require "cases/migration/helper" module ActiveRecord class Migration class ColumnAttributesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase include ActiveRecord::Migration::TestHelper self.use_transactional_fixtures = false def test_add_column_newline_default string = "foo\nbar" add_column 'test_models', 'command', :string, :default => string TestModel.reset_column_information assert_equal string, end def test_add_remove_single_field_using_string_arguments assert_no_column TestModel, :last_name add_column 'test_models', 'last_name', :string assert_column TestModel, :last_name remove_column 'test_models', 'last_name' assert_no_column TestModel, :last_name end def test_add_remove_single_field_using_symbol_arguments assert_no_column TestModel, :last_name add_column :test_models, :last_name, :string assert_column TestModel, :last_name remove_column :test_models, :last_name assert_no_column TestModel, :last_name end def test_add_column_without_limit # TODO: limit: nil should work with all adapters. skip "MySQL wrongly enforces a limit of 255" if current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter, :Mysql2Adapter) add_column :test_models, :description, :string, limit: nil TestModel.reset_column_information assert_nil TestModel.columns_hash["description"].limit end if current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter, :Mysql2Adapter) def test_unabstracted_database_dependent_types add_column :test_models, :intelligence_quotient, :tinyint TestModel.reset_column_information assert_match(/tinyint/, TestModel.columns_hash['intelligence_quotient'].sql_type) end end # We specifically do a manual INSERT here, and then test only the SELECT # functionality. This allows us to more easily catch INSERT being broken, # but SELECT actually working fine. def test_native_decimal_insert_manual_vs_automatic correct_value = '0012345678901234567890.0123456789'.to_d connection.add_column "test_models", "wealth", :decimal, :precision => '30', :scale => '10' # Do a manual insertion if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) connection.execute "insert into test_models (id, wealth) values (people_seq.nextval, 12345678901234567890.0123456789)" elsif current_adapter?(:OpenBaseAdapter) || (current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter) && Mysql.client_version < 50003) #before mysql 5.0.3 decimals stored as strings connection.execute "insert into test_models (wealth) values ('12345678901234567890.0123456789')" elsif current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter) connection.execute "insert into test_models (wealth) values (12345678901234567890.0123456789)" else connection.execute "insert into test_models (wealth) values (12345678901234567890.0123456789)" end # SELECT row = TestModel.first assert_kind_of BigDecimal, row.wealth # If this assert fails, that means the SELECT is broken! unless current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter) assert_equal correct_value, row.wealth end # Reset to old state TestModel.delete_all # Now use the Rails insertion TestModel.create :wealth =>"12345678901234567890.0123456789") # SELECT row = TestModel.first assert_kind_of BigDecimal, row.wealth # If these asserts fail, that means the INSERT (create function, or cast to SQL) is broken! unless current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter) assert_equal correct_value, row.wealth end end def test_add_column_with_precision_and_scale connection.add_column 'test_models', 'wealth', :decimal, :precision => 9, :scale => 7 wealth_column = TestModel.columns_hash['wealth'] assert_equal 9, wealth_column.precision assert_equal 7, wealth_column.scale end if current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter) def test_change_column_preserve_other_column_precision_and_scale connection.add_column 'test_models', 'last_name', :string connection.add_column 'test_models', 'wealth', :decimal, :precision => 9, :scale => 7 wealth_column = TestModel.columns_hash['wealth'] assert_equal 9, wealth_column.precision assert_equal 7, wealth_column.scale connection.change_column 'test_models', 'last_name', :string, :null => false TestModel.reset_column_information wealth_column = TestModel.columns_hash['wealth'] assert_equal 9, wealth_column.precision assert_equal 7, wealth_column.scale end end def test_native_types add_column "test_models", "first_name", :string add_column "test_models", "last_name", :string add_column "test_models", "bio", :text add_column "test_models", "age", :integer add_column "test_models", "height", :float add_column "test_models", "wealth", :decimal, :precision => '30', :scale => '10' add_column "test_models", "birthday", :datetime add_column "test_models", "favorite_day", :date add_column "test_models", "moment_of_truth", :datetime add_column "test_models", "male", :boolean TestModel.create :first_name => 'bob', :last_name => 'bobsen', :bio => "I was born ....", :age => 18, :height => 1.78, :wealth =>"12345678901234567890.0123456789"), :birthday => 18.years.ago, :favorite_day => 10.days.ago, :moment_of_truth => "1782-10-10 21:40:18", :male => true bob = TestModel.first assert_equal 'bob', bob.first_name assert_equal 'bobsen', bob.last_name assert_equal "I was born ....", assert_equal 18, bob.age # Test for 30 significant digits (beyond the 16 of float), 10 of them # after the decimal place. unless current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter) assert_equal"0012345678901234567890.0123456789"), bob.wealth end assert_equal true, bob.male? assert_equal String, bob.first_name.class assert_equal String, bob.last_name.class assert_equal String, assert_equal Fixnum, bob.age.class assert_equal Time, bob.birthday.class if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter, :SybaseAdapter) # Sybase, and Oracle don't differentiate between date/time assert_equal Time, bob.favorite_day.class else assert_equal Date, bob.favorite_day.class end assert_instance_of TrueClass, bob.male? assert_kind_of BigDecimal, bob.wealth end if current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter, :Mysql2Adapter, :PostgreSQLAdapter) def test_out_of_range_limit_should_raise assert_raise(ActiveRecordError) { add_column :test_models, :integer_too_big, :integer, :limit => 10 } unless current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter) assert_raise(ActiveRecordError) { add_column :test_models, :text_too_big, :integer, :limit => 0xfffffffff } end end end end end end