# encoding: utf-8 require "cases/helper" require 'active_record/base' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter' class PostgresqlArrayTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase class PgArray < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'pg_arrays' end def setup @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection @connection.transaction do @connection.create_table('pg_arrays') do |t| t.string 'tags', array: true t.integer 'ratings', array: true end end @column = PgArray.columns.find { |c| c.name == 'tags' } end teardown do @connection.execute 'drop table if exists pg_arrays' end def test_column assert_equal :string, @column.type assert_equal "character varying(255)", @column.sql_type assert @column.array assert_not @column.text? assert_not @column.number? assert_not @column.binary? ratings_column = PgArray.columns_hash['ratings'] assert_equal :integer, ratings_column.type assert ratings_column.array assert_not ratings_column.number? end def test_default @connection.add_column 'pg_arrays', 'score', :integer, array: true, default: [4, 4, 2] PgArray.reset_column_information column = PgArray.columns_hash["score"] assert_equal([4, 4, 2], column.default) assert_equal([4, 4, 2], PgArray.new.score) ensure PgArray.reset_column_information end def test_change_column_with_array @connection.add_column :pg_arrays, :snippets, :string, array: true, default: [] @connection.change_column :pg_arrays, :snippets, :text, array: true, default: "{}" PgArray.reset_column_information column = PgArray.columns.find { |c| c.name == 'snippets' } assert_equal :text, column.type assert_equal [], column.default assert column.array end def test_change_column_cant_make_non_array_column_to_array @connection.add_column :pg_arrays, :a_string, :string assert_raises ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid do @connection.transaction do @connection.change_column :pg_arrays, :a_string, :string, array: true end end end def test_type_cast_array data = '{1,2,3}' oid_type = @column.instance_variable_get('@oid_type').subtype # we are getting the instance variable in this test, but in the # normal use of string_to_array, it's called from the OID::Array # class and will have the OID instance that will provide the type # casting array = @column.class.string_to_array data, oid_type assert_equal(['1', '2', '3'], array) assert_equal(['1', '2', '3'], @column.type_cast(data)) assert_equal([], @column.type_cast('{}')) assert_equal([nil], @column.type_cast('{NULL}')) end def test_type_cast_integers x = PgArray.new(ratings: ['1', '2']) assert x.save! assert_equal(['1', '2'], x.ratings) end def test_rewrite @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (tags) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" x = PgArray.first x.tags = ['1','2','3','4'] assert x.save! end def test_select @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (tags) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" x = PgArray.first assert_equal(['1','2','3'], x.tags) end def test_multi_dimensional_with_strings assert_cycle(:tags, [[['1'], ['2']], [['2'], ['3']]]) end def test_with_empty_strings assert_cycle(:tags, [ '1', '2', '', '4', '', '5' ]) end def test_with_multi_dimensional_empty_strings assert_cycle(:tags, [[['1', '2'], ['', '4'], ['', '5']]]) end def test_with_arbitrary_whitespace assert_cycle(:tags, [[['1', '2'], [' ', '4'], [' ', '5']]]) end def test_multi_dimensional_with_integers assert_cycle(:ratings, [[[1], [7]], [[8], [10]]]) end def test_strings_with_quotes assert_cycle(:tags, ['this has','some "s that need to be escaped"']) end def test_strings_with_commas assert_cycle(:tags, ['this,has','many,values']) end def test_strings_with_array_delimiters assert_cycle(:tags, ['{','}']) end def test_strings_with_null_strings assert_cycle(:tags, ['NULL','NULL']) end def test_contains_nils assert_cycle(:tags, ['1',nil,nil]) end def test_insert_fixture tag_values = ["val1", "val2", "val3_with_'_multiple_quote_'_chars"] @connection.insert_fixture({"tags" => tag_values}, "pg_arrays" ) assert_equal(PgArray.last.tags, tag_values) end def test_attribute_for_inspect_for_array_field record = PgArray.new { |a| a.ratings = (1..11).to_a } assert_equal("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...]", record.attribute_for_inspect(:ratings)) end def test_update_all pg_array = PgArray.create! tags: ["one", "two", "three"] PgArray.update_all tags: ["four", "five"] assert_equal ["four", "five"], pg_array.reload.tags PgArray.update_all tags: [] assert_equal [], pg_array.reload.tags end private def assert_cycle field, array # test creation x = PgArray.create!(field => array) x.reload assert_equal(array, x.public_send(field)) # test updating x = PgArray.create!(field => []) x.public_send("#{field}=", array) x.save! x.reload assert_equal(array, x.public_send(field)) end end