require "cases/helper" require "models/post" require "models/author" require "models/topic" require "models/reply" require "models/category" require "models/company" require "models/customer" require "models/developer" require "models/computer" require "models/project" require "models/default" require "models/auto_id" require "models/boolean" require "models/column_name" require "models/subscriber" require "models/comment" require "models/minimalistic" require "models/warehouse_thing" require "models/parrot" require "models/person" require "models/edge" require "models/joke" require "models/bird" require "models/car" require "models/bulb" require "concurrent/atomic/count_down_latch" class FirstAbstractClass < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true end class SecondAbstractClass < FirstAbstractClass self.abstract_class = true end class Photo < SecondAbstractClass; end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Categorization < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Smarts < ActiveRecord::Base; end class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base class PinNumber < ActiveRecord::Base class CvvCode < ActiveRecord::Base; end class SubCvvCode < CvvCode; end end class SubPinNumber < PinNumber; end class Brand < Category; end end class MasterCreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Computer < ActiveRecord::Base; end class NonExistentTable < ActiveRecord::Base; end class TestOracleDefault < ActiveRecord::Base; end class ReadonlyTitlePost < Post attr_readonly :title end class Weird < ActiveRecord::Base; end class Boolean < ActiveRecord::Base def has_fun super end end class LintTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests class LintModel < ActiveRecord::Base; end def setup @model = end end class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :topics, :companies, :developers, :projects, :computers, :accounts, :minimalistics, "warehouse-things", :authors, :categorizations, :categories, :posts def test_column_names_are_escaped conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection classname =[/[^:]*$/] badchar = { "SQLite3Adapter" => '"', "Mysql2Adapter" => "`", "PostgreSQLAdapter" => '"', "OracleAdapter" => '"', "FbAdapter" => '"' }.fetch(classname) { raise "need a bad char for #{classname}" } quoted = conn.quote_column_name "foo#{badchar}bar" if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) # Oracle does not allow double quotes in table and column names at all # therefore quoting removes them assert_equal("#{badchar}foobar#{badchar}", quoted) else assert_equal("#{badchar}foo#{badchar * 2}bar#{badchar}", quoted) end end def test_columns_should_obey_set_primary_key pk = Subscriber.columns_hash[Subscriber.primary_key] assert_equal "nick",, "nick should be primary key" end def test_primary_key_with_no_id assert_nil Edge.primary_key end def test_many_mutations car = name: "<3<3<3" car.engines_count = 0 20_000.times { car.engines_count += 1 } assert end def test_limit_without_comma assert_equal 1, Topic.limit("1").to_a.length assert_equal 1, Topic.limit(1).to_a.length end def test_limit_should_take_value_from_latest_limit assert_equal 1, Topic.limit(2).limit(1).to_a.length end def test_invalid_limit assert_raises(ArgumentError) do Topic.limit("asdfadf").to_a end end def test_limit_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_without_commas assert_raises(ArgumentError) do Topic.limit("1 select * from schema").to_a end end def test_limit_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_with_commas assert_raises(ArgumentError) do Topic.limit("1, 7 procedure help()").to_a end end def test_select_symbol topic_ids = assert_equal Topic.pluck(:id).sort, topic_ids end def test_table_exists assert !NonExistentTable.table_exists? assert Topic.table_exists? end def test_preserving_date_objects # Oracle enhanced adapter allows to define Date attributes in model class (see topic.rb) assert_kind_of( Date, Topic.find(1).last_read, "The last_read attribute should be of the Date class" ) end def test_previously_changed topic = Topic.first topic.title = "<3<3<3" assert_equal({}, topic.previous_changes)! expected = ["The First Topic", "<3<3<3"] assert_equal(expected, topic.previous_changes["title"]) end def test_previously_changed_dup topic = Topic.first topic.title = "<3<3<3"! t2 = topic.dup assert_equal(topic.previous_changes, t2.previous_changes) topic.title = "lolwut"! assert_not_equal(topic.previous_changes, t2.previous_changes) end def test_preserving_time_objects assert_kind_of( Time, Topic.find(1).bonus_time, "The bonus_time attribute should be of the Time class" ) assert_kind_of( Time, Topic.find(1).written_on, "The written_on attribute should be of the Time class" ) # For adapters which support microsecond resolution. if subsecond_precision_supported? assert_equal 11, Topic.find(1).written_on.sec assert_equal 223300, Topic.find(1).written_on.usec assert_equal 9900, Topic.find(2).written_on.usec assert_equal 129346, Topic.find(3).written_on.usec end end def test_preserving_time_objects_with_local_time_conversion_to_default_timezone_utc with_env_tz eastern_time_zone do with_timezone_config default: :utc do time = Time.local(2000) topic = Topic.create("written_on" => time) saved_time = Topic.find( assert_equal time, saved_time assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "EST"], time.to_a assert_equal [0, 0, 5, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "UTC"], saved_time.to_a end end end def test_preserving_time_objects_with_time_with_zone_conversion_to_default_timezone_utc with_env_tz eastern_time_zone do with_timezone_config default: :utc do Time.use_zone "Central Time (US & Canada)" do time = topic = Topic.create("written_on" => time) saved_time = Topic.find( assert_equal time, saved_time assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "CST"], time.to_a assert_equal [0, 0, 6, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "UTC"], saved_time.to_a end end end end def test_preserving_time_objects_with_utc_time_conversion_to_default_timezone_local with_env_tz eastern_time_zone do with_timezone_config default: :local do time = Time.utc(2000) topic = Topic.create("written_on" => time) saved_time = Topic.find( assert_equal time, saved_time assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "UTC"], time.to_a assert_equal [0, 0, 19, 31, 12, 1999, 5, 365, false, "EST"], saved_time.to_a end end end def test_preserving_time_objects_with_time_with_zone_conversion_to_default_timezone_local with_env_tz eastern_time_zone do with_timezone_config default: :local do Time.use_zone "Central Time (US & Canada)" do time = topic = Topic.create("written_on" => time) saved_time = Topic.find( assert_equal time, saved_time assert_equal [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "CST"], time.to_a assert_equal [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2000, 6, 1, false, "EST"], saved_time.to_a end end end end def eastern_time_zone if Gem.win_platform? "EST5EDT" else "America/New_York" end end def test_custom_mutator topic = Topic.find(1) # This mutator is protected in the class definition topic.send(:approved=, true) assert topic.instance_variable_get("@custom_approved") end def test_initialize_with_attributes topic = "title" => "initialized from attributes", "written_on" => "2003-12-12 23:23") assert_equal("initialized from attributes", topic.title) end def test_initialize_with_invalid_attribute"title" => "test", "last_read(1i)" => "2005", "last_read(2i)" => "2", "last_read(3i)" => "31") rescue ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors => ex assert_equal(1, ex.errors.size) assert_equal("last_read", ex.errors[0].attribute) end def test_create_after_initialize_without_block cb = CustomBulb.create(name: "Dude") assert_equal("Dude", assert_equal(true, cb.frickinawesome) end def test_create_after_initialize_with_block cb = CustomBulb.create { |c| = "Dude" } assert_equal("Dude", assert_equal(true, cb.frickinawesome) end def test_create_after_initialize_with_array_param cbs = CustomBulb.create([{ name: "Dude" }, { name: "Bob" }]) assert_equal "Dude", cbs[0].name assert_equal "Bob", cbs[1].name assert cbs[0].frickinawesome assert !cbs[1].frickinawesome end def test_load topics = Topic.all.merge!(order: "id").to_a assert_equal(5, topics.size) assert_equal(topics(:first).title, topics.first.title) end def test_load_with_condition topics = Topic.all.merge!(where: "author_name = 'Mary'").to_a assert_equal(1, topics.size) assert_equal(topics(:second).title, topics.first.title) end GUESSED_CLASSES = [Category, Smarts, CreditCard, CreditCard::PinNumber, CreditCard::PinNumber::CvvCode, CreditCard::SubPinNumber, CreditCard::Brand, MasterCreditCard] def test_table_name_guesses assert_equal "topics", Topic.table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name assert_equal "smarts", Smarts.table_name assert_equal "credit_cards", CreditCard.table_name assert_equal "credit_card_pin_numbers", CreditCard::PinNumber.table_name assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number_cvv_codes", CreditCard::PinNumber::CvvCode.table_name assert_equal "credit_card_pin_numbers", CreditCard::SubPinNumber.table_name assert_equal "categories", CreditCard::Brand.table_name assert_equal "master_credit_cards", MasterCreditCard.table_name ensure GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) end def test_singular_table_name_guesses ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) assert_equal "category", Category.table_name assert_equal "smarts", Smarts.table_name assert_equal "credit_card", CreditCard.table_name assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number", CreditCard::PinNumber.table_name assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number_cvv_code", CreditCard::PinNumber::CvvCode.table_name assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number", CreditCard::SubPinNumber.table_name assert_equal "category", CreditCard::Brand.table_name assert_equal "master_credit_card", MasterCreditCard.table_name ensure ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) end def test_table_name_guesses_with_prefixes_and_suffixes ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "test_" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "test_categories", Category.table_name ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_test" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "test_categories_test", Category.table_name ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "categories_test", Category.table_name ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name ensure ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "" ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "" GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) end def test_singular_table_name_guesses_with_prefixes_and_suffixes ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "test_" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "test_category", Category.table_name ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_test" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "test_category_test", Category.table_name ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "category_test", Category.table_name ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "" Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "category", Category.table_name ensure ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "" ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "" GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) end def test_table_name_guesses_with_inherited_prefixes_and_suffixes GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) CreditCard.table_name_prefix = "test_" CreditCard.reset_table_name Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "test_credit_cards", CreditCard.table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name CreditCard.table_name_suffix = "_test" CreditCard.reset_table_name Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "test_credit_cards_test", CreditCard.table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name CreditCard.table_name_prefix = "" CreditCard.reset_table_name Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "credit_cards_test", CreditCard.table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name CreditCard.table_name_suffix = "" CreditCard.reset_table_name Category.reset_table_name assert_equal "credit_cards", CreditCard.table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name ensure CreditCard.table_name_prefix = "" CreditCard.table_name_suffix = "" GUESSED_CLASSES.each(&:reset_table_name) end def test_singular_table_name_guesses_for_individual_table Post.pluralize_table_names = false Post.reset_table_name assert_equal "post", Post.table_name assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name ensure Post.pluralize_table_names = true Post.reset_table_name end if current_adapter?(:Mysql2Adapter) def test_update_all_with_order_and_limit assert_equal 1, Topic.limit(1).order("id DESC").update_all(content: "bulk updated!") end end def test_null_fields assert_nil Topic.find(1).parent_id assert_nil Topic.create("title" => "Hey you").parent_id end def test_default_values topic = assert topic.approved? assert_nil topic.written_on assert_nil topic.bonus_time assert_nil topic.last_read topic = Topic.find( assert topic.approved? assert_nil topic.last_read # Oracle has some funky default handling, so it requires a bit of # extra testing. See ticket #2788. if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) test = assert_equal "X", test.test_char assert_equal "hello", test.test_string assert_equal 3, test.test_int end end # Oracle does not have a TIME datatype. unless current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) def test_utc_as_time_zone with_timezone_config default: :utc do attributes = { "bonus_time" => "5:42:00AM" } topic = Topic.find(1) topic.attributes = attributes assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 5, 42, 0), topic.bonus_time end end def test_utc_as_time_zone_and_new with_timezone_config default: :utc do attributes = { "bonus_time(1i)" => "2000", "bonus_time(2i)" => "1", "bonus_time(3i)" => "1", "bonus_time(4i)" => "10", "bonus_time(5i)" => "35", "bonus_time(6i)" => "50" } topic = assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 10, 35, 50), topic.bonus_time end end end def test_default_values_on_empty_strings topic = topic.approved = nil topic.last_read = nil topic = Topic.find( assert_nil topic.last_read assert_nil topic.approved end def test_equality assert_equal Topic.find(1), Topic.find(2).topic end def test_find_by_slug assert_equal Topic.find("1-meowmeow"), Topic.find(1) end def test_find_by_slug_with_array assert_equal Topic.find([1, 2]), Topic.find(["1-meowmeow", "2-hello"]) assert_equal "The Second Topic of the day", Topic.find(["2-hello", "1-meowmeow"]).first.title end def test_find_by_slug_with_range assert_equal Topic.where(id: "1-meowmeow".."2-hello"), Topic.where(id: 1..2) end def test_equality_of_new_records assert_not_equal, assert_equal false, == end def test_equality_of_destroyed_records topic_1 = "test_1") topic_2 = Topic.find( topic_1.destroy assert_equal topic_1, topic_2 assert_equal topic_2, topic_1 end def test_equality_with_blank_ids one = "") two = "") assert_equal one, two end def test_equality_of_relation_and_collection_proxy car = Car.create! assert car.bulbs == Bulb.where(car_id:, "CollectionProxy should be comparable with Relation" assert Bulb.where(car_id: == car.bulbs, "Relation should be comparable with CollectionProxy" end def test_equality_of_relation_and_array car = Car.create! assert Bulb.where(car_id: == car.bulbs.to_a, "Relation should be comparable with Array" end def test_equality_of_relation_and_association_relation car = Car.create! assert_equal Bulb.where(car_id:, car.bulbs.includes(:car), "Relation should be comparable with AssociationRelation" assert_equal car.bulbs.includes(:car), Bulb.where(car_id:, "AssociationRelation should be comparable with Relation" end def test_equality_of_collection_proxy_and_association_relation car = Car.create! assert_equal car.bulbs, car.bulbs.includes(:car), "CollectionProxy should be comparable with AssociationRelation" assert_equal car.bulbs.includes(:car), car.bulbs, "AssociationRelation should be comparable with CollectionProxy" end def test_hashing assert_equal [ Topic.find(1) ], [ Topic.find(2).topic ] & [ Topic.find(1) ] end def test_successful_comparison_of_like_class_records topic_1 = Topic.create! topic_2 = Topic.create! assert_equal [topic_2, topic_1].sort, [topic_1, topic_2] end def test_failed_comparison_of_unlike_class_records assert_raises ArgumentError do [ topics(:first), posts(:welcome) ].sort end end def test_create_without_prepared_statement topic = Topic.connection.unprepared_statement do Topic.create(title: "foo") end assert_equal topic, Topic.find( end def test_destroy_without_prepared_statement topic = Topic.create(title: "foo") Topic.connection.unprepared_statement do Topic.find( end assert_nil Topic.find_by_id( end def test_comparison_with_different_objects topic = Topic.create category = Category.create(name: "comparison") assert_nil topic <=> category end def test_comparison_with_different_objects_in_array topic = Topic.create assert_raises(ArgumentError) do [1, topic].sort end end def test_readonly_attributes assert_equal[ "title" , "comments_count" ]), ReadonlyTitlePost.readonly_attributes post = ReadonlyTitlePost.create(title: "cannot change this", body: "changeable") post.reload assert_equal "cannot change this", post.title post.update(title: "try to change", body: "changed") post.reload assert_equal "cannot change this", post.title assert_equal "changed", post.body end def test_unicode_column_name Weird.reset_column_information weird = Weird.create(なまえ: "たこ焼き仮面") assert_equal "たこ焼き仮面", weird.なまえ end unless current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter) def test_respect_internal_encoding old_default_internal = Encoding.default_internal silence_warnings { Encoding.default_internal = "EUC-JP" } Weird.reset_column_information assert_equal ["EUC-JP"], { |c| }.uniq ensure silence_warnings { Encoding.default_internal = old_default_internal } Weird.reset_column_information end end def test_non_valid_identifier_column_name weird = Weird.create("a$b" => "value") weird.reload assert_equal "value", weird.send("a$b") assert_equal "value", weird.read_attribute("a$b") weird.update_columns("a$b" => "value2") weird.reload assert_equal "value2", weird.send("a$b") assert_equal "value2", weird.read_attribute("a$b") end def test_group_weirds_by_from Weird.create("a$b" => "value", :from => "aaron") count =[:from]).count assert_equal 1, count["aaron"] end def test_attributes_on_dummy_time # Oracle does not have a TIME datatype. return true if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) with_timezone_config default: :local do attributes = { "bonus_time" => "5:42:00AM" } topic = Topic.find(1) topic.attributes = attributes assert_equal Time.local(2000, 1, 1, 5, 42, 0), topic.bonus_time end end def test_attributes_on_dummy_time_with_invalid_time # Oracle does not have a TIME datatype. return true if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter) attributes = { "bonus_time" => "not a time" } topic = Topic.find(1) topic.attributes = attributes assert_nil topic.bonus_time end def test_boolean b_nil = Boolean.create("value" => nil) nil_id = b_false = Boolean.create("value" => false) false_id = b_true = Boolean.create("value" => true) true_id = b_nil = Boolean.find(nil_id) assert_nil b_nil.value b_false = Boolean.find(false_id) assert !b_false.value? b_true = Boolean.find(true_id) assert b_true.value? end def test_boolean_without_questionmark b_true = Boolean.create("value" => true) true_id = subclass = true_id superclass = Boolean.find true_id assert_equal superclass.read_attribute(:has_fun), subclass.read_attribute(:has_fun) end def test_boolean_cast_from_string b_blank = Boolean.create("value" => "") blank_id = b_false = Boolean.create("value" => "0") false_id = b_true = Boolean.create("value" => "1") true_id = b_blank = Boolean.find(blank_id) assert_nil b_blank.value b_false = Boolean.find(false_id) assert !b_false.value? b_true = Boolean.find(true_id) assert b_true.value? end def test_new_record_returns_boolean assert_equal false, assert_equal true, Topic.find(1).persisted? end def test_dup topic = Topic.find(1) duped_topic = nil assert_nothing_raised { duped_topic = topic.dup } assert_equal topic.title, duped_topic.title assert !duped_topic.persisted? # test if the attributes have been duped topic.title = "a" duped_topic.title = "b" assert_equal "a", topic.title assert_equal "b", duped_topic.title # test if the attribute values have been duped duped_topic = topic.dup duped_topic.title.replace "c" assert_equal "a", topic.title # test if attributes set as part of after_initialize are duped correctly assert_equal topic.author_email_address, duped_topic.author_email_address # test if saved clone object differs from original assert duped_topic.persisted? assert_not_equal, duped_topic.reload assert_equal("c", duped_topic.title) end DeveloperSalary = def test_dup_with_aggregate_of_same_name_as_attribute developer_with_aggregate = do self.table_name = "developers" composed_of :salary, class_name: "BasicsTest::DeveloperSalary", mapping: [%w(salary amount)] end dev = developer_with_aggregate.find(1) assert_kind_of DeveloperSalary, dev.salary dup = nil assert_nothing_raised { dup = dev.dup } assert_kind_of DeveloperSalary, dup.salary assert_equal dev.salary.amount, dup.salary.amount assert !dup.persisted? # test if the attributes have been duped original_amount = dup.salary.amount dev.salary.amount = 1 assert_equal original_amount, dup.salary.amount assert assert dup.persisted? assert_not_equal, end def test_dup_does_not_copy_associations author = authors(:david) assert_not_equal [], author.posts author_dup = author.dup assert_equal [], author_dup.posts end def test_clone_preserves_subtype clone = nil assert_nothing_raised { clone = Company.find(3).clone } assert_kind_of Client, clone end def test_clone_of_new_object_with_defaults developer = assert !developer.name_changed? assert !developer.salary_changed? cloned_developer = developer.clone assert !cloned_developer.name_changed? assert !cloned_developer.salary_changed? end def test_clone_of_new_object_marks_attributes_as_dirty developer = name: "Bjorn", salary: 100000 assert developer.name_changed? assert developer.salary_changed? cloned_developer = developer.clone assert cloned_developer.name_changed? assert cloned_developer.salary_changed? end def test_clone_of_new_object_marks_as_dirty_only_changed_attributes developer = name: "Bjorn" assert developer.name_changed? # obviously assert !developer.salary_changed? # attribute has non-nil default value, so treated as not changed cloned_developer = developer.clone assert cloned_developer.name_changed? assert !cloned_developer.salary_changed? # ... and cloned instance should behave same end def test_dup_of_saved_object_marks_attributes_as_dirty developer = Developer.create! name: "Bjorn", salary: 100000 assert !developer.name_changed? assert !developer.salary_changed? cloned_developer = developer.dup assert cloned_developer.name_changed? # both attributes differ from defaults assert cloned_developer.salary_changed? end def test_dup_of_saved_object_marks_as_dirty_only_changed_attributes developer = Developer.create! name: "Bjorn" assert !developer.name_changed? # both attributes of saved object should be treated as not changed assert !developer.salary_changed? cloned_developer = developer.dup assert cloned_developer.name_changed? # ... but on cloned object should be assert !cloned_developer.salary_changed? # ... BUT salary has non-nil default which should be treated as not changed on cloned instance end def test_bignum company = Company.find(1) company.rating = 2147483647 company = Company.find(1) assert_equal 2147483647, company.rating end # TODO: extend defaults tests to other databases! if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter) def test_default with_timezone_config default: :local do default = # fixed dates / times assert_equal, 1, 1), default.fixed_date assert_equal Time.local(2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), default.fixed_time # char types assert_equal "Y", default.char1 assert_equal "a varchar field", default.char2 assert_equal "a text field", default.char3 end end end class NumericData < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "numeric_data" attribute :my_house_population, :integer attribute :atoms_in_universe, :integer end def test_big_decimal_conditions m = bank_balance: 1586.43, big_bank_balance: BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), world_population: 6000000000, my_house_population: 3 ) assert assert_equal 0, NumericData.where("bank_balance > ?", 2000.0).count end def test_numeric_fields m = bank_balance: 1586.43, big_bank_balance: BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), world_population: 6000000000, my_house_population: 3 ) assert m1 = NumericData.find( assert_not_nil m1 # As with migration_test.rb, we should make world_population >= 2**62 # to cover 64-bit platforms and test it is a Bignum, but the main thing # is that it's an Integer. assert_kind_of Integer, m1.world_population assert_equal 6000000000, m1.world_population assert_kind_of Integer, m1.my_house_population assert_equal 3, m1.my_house_population assert_kind_of BigDecimal, m1.bank_balance assert_equal BigDecimal("1586.43"), m1.bank_balance assert_kind_of BigDecimal, m1.big_bank_balance assert_equal BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), m1.big_bank_balance end def test_numeric_fields_with_scale m = bank_balance: 1586.43122334, big_bank_balance: BigDecimal("234000567.952344"), world_population: 6000000000, my_house_population: 3 ) assert m1 = NumericData.find( assert_not_nil m1 # As with migration_test.rb, we should make world_population >= 2**62 # to cover 64-bit platforms and test it is a Bignum, but the main thing # is that it's an Integer. assert_kind_of Integer, m1.world_population assert_equal 6000000000, m1.world_population assert_kind_of Integer, m1.my_house_population assert_equal 3, m1.my_house_population assert_kind_of BigDecimal, m1.bank_balance assert_equal BigDecimal("1586.43"), m1.bank_balance assert_kind_of BigDecimal, m1.big_bank_balance assert_equal BigDecimal("234000567.95"), m1.big_bank_balance end def test_auto_id auto = assert( > 0) end def test_sql_injection_via_find assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do Topic.find("123456 OR id > 0") end end def test_column_name_properly_quoted col_record = col_record.references = 40 assert col_record.references = 41 assert assert_not_nil c2 = ColumnName.find( assert_equal(41, c2.references) end def test_quoting_arrays replies = Reply.all.merge!(where: [ "id IN (?)", topics(:first).replies.collect(&:id) ]).to_a assert_equal topics(:first).replies.size, replies.size replies = Reply.all.merge!(where: [ "id IN (?)", [] ]).to_a assert_equal 0, replies.size end def test_quote author_name = "\\ \001 ' \n \\n \"" topic = Topic.create("author_name" => author_name) assert_equal author_name, Topic.find( end def test_toggle_attribute assert !topics(:first).approved? topics(:first).toggle!(:approved) assert topics(:first).approved? topic = topics(:first) topic.toggle(:approved) assert !topic.approved? topic.reload assert topic.approved? end def test_reload t1 = Topic.find(1) t2 = Topic.find(1) t1.title = "something else" t2.reload assert_equal t1.title, t2.title end def test_switching_between_table_name k = assert_difference("GoodJoke.count") do k.table_name = "cold_jokes" k.create k.table_name = "funny_jokes" k.create end end def test_clear_cash_when_setting_table_name original_table_name = Joke.table_name Joke.table_name = "funny_jokes" before_columns = Joke.columns before_seq = Joke.sequence_name Joke.table_name = "cold_jokes" after_columns = Joke.columns after_seq = Joke.sequence_name assert_not_equal before_columns, after_columns assert_not_equal before_seq, after_seq unless before_seq.nil? && after_seq.nil? ensure Joke.table_name = original_table_name end def test_dont_clear_sequence_name_when_setting_explicitly k = k.sequence_name = "black_jokes_seq" k.table_name = "cold_jokes" before_seq = k.sequence_name k.table_name = "funny_jokes" after_seq = k.sequence_name assert_equal before_seq, after_seq unless before_seq.nil? && after_seq.nil? end def test_dont_clear_inheritance_column_when_setting_explicitly k = k.inheritance_column = "my_type" before_inherit = k.inheritance_column k.reset_column_information after_inherit = k.inheritance_column assert_equal before_inherit, after_inherit unless before_inherit.blank? && after_inherit.blank? end def test_set_table_name_symbol_converted_to_string k = k.table_name = :cold_jokes assert_equal "cold_jokes", k.table_name end def test_quoted_table_name_after_set_table_name klass = klass.table_name = "foo" assert_equal "foo", klass.table_name assert_equal klass.connection.quote_table_name("foo"), klass.quoted_table_name klass.table_name = "bar" assert_equal "bar", klass.table_name assert_equal klass.connection.quote_table_name("bar"), klass.quoted_table_name end def test_set_table_name_with_inheritance k = def; "Foo"; end def k.table_name; super + "ks"; end assert_equal "foosks", k.table_name end def test_sequence_name_with_abstract_class ak = ak.abstract_class = true k = k.table_name = "projects" orig_name = k.sequence_name skip "sequences not supported by db" unless orig_name assert_equal k.reset_sequence_name, orig_name end def test_count_with_join res = Post.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts LEFT JOIN comments ON WHERE posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'" res2 = Post.where("posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'").joins("LEFT JOIN comments ON").count assert_equal res, res2 res3 = nil assert_nothing_raised do res3 = Post.where("posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'").joins("LEFT JOIN comments ON").count end assert_equal res, res3 res4 = Post.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT( FROM posts p, comments co WHERE p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND" res5 = nil assert_nothing_raised do res5 = Post.where("p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND").joins("p, comments co").select("").count end assert_equal res4, res5 res6 = Post.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM posts p, comments co WHERE p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND" res7 = nil assert_nothing_raised do res7 = Post.where("p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND").joins("p, comments co").select("").distinct.count end assert_equal res6, res7 end def test_no_limit_offset assert_nothing_raised do Developer.all.merge!(offset: 2).to_a end end def test_find_last last = Developer.last assert_equal last, Developer.all.merge!(order: "id desc").first end def test_last assert_equal Developer.all.merge!(order: "id desc").first, Developer.last end def test_all developers = Developer.all assert_kind_of ActiveRecord::Relation, developers assert_equal Developer.all, developers end def test_all_with_conditions assert_equal Developer.all.merge!(order: "id desc").to_a, Developer.order("id desc").to_a end def test_find_ordered_last last = Developer.all.merge!(order: "developers.salary ASC").last assert_equal last, Developer.all.merge!(order: "developers.salary ASC").to_a.last end def test_find_reverse_ordered_last last = Developer.all.merge!(order: "developers.salary DESC").last assert_equal last, Developer.all.merge!(order: "developers.salary DESC").to_a.last end def test_find_multiple_ordered_last last = Developer.all.merge!(order: ", developers.salary DESC").last assert_equal last, Developer.all.merge!(order: ", developers.salary DESC").to_a.last end def test_find_keeps_multiple_order_values combined = Developer.all.merge!(order: ", developers.salary").to_a assert_equal combined, Developer.all.merge!(order: ["", "developers.salary"]).to_a end def test_find_keeps_multiple_group_values combined = Developer.all.merge!(group: ", developers.salary,, developers.created_at, developers.updated_at, developers.created_on, developers.updated_on").to_a assert_equal combined, Developer.all.merge!(group: ["", "developers.salary", "", "developers.created_at", "developers.updated_at", "developers.created_on", "developers.updated_on"]).to_a end def test_find_symbol_ordered_last last = Developer.all.merge!(order: :salary).last assert_equal last, Developer.all.merge!(order: :salary).to_a.last end def test_abstract_class_table_name assert_nil AbstractCompany.table_name end def test_find_on_abstract_base_class_doesnt_use_type_condition old_class = LooseDescendant Object.send :remove_const, :LooseDescendant descendant = old_class.create! first_name: "bob" assert_not_nil LoosePerson.find(, "Should have found instance of LooseDescendant when finding abstract LoosePerson: #{descendant.inspect}" ensure unless Object.const_defined?(:LooseDescendant) Object.const_set :LooseDescendant, old_class end end def test_assert_queries query = lambda { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "select count(*) from developers" } assert_queries(2) { 2.times { } } assert_queries 1, &query assert_no_queries { assert true } end def test_benchmark_with_log_level original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger log = ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::WARN ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Debug Topic Count", level: :debug) { Topic.count } ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Warn Topic Count", level: :warn) { Topic.count } ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Error Topic Count", level: :error) { Topic.count } assert_no_match(/Debug Topic Count/, log.string) assert_match(/Warn Topic Count/, log.string) assert_match(/Error Topic Count/, log.string) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_logger end def test_benchmark_with_use_silence original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger log = ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Logging", level: :debug, silence: false) { ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Quiet" } assert_match(/Quiet/, log.string) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_logger end def test_clear_cache! # preheat cache c1 = Post.connection.schema_cache.columns("posts") ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! c2 = Post.connection.schema_cache.columns("posts") c1.each_with_index do |v, i| assert_not_same v, c2[i] end assert_equal c1, c2 end def test_current_scope_is_reset Object.const_set :UnloadablePost, UnloadablePost.send(:current_scope=, UnloadablePost.all) UnloadablePost.unloadable klass = UnloadablePost assert_not_nil ActiveRecord::Scoping::ScopeRegistry.value_for(:current_scope, klass) ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_unloadable_constants! assert_nil ActiveRecord::Scoping::ScopeRegistry.value_for(:current_scope, klass) ensure Object.class_eval { remove_const :UnloadablePost } if defined?(UnloadablePost) end def test_marshal_round_trip expected = posts(:welcome) marshalled = Marshal.dump(expected) actual = Marshal.load(marshalled) assert_equal expected.attributes, actual.attributes end def test_marshal_new_record_round_trip marshalled = Marshal.dump( post = Marshal.load(marshalled) assert post.new_record?, "should be a new record" end def test_marshalling_with_associations post = marshalled = Marshal.dump(post) post = Marshal.load(marshalled) assert_equal 1, post.comments.length end if Process.respond_to?(:fork) && !in_memory_db? def test_marshal_between_processes # Define a new model to ensure there are no caches if self.class.const_defined?("Post", false) flunk "there should be no post constant" end self.class.const_set("Post", { has_many :comments }) rd, wr = IO.pipe rd.binmode wr.binmode ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_all_connections! fork do rd.close post = wr.write Marshal.dump(post) wr.close end wr.close assert Marshal.load rd.close end end def test_marshalling_new_record_round_trip_with_associations post = post = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(post)) assert post.new_record?, "should be a new record" end def test_attribute_names assert_equal ["id", "type", "firm_id", "firm_name", "name", "client_of", "rating", "account_id", "description"], Company.attribute_names end def test_has_attribute assert Company.has_attribute?("id") assert Company.has_attribute?("type") assert Company.has_attribute?("name") assert_not Company.has_attribute?("lastname") assert_not Company.has_attribute?("age") end def test_has_attribute_with_symbol assert Company.has_attribute?(:id) assert_not Company.has_attribute?(:age) end def test_attribute_names_on_table_not_exists assert_equal [], NonExistentTable.attribute_names end def test_attribute_names_on_abstract_class assert_equal [], AbstractCompany.attribute_names end def test_touch_should_raise_error_on_a_new_object company = 1, name: "37signals", firm_name: "37signals") assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError) do company.touch :updated_at end end def test_uniq_delegates_to_scoped assert_deprecated do assert_equal Bird.all.distinct, Bird.uniq end end def test_distinct_delegates_to_scoped assert_equal Bird.all.distinct, Bird.distinct end def test_table_name_with_2_abstract_subclasses assert_equal "photos", Photo.table_name end def test_column_types_typecast topic = Topic.first assert_not_equal "t.lo", topic.author_name attrs = topic.attributes.dup attrs.delete "id" typecast = { def cast(value) "t.lo" end } types = { "author_name" => } topic = Topic.instantiate(attrs, types) assert_equal "t.lo", topic.author_name end def test_typecasting_aliases assert_equal 10,"10 as tenderlove").first.tenderlove end def test_slice company = 1, name: "37signals", firm_name: "37signals") hash = company.slice(:name, :rating, "arbitrary_method") assert_equal hash[:name], assert_equal hash["name"], assert_equal hash[:rating], company.rating assert_equal hash["arbitrary_method"], company.arbitrary_method assert_equal hash[:arbitrary_method], company.arbitrary_method assert_nil hash[:firm_name] assert_nil hash["firm_name"] end def test_slice_accepts_array_argument attrs = { title: "slice", author_name: "@Cohen-Carlisle", content: "accept arrays so I don't have to splat" }.with_indifferent_access topic = assert_equal attrs, topic.slice(attrs.keys) end def test_default_values_are_deeply_dupped company = company.description << "foo" assert_equal "", end test "scoped can take a values hash" do klass = assert_equal ["foo"], klass.all.merge!(select: "foo").select_values end test "connection_handler can be overridden" do klass = orig_handler = klass.connection_handler new_handler = thread_connection_handler = nil t = do klass.connection_handler = new_handler thread_connection_handler = klass.connection_handler end t.join assert_equal klass.connection_handler, orig_handler assert_equal thread_connection_handler, new_handler end test "new threads get default the default connection handler" do klass = orig_handler = klass.connection_handler handler = nil t = do handler = klass.connection_handler end t.join assert_equal handler, orig_handler assert_equal klass.connection_handler, orig_handler assert_equal klass.default_connection_handler, orig_handler end test "changing a connection handler in a main thread does not poison the other threads" do klass = orig_handler = klass.connection_handler new_handler = after_handler = nil latch1 = latch2 = t = do klass.connection_handler = new_handler latch1.count_down latch2.wait after_handler = klass.connection_handler end latch1.wait klass.connection_handler = orig_handler latch2.count_down t.join assert_equal after_handler, new_handler assert_equal orig_handler, klass.connection_handler end # Note: This is a performance optimization for Array#uniq and Hash#[] with # AR::Base objects. If the future has made this irrelevant, feel free to # delete this. test "records without an id have unique hashes" do assert_not_equal, end test "records of different classes have different hashes" do assert_not_equal 1).hash, 1).hash end test "resetting column information doesn't remove attribute methods" do topic = topics(:first) assert_not topic.id_changed? Topic.reset_column_information assert_not topic.id_changed? end test "ignored columns are not present in columns_hash" do cache_columns = Developer.connection.schema_cache.columns_hash(Developer.table_name) assert_includes cache_columns.keys, "first_name" assert_not_includes Developer.columns_hash.keys, "first_name" end test "ignored columns have no attribute methods" do refute refute refute end test "ignored columns don't prevent explicit declaration of attribute methods" do assert assert assert end end