require "cases/helper" require "support/schema_dumping_helper" class PostgresqlArrayTest < ActiveRecord::PostgreSQLTestCase include SchemaDumpingHelper include InTimeZone class PgArray < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "pg_arrays" end def setup @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection enable_extension!("hstore", @connection) @connection.transaction do @connection.create_table("pg_arrays") do |t| t.string "tags", array: true t.integer "ratings", array: true t.datetime :datetimes, array: true t.hstore :hstores, array: true end end PgArray.reset_column_information @column = PgArray.columns_hash["tags"] @type = PgArray.type_for_attribute("tags") end teardown do @connection.drop_table "pg_arrays", if_exists: true disable_extension!("hstore", @connection) end def test_column assert_equal :string, @column.type assert_equal "character varying", @column.sql_type assert @column.array? assert_not @type.binary? ratings_column = PgArray.columns_hash["ratings"] assert_equal :integer, ratings_column.type assert ratings_column.array? end def test_default @connection.add_column "pg_arrays", "score", :integer, array: true, default: [4, 4, 2] PgArray.reset_column_information assert_equal([4, 4, 2], PgArray.column_defaults["score"]) assert_equal([4, 4, 2], ensure PgArray.reset_column_information end def test_default_strings @connection.add_column "pg_arrays", "names", :string, array: true, default: ["foo", "bar"] PgArray.reset_column_information assert_equal(["foo", "bar"], PgArray.column_defaults["names"]) assert_equal(["foo", "bar"], ensure PgArray.reset_column_information end def test_change_column_with_array @connection.add_column :pg_arrays, :snippets, :string, array: true, default: [] @connection.change_column :pg_arrays, :snippets, :text, array: true, default: [] PgArray.reset_column_information column = PgArray.columns_hash["snippets"] assert_equal :text, column.type assert_equal [], PgArray.column_defaults["snippets"] assert column.array? end def test_change_column_cant_make_non_array_column_to_array @connection.add_column :pg_arrays, :a_string, :string assert_raises ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid do @connection.transaction do @connection.change_column :pg_arrays, :a_string, :string, array: true end end end def test_change_column_default_with_array @connection.change_column_default :pg_arrays, :tags, [] PgArray.reset_column_information assert_equal [], PgArray.column_defaults["tags"] end def test_type_cast_array assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], @type.deserialize("{1,2,3}")) assert_equal([], @type.deserialize("{}")) assert_equal([nil], @type.deserialize("{NULL}")) end def test_type_cast_integers x = ["1", "2"]) assert_equal([1, 2], x.ratings)! x.reload assert_equal([1, 2], x.ratings) end def test_schema_dump_with_shorthand output = dump_table_schema "pg_arrays" assert_match %r[t\.string\s+"tags",\s+array: true], output assert_match %r[t\.integer\s+"ratings",\s+array: true], output end def test_select_with_strings @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (tags) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" x = PgArray.first assert_equal(["1","2","3"], x.tags) end def test_rewrite_with_strings @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (tags) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" x = PgArray.first x.tags = ["1","2","3","4"]! assert_equal ["1","2","3","4"], x.reload.tags end def test_select_with_integers @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (ratings) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" x = PgArray.first assert_equal([1, 2, 3], x.ratings) end def test_rewrite_with_integers @connection.execute "insert into pg_arrays (ratings) VALUES ('{1,2,3}')" x = PgArray.first x.ratings = [2, "3", 4]! assert_equal [2, 3, 4], x.reload.ratings end def test_multi_dimensional_with_strings assert_cycle(:tags, [[["1"], ["2"]], [["2"], ["3"]]]) end def test_with_empty_strings assert_cycle(:tags, [ "1", "2", "", "4", "", "5" ]) end def test_with_multi_dimensional_empty_strings assert_cycle(:tags, [[["1", "2"], ["", "4"], ["", "5"]]]) end def test_with_arbitrary_whitespace assert_cycle(:tags, [[["1", "2"], [" ", "4"], [" ", "5"]]]) end def test_multi_dimensional_with_integers assert_cycle(:ratings, [[[1], [7]], [[8], [10]]]) end def test_strings_with_quotes assert_cycle(:tags, ["this has",'some "s that need to be escaped"']) end def test_strings_with_commas assert_cycle(:tags, ["this,has","many,values"]) end def test_strings_with_array_delimiters assert_cycle(:tags, ["{","}"]) end def test_strings_with_null_strings assert_cycle(:tags, ["NULL","NULL"]) end def test_contains_nils assert_cycle(:tags, ["1",nil,nil]) end def test_insert_fixture tag_values = ["val1", "val2", "val3_with_'_multiple_quote_'_chars"] @connection.insert_fixture({ "tags" => tag_values }, "pg_arrays" ) assert_equal(PgArray.last.tags, tag_values) end def test_attribute_for_inspect_for_array_field record = { |a| a.ratings = (1..10).to_a } assert_equal("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]", record.attribute_for_inspect(:ratings)) end def test_attribute_for_inspect_for_array_field_for_large_array record = { |a| a.ratings = (1..11).to_a } assert_equal("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]", record.attribute_for_inspect(:ratings)) end def test_escaping unknown = 'foo\\",bar,baz,\\' tags = ["hello_#{unknown}"] ar = PgArray.create!(tags: tags) ar.reload assert_equal tags, ar.tags end def test_string_quoting_rules_match_pg_behavior tags = ["", "one{", "two}", %(three"), "four\\", "five ", "six\t", "seven\n", "eight,", "nine", "ten\r", "NULL"] x = PgArray.create!(tags: tags) x.reload assert_equal x.tags_before_type_cast, PgArray.type_for_attribute("tags").serialize(tags) end def test_quoting_non_standard_delimiters strings = ["hello,", "world;"] oid = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID comma_delim =, ",") semicolon_delim =, ";") assert_equal %({"hello,",world;}), comma_delim.serialize(strings) assert_equal %({hello,;"world;"}), semicolon_delim.serialize(strings) end def test_mutate_array x = PgArray.create!(tags: %w(one two)) x.tags << "three"! x.reload assert_equal %w(one two three), x.tags assert_not x.changed? end def test_mutate_value_in_array x = PgArray.create!(hstores: [{ a: "a" }, { b: "b" }]) x.hstores.first["a"] = "c"! x.reload assert_equal [{ "a" => "c" }, { "b" => "b" }], x.hstores assert_not x.changed? end def test_datetime_with_timezone_awareness tz = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" in_time_zone tz do PgArray.reset_column_information time_string = Time.current.to_s time = record = [time_string]) assert_equal [time], record.datetimes assert_equal ActiveSupport::TimeZone[tz], record.datetimes.first.time_zone! record.reload assert_equal [time], record.datetimes assert_equal ActiveSupport::TimeZone[tz], record.datetimes.first.time_zone end end def test_assigning_non_array_value record = "not-an-array") assert_equal [], record.tags assert_equal "not-an-array", record.tags_before_type_cast assert assert_equal record.tags, record.reload.tags end def test_assigning_empty_string record = "") assert_equal [], record.tags assert_equal "", record.tags_before_type_cast assert assert_equal record.tags, record.reload.tags end def test_assigning_valid_pg_array_literal record = "{1,2,3}") assert_equal ["1", "2", "3"], record.tags assert_equal "{1,2,3}", record.tags_before_type_cast assert assert_equal record.tags, record.reload.tags end def test_uniqueness_validation klass = do validates_uniqueness_of :tags def self.model_name; end end e1 = klass.create("tags" => ["black", "blue"]) assert e1.persisted?, "Saving e1" e2 = klass.create("tags" => ["black", "blue"]) assert !e2.persisted?, "e2 shouldn't be valid" assert e2.errors[:tags].any?, "Should have errors for tags" assert_equal ["has already been taken"], e2.errors[:tags], "Should have uniqueness message for tags" end private def assert_cycle(field, array) # test creation x = PgArray.create!(field => array) x.reload assert_equal(array, x.public_send(field)) # test updating x = PgArray.create!(field => []) x.public_send("#{field}=", array)! x.reload assert_equal(array, x.public_send(field)) end end