$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib') require 'config' require 'active_record' require 'active_record/fixtures' require 'active_record/test_case' require 'connection' # Show backtraces for deprecated behavior for quicker cleanup. ActiveSupport::Deprecation.debug = true # Quote "type" if it's a reserved word for the current connection. QUOTED_TYPE = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name('type') def current_adapter?(*types) types.any? do |type| ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters.const_defined?(type) && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.is_a?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters.const_get(type)) end end def uses_mocha(description) require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' yield rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Skipping #{description} tests. `gem install mocha` and try again." end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval do IGNORED_SQL = [/^PRAGMA/, /^SELECT currval/, /^SELECT CAST/, /^SELECT @@IDENTITY/, /^SELECT @@ROWCOUNT/] def execute_with_counting(sql, name = nil, &block) $query_count ||= 0 $query_count += 1 unless IGNORED_SQL.any? { |r| sql =~ r } execute_without_counting(sql, name, &block) end alias_method_chain :execute, :counting end # Make with_scope public for tests class << ActiveRecord::Base public :with_scope, :with_exclusive_scope end