require 'cases/helper' module Remembered def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do after_create :remember protected def remember; self.class.remembered << self; end end end module ClassMethods def remembered; @@remembered ||= []; end def rand; @@remembered.rand; end end end class ShapeExpression < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :shape, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :paint, :polymorphic => true end class Circle < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :shape_expressions, :as => :shape include Remembered end class Square < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :shape_expressions, :as => :shape include Remembered end class Triangle < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :shape_expressions, :as => :shape include Remembered end class PaintColor < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :shape_expressions, :as => :paint belongs_to :non_poly, :foreign_key => "non_poly_one_id", :class_name => "NonPolyOne" include Remembered end class PaintTexture < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :shape_expressions, :as => :paint belongs_to :non_poly, :foreign_key => "non_poly_two_id", :class_name => "NonPolyTwo" include Remembered end class NonPolyOne < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :paint_colors include Remembered end class NonPolyTwo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :paint_textures include Remembered end class EagerLoadPolyAssocsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase NUM_SIMPLE_OBJS = 50 NUM_SHAPE_EXPRESSIONS = 100 def setup generate_test_object_graphs end def teardown [Circle, Square, Triangle, PaintColor, PaintTexture, ShapeExpression, NonPolyOne, NonPolyTwo].each do |c| c.delete_all end end def generate_test_object_graphs 1.upto(NUM_SIMPLE_OBJS) do [Circle, Square, Triangle, NonPolyOne, NonPolyTwo].map(&:create!) end 1.upto(NUM_SIMPLE_OBJS) do PaintColor.create!(:non_poly_one_id => PaintTexture.create!(:non_poly_two_id => end 1.upto(NUM_SHAPE_EXPRESSIONS) do shape_type = [Circle, Square, Triangle].rand paint_type = [PaintColor, PaintTexture].rand ShapeExpression.create!(:shape_type => shape_type.to_s, :shape_id =>, :paint_type => paint_type.to_s, :paint_id => end end def test_include_query res = 0 res = ShapeExpression.find :all, :include => [ :shape, { :paint => :non_poly } ] assert_equal NUM_SHAPE_EXPRESSIONS, res.size assert_queries(0) do res.each do |se| assert_not_nil se.paint.non_poly, "this is the association that was loading incorrectly before the change" assert_not_nil se.shape, "just making sure other associations still work" end end end end