# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "../helper" module Arel module Visitors class PostgresTest < Arel::Spec before do @visitor = PostgreSQL.new Table.engine.connection @table = Table.new(:users) @attr = @table[:id] end def compile(node) @visitor.accept(node, Collectors::SQLString.new).value end describe "locking" do it "defaults to FOR UPDATE" do compile(Nodes::Lock.new(Arel.sql("FOR UPDATE"))).must_be_like %{ FOR UPDATE } end it "allows a custom string to be used as a lock" do node = Nodes::Lock.new(Arel.sql("FOR SHARE")) compile(node).must_be_like %{ FOR SHARE } end end it "should escape LIMIT" do sc = Arel::Nodes::SelectStatement.new sc.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(Nodes.build_quoted("omg")) sc.cores.first.projections << Arel.sql("DISTINCT ON") sc.orders << Arel.sql("xyz") sql = compile(sc) assert_match(/LIMIT 'omg'/, sql) assert_equal 1, sql.scan(/LIMIT/).length, "should have one limit" end it "should support DISTINCT ON" do core = Arel::Nodes::SelectCore.new core.set_quantifier = Arel::Nodes::DistinctOn.new(Arel.sql("aaron")) assert_match "DISTINCT ON ( aaron )", compile(core) end it "should support DISTINCT" do core = Arel::Nodes::SelectCore.new core.set_quantifier = Arel::Nodes::Distinct.new assert_equal "SELECT DISTINCT", compile(core) end it "encloses LATERAL queries in parens" do subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches("foo%")) compile(subquery.lateral).must_be_like %{ LATERAL (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" ILIKE 'foo%') } end it "produces LATERAL queries with alias" do subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches("foo%")) compile(subquery.lateral("bar")).must_be_like %{ LATERAL (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" ILIKE 'foo%') bar } end describe "Nodes::Matches" do it "should know how to visit" do node = @table[:name].matches("foo%") node.must_be_kind_of Nodes::Matches node.case_sensitive.must_equal(false) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" ILIKE 'foo%' } end it "should know how to visit case sensitive" do node = @table[:name].matches("foo%", nil, true) node.case_sensitive.must_equal(true) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" LIKE 'foo%' } end it "can handle ESCAPE" do node = @table[:name].matches("foo!%", "!") compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" ILIKE 'foo!%' ESCAPE '!' } end it "can handle subqueries" do subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches("foo%")) node = @attr.in subquery compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" ILIKE 'foo%') } end end describe "Nodes::DoesNotMatch" do it "should know how to visit" do node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo%") node.must_be_kind_of Nodes::DoesNotMatch node.case_sensitive.must_equal(false) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" NOT ILIKE 'foo%' } end it "should know how to visit case sensitive" do node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo%", nil, true) node.case_sensitive.must_equal(true) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" NOT LIKE 'foo%' } end it "can handle ESCAPE" do node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo!%", "!") compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" NOT ILIKE 'foo!%' ESCAPE '!' } end it "can handle subqueries" do subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].does_not_match("foo%")) node = @attr.in subquery compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" NOT ILIKE 'foo%') } end end describe "Nodes::Regexp" do it "should know how to visit" do node = @table[:name].matches_regexp("foo.*") node.must_be_kind_of Nodes::Regexp node.case_sensitive.must_equal(true) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" ~ 'foo.*' } end it "can handle case insensitive" do node = @table[:name].matches_regexp("foo.*", false) node.must_be_kind_of Nodes::Regexp node.case_sensitive.must_equal(false) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" ~* 'foo.*' } end it "can handle subqueries" do subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches_regexp("foo.*")) node = @attr.in subquery compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" ~ 'foo.*') } end end describe "Nodes::NotRegexp" do it "should know how to visit" do node = @table[:name].does_not_match_regexp("foo.*") node.must_be_kind_of Nodes::NotRegexp node.case_sensitive.must_equal(true) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" !~ 'foo.*' } end it "can handle case insensitive" do node = @table[:name].does_not_match_regexp("foo.*", false) node.case_sensitive.must_equal(false) compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" !~* 'foo.*' } end it "can handle subqueries" do subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].does_not_match_regexp("foo.*")) node = @attr.in subquery compile(node).must_be_like %{ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" !~ 'foo.*') } end end describe "Nodes::BindParam" do it "increments each bind param" do query = @table[:name].eq(Arel::Nodes::BindParam.new(1)) .and(@table[:id].eq(Arel::Nodes::BindParam.new(1))) compile(query).must_be_like %{ "users"."name" = $1 AND "users"."id" = $2 } end end describe "Nodes::Cube" do it "should know how to visit with array arguments" do node = Arel::Nodes::Cube.new([@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) compile(node).must_be_like %{ CUBE( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) } end it "should know how to visit with CubeDimension Argument" do dimensions = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new([@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) node = Arel::Nodes::Cube.new(dimensions) compile(node).must_be_like %{ CUBE( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) } end it "should know how to generate parenthesis when supplied with many Dimensions" do dim1 = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new(@table[:name]) dim2 = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new([@table[:bool], @table[:created_at]]) node = Arel::Nodes::Cube.new([dim1, dim2]) compile(node).must_be_like %{ CUBE( ( "users"."name" ), ( "users"."bool", "users"."created_at" ) ) } end end describe "Nodes::GroupingSet" do it "should know how to visit with array arguments" do node = Arel::Nodes::GroupingSet.new([@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) compile(node).must_be_like %{ GROUPING SETS( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) } end it "should know how to visit with CubeDimension Argument" do group = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new([@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) node = Arel::Nodes::GroupingSet.new(group) compile(node).must_be_like %{ GROUPING SETS( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) } end it "should know how to generate parenthesis when supplied with many Dimensions" do group1 = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new(@table[:name]) group2 = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new([@table[:bool], @table[:created_at]]) node = Arel::Nodes::GroupingSet.new([group1, group2]) compile(node).must_be_like %{ GROUPING SETS( ( "users"."name" ), ( "users"."bool", "users"."created_at" ) ) } end end describe "Nodes::RollUp" do it "should know how to visit with array arguments" do node = Arel::Nodes::RollUp.new([@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) compile(node).must_be_like %{ ROLLUP( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) } end it "should know how to visit with CubeDimension Argument" do group = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new([@table[:name], @table[:bool]]) node = Arel::Nodes::RollUp.new(group) compile(node).must_be_like %{ ROLLUP( "users"."name", "users"."bool" ) } end it "should know how to generate parenthesis when supplied with many Dimensions" do group1 = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new(@table[:name]) group2 = Arel::Nodes::GroupingElement.new([@table[:bool], @table[:created_at]]) node = Arel::Nodes::RollUp.new([group1, group2]) compile(node).must_be_like %{ ROLLUP( ( "users"."name" ), ( "users"."bool", "users"."created_at" ) ) } end end end end end