require "cases/helper" require 'models/company_in_module' class ModulesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :accounts, :companies, :projects, :developers def setup # need to make sure Object::Firm and Object::Client are not defined, # so that constantize will not be able to cheat when having to load namespaced classes @undefined_consts = {} [:Firm, :Client].each do |const| @undefined_consts.merge! const => Object.send(:remove_const, const) if Object.const_defined?(const) end ActiveRecord::Base.store_full_sti_class = false end def teardown # reinstate the constants that we undefined in the setup @undefined_consts.each do |constant, value| Object.send :const_set, constant, value unless value.nil? end ActiveRecord::Base.store_full_sti_class = true end def test_module_spanning_associations firm = MyApplication::Business::Firm.find(:first) assert !firm.clients.empty?, "Firm should have clients" assert_nil firm.class.table_name.match('::'), "Firm shouldn't have the module appear in its table name" end def test_module_spanning_has_and_belongs_to_many_associations project = MyApplication::Business::Project.find(:first) project.developers << MyApplication::Business::Developer.create("name" => "John") assert "John", end def test_associations_spanning_cross_modules account = MyApplication::Billing::Account.find(:first, :order => 'id') assert_kind_of MyApplication::Business::Firm, account.firm assert_kind_of MyApplication::Billing::Firm, account.qualified_billing_firm assert_kind_of MyApplication::Billing::Firm, account.unqualified_billing_firm assert_kind_of MyApplication::Billing::Nested::Firm, account.nested_qualified_billing_firm assert_kind_of MyApplication::Billing::Nested::Firm, account.nested_unqualified_billing_firm end def test_find_account_and_include_company account = MyApplication::Billing::Account.find(1, :include => :firm) assert_kind_of MyApplication::Business::Firm, account.instance_variable_get('@firm') assert_kind_of MyApplication::Business::Firm, account.firm end def test_table_name assert_equal 'accounts', MyApplication::Billing::Account.table_name, 'table_name for ActiveRecord model in module' assert_equal 'companies', MyApplication::Business::Client.table_name, 'table_name for ActiveRecord model subclass' assert_equal 'company_contacts', MyApplication::Business::Client::Contact.table_name, 'table_name for ActiveRecord model enclosed by another ActiveRecord model' end def test_assign_ids firm = MyApplication::Business::Firm.first assert_nothing_raised NameError, "Should be able to resolve all class constants via reflection" do firm.client_ids = [] end end # need to add an eager loading condition to force the eager loading model into # the old join model, to test that. See def test_eager_loading_in_modules clients = [] assert_nothing_raised NameError, "Should be able to resolve all class constants via reflection" do clients << MyApplication::Business::Client.find(3, :include => {:firm => :account}, :conditions => ' IS NOT NULL') clients << MyApplication::Business::Client.find(3, :include => {:firm => :account}) end clients.each do |client| assert_no_queries do assert_not_nil(client.firm.account) end end end end