# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "helper" module Arel class TableTest < Arel::Spec before do @relation = Table.new(:users) end it "should create join nodes" do join = @relation.create_string_join "foo" assert_kind_of Arel::Nodes::StringJoin, join assert_equal "foo", join.left end it "should create join nodes" do join = @relation.create_join "foo", "bar" assert_kind_of Arel::Nodes::InnerJoin, join assert_equal "foo", join.left assert_equal "bar", join.right end it "should create join nodes with a klass" do join = @relation.create_join "foo", "bar", Arel::Nodes::FullOuterJoin assert_kind_of Arel::Nodes::FullOuterJoin, join assert_equal "foo", join.left assert_equal "bar", join.right end it "should create join nodes with a klass" do join = @relation.create_join "foo", "bar", Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin assert_kind_of Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin, join assert_equal "foo", join.left assert_equal "bar", join.right end it "should create join nodes with a klass" do join = @relation.create_join "foo", "bar", Arel::Nodes::RightOuterJoin assert_kind_of Arel::Nodes::RightOuterJoin, join assert_equal "foo", join.left assert_equal "bar", join.right end it "should return an insert manager" do im = @relation.compile_insert "VALUES(NULL)" assert_kind_of Arel::InsertManager, im im.into Table.new(:users) assert_equal "INSERT INTO \"users\" VALUES(NULL)", im.to_sql end describe "skip" do it "should add an offset" do sm = @relation.skip 2 sm.to_sql.must_be_like "SELECT FROM \"users\" OFFSET 2" end end describe "having" do it "adds a having clause" do mgr = @relation.having @relation[:id].eq(10) mgr.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" HAVING "users"."id" = 10 } end end describe "backwards compat" do describe "join" do it "noops on nil" do mgr = @relation.join nil mgr.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" } end it "raises EmptyJoinError on empty" do assert_raises(EmptyJoinError) do @relation.join "" end end it "takes a second argument for join type" do right = @relation.alias predicate = @relation[:id].eq(right[:id]) mgr = @relation.join(right, Nodes::OuterJoin).on(predicate) mgr.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" "users_2" ON "users"."id" = "users_2"."id" } end end describe "join" do it "creates an outer join" do right = @relation.alias predicate = @relation[:id].eq(right[:id]) mgr = @relation.outer_join(right).on(predicate) mgr.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" "users_2" ON "users"."id" = "users_2"."id" } end end end describe "group" do it "should create a group" do manager = @relation.group @relation[:id] manager.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" GROUP BY "users"."id" } end end describe "alias" do it "should create a node that proxies to a table" do node = @relation.alias node.name.must_equal "users_2" node[:id].relation.must_equal node end end describe "new" do it "should accept a hash" do rel = Table.new :users, as: "foo" rel.table_alias.must_equal "foo" end it "ignores as if it equals name" do rel = Table.new :users, as: "users" rel.table_alias.must_be_nil end end describe "order" do it "should take an order" do manager = @relation.order "foo" manager.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT FROM "users" ORDER BY foo } end end describe "take" do it "should add a limit" do manager = @relation.take 1 manager.project Nodes::SqlLiteral.new "*" manager.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT * FROM "users" LIMIT 1 } end end describe "project" do it "can project" do manager = @relation.project Nodes::SqlLiteral.new "*" manager.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT * FROM "users" } end it "takes multiple parameters" do manager = @relation.project Nodes::SqlLiteral.new("*"), Nodes::SqlLiteral.new("*") manager.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT *, * FROM "users" } end end describe "where" do it "returns a tree manager" do manager = @relation.where @relation[:id].eq 1 manager.project @relation[:id] manager.must_be_kind_of TreeManager manager.to_sql.must_be_like %{ SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 1 } end end it "should have a name" do @relation.name.must_equal "users" end it "should have a table name" do @relation.table_name.must_equal "users" end describe "[]" do describe "when given a Symbol" do it "manufactures an attribute if the symbol names an attribute within the relation" do column = @relation[:id] column.name.must_equal :id end end end describe "equality" do it "is equal with equal ivars" do relation1 = Table.new(:users) relation1.table_alias = "zomg" relation2 = Table.new(:users) relation2.table_alias = "zomg" array = [relation1, relation2] assert_equal 1, array.uniq.size end it "is not equal with different ivars" do relation1 = Table.new(:users) relation1.table_alias = "zomg" relation2 = Table.new(:users) relation2.table_alias = "zomg2" array = [relation1, relation2] assert_equal 2, array.uniq.size end end end end