bird_attributes [{ "id" => @birds[0].id.to_s, "name" => "New Name" }, { "name" => "New Bird" }, { "id" =>, "_destroy" => true }] end # Characterizing when :before_add callback is called test ":before_add called for new bird when not loaded" do assert_not @pirate.birds_with_add.loaded? @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = new_bird_attributes assert_new_bird_with_callback_called end test ":before_add called for new bird when loaded" do @pirate.birds_with_add.load_target @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = new_bird_attributes assert_new_bird_with_callback_called end def assert_new_bird_with_callback_called assert_equal(1, new_birds.size) assert_equal(new_birds, @@add_callback_called) end test ":before_add not called for identical assignment when not loaded" do assert_not @pirate.birds_with_add.loaded? @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = existing_birds_attributes assert_callbacks_not_called end test ":before_add not called for identical assignment when loaded" do @pirate.birds_with_add.load_target @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = existing_birds_attributes assert_callbacks_not_called end test ":before_add not called for destroy assignment when not loaded" do assert_not @pirate.birds_with_add.loaded? @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = destroy_bird_attributes assert_callbacks_not_called end test ":before_add not called for deletion assignment when loaded" do @pirate.birds_with_add.load_target @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = destroy_bird_attributes assert_callbacks_not_called end def assert_callbacks_not_called assert_empty new_birds assert_empty @@add_callback_called end # Ensuring that the records in the association target are updated, # whether the association is loaded before or not test "Assignment updates records in target when not loaded" do assert_not @pirate.birds_with_add.loaded? @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = update_new_and_destroy_bird_attributes assert_assignment_affects_records_in_target(:birds_with_add) end test "Assignment updates records in target when loaded" do @pirate.birds_with_add.load_target @pirate.birds_with_add_attributes = update_new_and_destroy_bird_attributes assert_assignment_affects_records_in_target(:birds_with_add) end test("Assignment updates records in target when not loaded" \ " and callback loads target") do assert_not @pirate.birds_with_add_load.loaded? @pirate.birds_with_add_load_attributes = update_new_and_destroy_bird_attributes assert_assignment_affects_records_in_target(:birds_with_add_load) end test("Assignment updates records in target when loaded" \ " and callback loads target") do @pirate.birds_with_add_load.load_target @pirate.birds_with_add_load_attributes = update_new_and_destroy_bird_attributes assert_assignment_affects_records_in_target(:birds_with_add_load) end def assert_assignment_affects_records_in_target(association_name) association = @pirate.send(association_name) assert association.detect { |b| b == bird_to_update }.name_changed?, "Update record not updated" assert association.detect { |b| b == bird_to_destroy }.marked_for_destruction?, "Destroy record not marked for destruction" end end