# frozen_string_literal: true require "cases/helper" require "models/lesson" require "models/student" class HabtmDestroyOrderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase test "may not delete a lesson with students" do sicp = Lesson.new(name: "SICP") ben = Student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle") sicp.students << ben sicp.save! assert_raises LessonError do assert_no_difference("Lesson.count") do sicp.destroy end end assert !sicp.destroyed? end test "should not raise error if have foreign key in the join table" do student = Student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle") lesson = Lesson.new(name: "SICP") lesson.students << student lesson.save! assert_nothing_raised do student.destroy end end test "not destroying a student with lessons leaves student<=>lesson association intact" do # test a normal before_destroy doesn't destroy the habtm joins begin sicp = Lesson.new(name: "SICP") ben = Student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle") # add a before destroy to student Student.class_eval do before_destroy do raise ActiveRecord::Rollback unless lessons.empty? end end ben.lessons << sicp ben.save! ben.destroy assert !ben.reload.lessons.empty? ensure # get rid of it so Student is still like it was Student.reset_callbacks(:destroy) end end test "not destroying a lesson with students leaves student<=>lesson association intact" do # test a more aggressive before_destroy doesn't destroy the habtm joins and still throws the exception sicp = Lesson.new(name: "SICP") ben = Student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle") sicp.students << ben sicp.save! assert_raises LessonError do sicp.destroy end assert !sicp.reload.students.empty? end end