require "cases/helper" # a suite of tests to ensure the ConnectionAdapters#MysqlAdapter can handle tables with # reserved word names (ie: group, order, values, etc...) class Mysql2ReservedWordTest < ActiveRecord::Mysql2TestCase class Group < ActiveRecord::Base Group.table_name = "group" belongs_to :select has_one :values end class Select < ActiveRecord::Base Select.table_name = "select" has_many :groups end class Values < ActiveRecord::Base Values.table_name = "values" end class Distinct < ActiveRecord::Base Distinct.table_name = "distinct" has_and_belongs_to_many :selects has_many :values, through: :groups end def setup @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection # we call execute directly here (and do similar below) because ActiveRecord::Base#create_table() # will fail with these table names if these test cases fail create_tables_directly "group" => "id int auto_increment primary key, `order` varchar(255), select_id int", "select" => "id int auto_increment primary key", "values" => "id int auto_increment primary key, group_id int", "distinct" => "id int auto_increment primary key", "distinct_select" => "distinct_id int, select_id int" end teardown do drop_tables_directly ["group", "select", "values", "distinct", "distinct_select", "order"] end # create tables with reserved-word names and columns def test_create_tables assert_nothing_raised { @connection.create_table :order do |t| t.column :group, :string end } end # rename tables with reserved-word names def test_rename_tables assert_nothing_raised { @connection.rename_table(:group, :order) } end # alter column with a reserved-word name in a table with a reserved-word name def test_change_columns assert_nothing_raised { @connection.change_column_default(:group, :order, "whatever") } #the quoting here will reveal any double quoting issues in change_column's interaction with the column method in the adapter assert_nothing_raised { @connection.change_column("group", "order", :Int, default: 0) } assert_nothing_raised { @connection.rename_column(:group, :order, :values) } end # introspect table with reserved word name def test_introspect assert_nothing_raised { @connection.columns(:group) } assert_nothing_raised { @connection.indexes(:group) } end #fixtures self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true self.use_transactional_tests = false #activerecord model class with reserved-word table name def test_activerecord_model create_test_fixtures :select, :distinct, :group, :values, :distinct_select x = nil assert_nothing_raised { x = } x.order = "x" assert_nothing_raised { } x.order = "y" assert_nothing_raised { } assert_nothing_raised { Group.find_by_order("y") } assert_nothing_raised { Group.find(1) } end # has_one association with reserved-word table name def test_has_one_associations create_test_fixtures :select, :distinct, :group, :values, :distinct_select v = nil assert_nothing_raised { v = Group.find(1).values } assert_equal 2, end # belongs_to association with reserved-word table name def test_belongs_to_associations create_test_fixtures :select, :distinct, :group, :values, :distinct_select gs = nil assert_nothing_raised { gs = Select.find(2).groups } assert_equal gs.length, 2 assert(gs.collect(&:id).sort == [2, 3]) end # has_and_belongs_to_many with reserved-word table name def test_has_and_belongs_to_many create_test_fixtures :select, :distinct, :group, :values, :distinct_select s = nil assert_nothing_raised { s = Distinct.find(1).selects } assert_equal s.length, 2 assert(s.collect(&:id).sort == [1, 2]) end # activerecord model introspection with reserved-word table and column names def test_activerecord_introspection assert_nothing_raised { Group.table_exists? } assert_nothing_raised { Group.columns } end # Calculations def test_calculations_work_with_reserved_words assert_nothing_raised { Group.count } end def test_associations_work_with_reserved_words assert_nothing_raised { Select.all.merge!(includes: [:groups]).to_a } end #the following functions were added to DRY test cases private # custom fixture loader, uses FixtureSet#create_fixtures and appends base_path to the current file's path def create_test_fixtures(*fixture_names) ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(FIXTURES_ROOT + "/reserved_words", fixture_names) end # custom drop table, uses execute on connection to drop a table if it exists. note: escapes table_name def drop_tables_directly(table_names, connection = @connection) table_names.each do |name| connection.drop_table name, if_exists: true end end # custom create table, uses execute on connection to create a table, note: escapes table_name, does NOT escape columns def create_tables_directly (tables, connection = @connection) tables.each do |table_name, column_properties| connection.execute("CREATE TABLE `#{table_name}` ( #{column_properties} )") end end end