require "cases/helper" require 'models/contact' require 'models/post' require 'models/author' require 'models/tagging' require 'models/tag' require 'models/comment' class JsonSerializationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase class NamespacedContact < Contact column :name, :string end def setup @contact = :name => 'Konata Izumi', :age => 16, :avatar => 'binarydata', :created_at => Time.utc(2006, 8, 1), :awesome => true, :preferences => { :shows => 'anime' } ) end def test_should_demodulize_root_in_json @contact = :name => 'whatever' json = @contact.to_json assert_match %r{^\{"namespaced_contact":\{}, json end def test_should_include_root_in_json json = @contact.to_json assert_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json assert_match %r{"age":16}, json assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))})) assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json end def test_should_encode_all_encodable_attributes json = @contact.to_json assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json assert_match %r{"age":16}, json assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))})) assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json end def test_should_allow_attribute_filtering_with_only json = @contact.to_json(:only => [:name, :age]) assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json assert_match %r{"age":16}, json assert_no_match %r{"awesome":true}, json assert !json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))})) assert_no_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json end def test_should_allow_attribute_filtering_with_except json = @contact.to_json(:except => [:name, :age]) assert_no_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json assert_no_match %r{"age":16}, json assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))})) assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json end def test_methods_are_called_on_object # Define methods on fixture. def @contact.label; "Has cheezburger"; end def @contact.favorite_quote; "Constraints are liberating"; end # Single method. assert_match %r{"label":"Has cheezburger"}, @contact.to_json(:only => :name, :methods => :label) # Both methods. methods_json = @contact.to_json(:only => :name, :methods => [:label, :favorite_quote]) assert_match %r{"label":"Has cheezburger"}, methods_json assert_match %r{"favorite_quote":"Constraints are liberating"}, methods_json end def test_serializable_hash_should_not_modify_options_in_argument options = { :only => :name } @contact.serializable_hash(options) assert_nil options[:except] end end class DatabaseConnectedJsonEncodingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :authors, :posts, :comments, :tags, :taggings def setup @david = authors(:david) @mary = authors(:mary) end def test_includes_uses_association_name json = @david.to_json(:include => :posts) assert_match %r{"posts":\[}, json assert_match %r{"id":1}, json assert_match %r{"name":"David"}, json assert_match %r{"author_id":1}, json assert_match %r{"title":"Welcome to the weblog"}, json assert_match %r{"body":"Such a lovely day"}, json assert_match %r{"title":"So I was thinking"}, json assert_match %r{"body":"Like I hopefully always am"}, json end def test_includes_uses_association_name_and_applies_attribute_filters json = @david.to_json(:include => { :posts => { :only => :title } }) assert_match %r{"name":"David"}, json assert_match %r{"posts":\[}, json assert_match %r{"title":"Welcome to the weblog"}, json assert_no_match %r{"body":"Such a lovely day"}, json assert_match %r{"title":"So I was thinking"}, json assert_no_match %r{"body":"Like I hopefully always am"}, json end def test_includes_fetches_second_level_associations json = @david.to_json(:include => { :posts => { :include => { :comments => { :only => :body } } } }) assert_match %r{"name":"David"}, json assert_match %r{"posts":\[}, json assert_match %r{"comments":\[}, json assert_match %r{\{"body":"Thank you again for the welcome"\}}, json assert_match %r{\{"body":"Don't think too hard"\}}, json assert_no_match %r{"post_id":}, json end def test_includes_fetches_nth_level_associations json = @david.to_json( :include => { :posts => { :include => { :taggings => { :include => { :tag => { :only => :name } } } } } }) assert_match %r{"name":"David"}, json assert_match %r{"posts":\[}, json assert_match %r{"taggings":\[}, json assert_match %r{"tag":\{"name":"General"\}}, json end def test_should_not_call_methods_on_associations_that_dont_respond def @david.favorite_quote; "Constraints are liberating"; end json = @david.to_json(:include => :posts, :methods => :favorite_quote) assert !@david.posts.first.respond_to?(:favorite_quote) assert_match %r{"favorite_quote":"Constraints are liberating"}, json assert_equal %r{"favorite_quote":}.match(json).size, 1 end def test_should_allow_only_option_for_list_of_authors ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false authors = [@david, @mary] assert_equal %([{"name":"David"},{"name":"Mary"}]), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(authors, :only => :name) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = true end def test_should_allow_except_option_for_list_of_authors ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false authors = [@david, @mary] assert_equal %([{"id":1},{"id":2}]), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(authors, :except => [:name, :author_address_id, :author_address_extra_id]) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = true end def test_should_allow_includes_for_list_of_authors authors = [@david, @mary] json = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(authors, :only => :name, :include => { :posts => { :only => :id } } ) ['"name":"David"', '"posts":[', '{"id":1}', '{"id":2}', '{"id":4}', '{"id":5}', '{"id":6}', '"name":"Mary"', '"posts":[', '{"id":7}', '{"id":9}'].each do |fragment| assert json.include?(fragment), json end end def test_should_allow_options_for_hash_of_authors authors_hash = { 1 => @david, 2 => @mary } assert_equal %({"1":{"author":{"name":"David"}}}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(authors_hash, :only => [1, :name]) end def test_should_be_able_to_encode_relation authors_relation = Author.where(:id => [,]) json = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode authors_relation, :only => :name assert_equal '[{"author":{"name":"David"}},{"author":{"name":"Mary"}}]', json end end