require "cases/helper" module ActiveRecord class PostgresqlConnectionTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase def setup super @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def test_encoding assert_not_nil @connection.encoding end def test_reconnection_after_simulated_disconnection_with_verify assert original_connection_pid = @connection.query('select pg_backend_pid()') # Fail with bad connection on next query attempt. raw_connection = @connection.raw_connection raw_connection_class = class << raw_connection ; self ; end raw_connection_class.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def query_fake(*args) if !( @called ||= false ) self.stubs(:status).returns(PGconn::CONNECTION_BAD) @called = true raise PGError else self.unstub(:status) query_unfake(*args) end end alias query_unfake query alias query query_fake CODE begin @connection.verify! new_connection_pid = @connection.query('select pg_backend_pid()') ensure raw_connection_class.class_eval <<-CODE alias query query_unfake undef query_fake CODE end assert_not_equal original_connection_pid, new_connection_pid, "Should have a new underlying connection pid" end # Must have with_manual_interventions set to true for this # test to run. # When prompted, restart the PostgreSQL server with the # "-m fast" option or kill the individual connection assuming # you know the incantation to do that. # To restart PostgreSQL 9.1 on OS X, installed via MacPorts, ... # sudo su postgres -c "pg_ctl restart -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql91/defaultdb/ -m fast" def test_reconnection_after_actual_disconnection_with_verify return skip "with_manual_interventions is false in configuration" unless ARTest.config['with_manual_interventions'] original_connection_pid = @connection.query('select pg_backend_pid()') # Sanity check. assert puts 'Kill the connection now (e.g. by restarting the PostgreSQL ' + 'server with the "-m fast" option) and then press enter.' $stdin.gets @connection.verify! assert # If we get no exception here, then either we re-connected successfully, or # we never actually got disconnected. new_connection_pid = @connection.query('select pg_backend_pid()') assert_not_equal original_connection_pid, new_connection_pid, "umm -- looks like you didn't break the connection, because we're still " + "successfully querying with the same connection pid." # Repair all fixture connections so other tests won't break. @fixture_connections.each do |c| c.verify! end end end end