# encoding: utf-8 require "cases/helper" require 'support/ddl_helper' module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class MysqlAdapterTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase include DdlHelper def setup @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def test_bad_connection_mysql assert_raise ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError do configuration = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['arunit'].merge(database: 'inexistent_activerecord_unittest') connection = ActiveRecord::Base.mysql_connection(configuration) connection.exec_query('drop table if exists ex') end end def test_valid_column with_example_table do column = @conn.columns('ex').find { |col| col.name == 'id' } assert @conn.valid_type?(column.type) end end def test_invalid_column assert_not @conn.valid_type?(:foobar) end def test_client_encoding assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, @conn.client_encoding end def test_exec_insert_number with_example_table do insert(@conn, 'number' => 10) result = @conn.exec_query('SELECT number FROM ex WHERE number = 10') assert_equal 1, result.rows.length # if there are no bind parameters, it will return a string (due to # the libmysql api) assert_equal '10', result.rows.last.last end end def test_exec_insert_string with_example_table do str = 'いただきます!' insert(@conn, 'number' => 10, 'data' => str) result = @conn.exec_query('SELECT number, data FROM ex WHERE number = 10') value = result.rows.last.last # FIXME: this should probably be inside the mysql AR adapter? value.force_encoding(@conn.client_encoding) # The strings in this file are utf-8, so transcode to utf-8 value.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) assert_equal str, value end end def test_tables_quoting @conn.tables(nil, "foo-bar", nil) flunk rescue => e # assertion for *quoted* database properly assert_match(/database 'foo-bar'/, e.inspect) end def test_pk_and_sequence_for with_example_table do pk, seq = @conn.pk_and_sequence_for('ex') assert_equal 'id', pk assert_equal @conn.default_sequence_name('ex', 'id'), seq end end def test_pk_and_sequence_for_with_non_standard_primary_key with_example_table '`code` INT(11) auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`code`)' do pk, seq = @conn.pk_and_sequence_for('ex') assert_equal 'code', pk assert_equal @conn.default_sequence_name('ex', 'code'), seq end end def test_pk_and_sequence_for_with_custom_index_type_pk with_example_table '`id` INT(11) auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (`id`)' do pk, seq = @conn.pk_and_sequence_for('ex') assert_equal 'id', pk assert_equal @conn.default_sequence_name('ex', 'id'), seq end end def test_composite_primary_key with_example_table '`id` INT(11), `number` INT(11), foo INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `number`)' do assert_nil @conn.primary_key('ex') end end def test_tinyint_integer_typecasting with_example_table '`status` TINYINT(4)' do insert(@conn, { 'status' => 2 }, 'ex') result = @conn.exec_query('SELECT status FROM ex') assert_equal 2, result.column_types['status'].type_cast_from_database(result.last['status']) end end def test_supports_extensions assert_not @conn.supports_extensions?, 'does not support extensions' end def test_respond_to_enable_extension assert @conn.respond_to?(:enable_extension) end def test_respond_to_disable_extension assert @conn.respond_to?(:disable_extension) end private def insert(ctx, data, table='ex') binds = data.map { |name, value| Relation::QueryAttribute.new(name, value, Type::Value.new) } columns = binds.map(&:name) sql = "INSERT INTO #{table} (#{columns.join(", ")}) VALUES (#{(['?'] * columns.length).join(', ')})" ctx.exec_insert(sql, 'SQL', binds) end def with_example_table(definition = nil, &block) definition ||= <<-SQL `id` int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `number` integer, `data` varchar(255) SQL super(@conn, 'ex', definition, &block) end end end end