require 'abstract_unit' class CallbackDeveloper < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'developers' class << self def callback_string(callback_method) "history << [#{callback_method.to_sym.inspect}, :string]" end def callback_proc(callback_method) { |model| model.history << [callback_method, :proc] } end def define_callback_method(callback_method) define_method("#{callback_method}_method") do |model| model.history << [callback_method, :method] end end def callback_object(callback_method) klass = klass.send(:define_method, callback_method) do |model| model.history << [callback_method, :object] end end end ActiveRecord::Callbacks::CALLBACKS.each do |callback_method| callback_method_sym = callback_method.to_sym define_callback_method(callback_method_sym) send(callback_method, callback_method_sym) send(callback_method, callback_string(callback_method_sym)) send(callback_method, callback_proc(callback_method_sym)) send(callback_method, callback_object(callback_method_sym)) send(callback_method) { |model| model.history << [callback_method_sym, :block] } end def history @history ||= [] end # after_initialize and after_find are invoked only if instance methods have been defined. def after_initialize end def after_find end end class ParentDeveloper < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'developers' attr_accessor :after_save_called before_validation {|record| record.after_save_called = true} end class ChildDeveloper < ParentDeveloper end class RecursiveCallbackDeveloper < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'developers' before_save :on_before_save after_save :on_after_save attr_reader :on_before_save_called, :on_after_save_called def on_before_save @on_before_save_called ||= 0 @on_before_save_called += 1 save unless @on_before_save_called > 1 end def on_after_save @on_after_save_called ||= 0 @on_after_save_called += 1 save unless @on_after_save_called > 1 end end class ImmutableDeveloper < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'developers' validates_inclusion_of :salary, :in => 50000..200000 before_save :cancel before_destroy :cancel def cancelled? @cancelled == true end private def cancel @cancelled = true false end end class ImmutableMethodDeveloper < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'developers' validates_inclusion_of :salary, :in => 50000..200000 def cancelled? @cancelled == true end def before_save @cancelled = true false end def before_destroy @cancelled = true false end end class CallbackCancellationDeveloper < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'developers' def before_create false end end class CallbacksTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :developers def test_initialize david = assert_equal [ [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], ], david.history end def test_find david = CallbackDeveloper.find(1) assert_equal [ [ :after_find, :string ], [ :after_find, :proc ], [ :after_find, :object ], [ :after_find, :block ], [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], ], david.history end def test_new_valid? david = david.valid? assert_equal [ [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], [ :before_validation, :string ], [ :before_validation, :proc ], [ :before_validation, :object ], [ :before_validation, :block ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :string ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :proc ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :object ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :block ], [ :after_validation, :string ], [ :after_validation, :proc ], [ :after_validation, :object ], [ :after_validation, :block ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :string ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :proc ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :object ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :block ] ], david.history end def test_existing_valid? david = CallbackDeveloper.find(1) david.valid? assert_equal [ [ :after_find, :string ], [ :after_find, :proc ], [ :after_find, :object ], [ :after_find, :block ], [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], [ :before_validation, :string ], [ :before_validation, :proc ], [ :before_validation, :object ], [ :before_validation, :block ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :string ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :proc ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :object ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :block ], [ :after_validation, :string ], [ :after_validation, :proc ], [ :after_validation, :object ], [ :after_validation, :block ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :string ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :proc ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :object ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :block ] ], david.history end def test_create david = CallbackDeveloper.create('name' => 'David', 'salary' => 1000000) assert_equal [ [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], [ :before_validation, :string ], [ :before_validation, :proc ], [ :before_validation, :object ], [ :before_validation, :block ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :string ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :proc ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :object ], [ :before_validation_on_create, :block ], [ :after_validation, :string ], [ :after_validation, :proc ], [ :after_validation, :object ], [ :after_validation, :block ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :string ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :proc ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :object ], [ :after_validation_on_create, :block ], [ :before_save, :string ], [ :before_save, :proc ], [ :before_save, :object ], [ :before_save, :block ], [ :before_create, :string ], [ :before_create, :proc ], [ :before_create, :object ], [ :before_create, :block ], [ :after_create, :string ], [ :after_create, :proc ], [ :after_create, :object ], [ :after_create, :block ], [ :after_save, :string ], [ :after_save, :proc ], [ :after_save, :object ], [ :after_save, :block ] ], david.history end def test_save david = CallbackDeveloper.find(1) assert_equal [ [ :after_find, :string ], [ :after_find, :proc ], [ :after_find, :object ], [ :after_find, :block ], [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], [ :before_validation, :string ], [ :before_validation, :proc ], [ :before_validation, :object ], [ :before_validation, :block ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :string ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :proc ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :object ], [ :before_validation_on_update, :block ], [ :after_validation, :string ], [ :after_validation, :proc ], [ :after_validation, :object ], [ :after_validation, :block ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :string ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :proc ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :object ], [ :after_validation_on_update, :block ], [ :before_save, :string ], [ :before_save, :proc ], [ :before_save, :object ], [ :before_save, :block ], [ :before_update, :string ], [ :before_update, :proc ], [ :before_update, :object ], [ :before_update, :block ], [ :after_update, :string ], [ :after_update, :proc ], [ :after_update, :object ], [ :after_update, :block ], [ :after_save, :string ], [ :after_save, :proc ], [ :after_save, :object ], [ :after_save, :block ] ], david.history end def test_destroy david = CallbackDeveloper.find(1) david.destroy assert_equal [ [ :after_find, :string ], [ :after_find, :proc ], [ :after_find, :object ], [ :after_find, :block ], [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], [ :before_destroy, :string ], [ :before_destroy, :proc ], [ :before_destroy, :object ], [ :before_destroy, :block ], [ :after_destroy, :string ], [ :after_destroy, :proc ], [ :after_destroy, :object ], [ :after_destroy, :block ] ], david.history end def test_delete david = CallbackDeveloper.find(1) CallbackDeveloper.delete( assert_equal [ [ :after_find, :string ], [ :after_find, :proc ], [ :after_find, :object ], [ :after_find, :block ], [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], ], david.history end def test_before_save_returning_false david = ImmutableDeveloper.find(1) assert david.valid? assert ! assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) {! } david = ImmutableDeveloper.find(1) david.salary = 10_000_000 assert !david.valid? assert ! assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) {! } end def test_before_create_returning_false someone = assert someone.valid? assert ! end def test_before_destroy_returning_false david = ImmutableDeveloper.find(1) assert !david.destroy assert_not_nil ImmutableDeveloper.find_by_id(1) end def test_zzz_callback_returning_false # must be run last since we modify CallbackDeveloper david = CallbackDeveloper.find(1) CallbackDeveloper.before_validation proc { |model| model.history << [:before_validation, :returning_false]; return false } CallbackDeveloper.before_validation proc { |model| model.history << [:before_validation, :should_never_get_here] } assert_equal [ [ :after_find, :string ], [ :after_find, :proc ], [ :after_find, :object ], [ :after_find, :block ], [ :after_initialize, :string ], [ :after_initialize, :proc ], [ :after_initialize, :object ], [ :after_initialize, :block ], [ :before_validation, :string ], [ :before_validation, :proc ], [ :before_validation, :object ], [ :before_validation, :block ], [ :before_validation, :returning_false ] ], david.history end def test_inheritence_of_callbacks parent = assert !parent.after_save_called assert parent.after_save_called child = assert !child.after_save_called assert child.after_save_called end end