require 'cases/helper' require 'models/topic' require 'models/car' require 'models/wheel' require 'models/engine' require 'models/reply' require 'models/category' require 'models/categorization' require 'models/dog' require 'models/dog_lover' require 'models/person' require 'models/friendship' require 'models/subscriber' require 'models/subscription' require 'models/book' class CounterCacheTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :topics, :categories, :categorizations, :cars, :dogs, :dog_lovers, :people, :friendships, :subscribers, :subscriptions, :books class ::SpecialTopic < ::Topic has_many :special_replies, :foreign_key => 'parent_id' end class ::SpecialReply < ::Reply belongs_to :special_topic, :foreign_key => 'parent_id', :counter_cache => 'replies_count' end setup do @topic = Topic.find(1) end test "increment counter" do assert_difference '@topic.reload.replies_count' do Topic.increment_counter(:replies_count, end end test "decrement counter" do assert_difference '@topic.reload.replies_count', -1 do Topic.decrement_counter(:replies_count, end end test "reset counters" do # throw the count off by 1 Topic.increment_counter(:replies_count, # check that it gets reset assert_difference '@topic.reload.replies_count', -1 do Topic.reset_counters(, :replies) end end test "reset counters with string argument" do Topic.increment_counter('replies_count', assert_difference '@topic.reload.replies_count', -1 do Topic.reset_counters(, 'replies') end end test "reset counters with modularized and camelized classnames" do special = SpecialTopic.create!(:title => 'Special') SpecialTopic.increment_counter(:replies_count, assert_difference 'special.reload.replies_count', -1 do SpecialTopic.reset_counters(, :special_replies) end end test "reset counter with belongs_to which has class_name" do car = cars(:honda) assert_nothing_raised do Car.reset_counters(, :engines) end assert_nothing_raised do Car.reset_counters(, :wheels) end end test "reset the right counter if two have the same class_name" do david = dog_lovers(:david) DogLover.increment_counter(:bred_dogs_count, DogLover.increment_counter(:trained_dogs_count, assert_difference 'david.reload.bred_dogs_count', -1 do DogLover.reset_counters(, :bred_dogs) end assert_difference 'david.reload.trained_dogs_count', -1 do DogLover.reset_counters(, :trained_dogs) end end test "update counter with initial null value" do category = categories(:general) assert_equal 2, category.categorizations.count assert_nil category.categorizations_count Category.update_counters(, :categorizations_count => category.categorizations.count) assert_equal 2, category.reload.categorizations_count end test "update counter for decrement" do assert_difference '@topic.reload.replies_count', -3 do Topic.update_counters(, :replies_count => -3) end end test "update counters of multiple records" do t1, t2 = topics(:first, :second) assert_difference ['t1.reload.replies_count', 't2.reload.replies_count'], 2 do Topic.update_counters([,], :replies_count => 2) end end test "reset the right counter if two have the same foreign key" do michael = people(:michael) assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do Person.reset_counters(, :followers) end end test "reset counter of has_many :through association" do subscriber = subscribers('second') Subscriber.reset_counters(, 'books') Subscriber.increment_counter('books_count', assert_difference 'subscriber.reload.books_count', -1 do Subscriber.reset_counters(, 'books') end end end