require "cases/helper" class MysqlConnectionTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase def setup super @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def test_mysql_reconnect_attribute_after_connection_with_reconnect_true run_without_connection do |orig_connection| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(orig_connection.merge({:reconnect => true})) assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.reconnect end end def test_connect_with_url run_without_connection do |orig| ar_config = ARTest.connection_config['arunit'] return skip "This test doesn't work with custom socket location" if ar_config['socket'] url = "mysql://#{ar_config["username"]}@localhost/#{ar_config["database"]}" klass = klass.establish_connection(url) assert_equal ar_config['database'], klass.connection.current_database end end def test_mysql_reconnect_attribute_after_connection_with_reconnect_false run_without_connection do |orig_connection| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(orig_connection.merge({:reconnect => false})) assert !ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.reconnect end end def test_no_automatic_reconnection_after_timeout assert @connection.update('set @@wait_timeout=1') sleep 2 assert ! end def test_successful_reconnection_after_timeout_with_manual_reconnect assert @connection.update('set @@wait_timeout=1') sleep 2 @connection.reconnect! assert end def test_successful_reconnection_after_timeout_with_verify assert @connection.update('set @@wait_timeout=1') sleep 2 @connection.verify! assert end def test_bind_value_substitute bind_param = @connection.substitute_at('foo', 0) assert_equal Arel.sql('?'), bind_param end def test_exec_no_binds @connection.exec_query('drop table if exists ex') @connection.exec_query(<<-eosql) CREATE TABLE `ex` (`id` int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `data` varchar(255)) eosql result = @connection.exec_query('SELECT id, data FROM ex') assert_equal 0, result.rows.length assert_equal 2, result.columns.length assert_equal %w{ id data }, result.columns @connection.exec_query('INSERT INTO ex (id, data) VALUES (1, "foo")') # if there are no bind parameters, it will return a string (due to # the libmysql api) result = @connection.exec_query('SELECT id, data FROM ex') assert_equal 1, result.rows.length assert_equal 2, result.columns.length assert_equal [['1', 'foo']], result.rows end def test_exec_with_binds @connection.exec_query('drop table if exists ex') @connection.exec_query(<<-eosql) CREATE TABLE `ex` (`id` int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `data` varchar(255)) eosql @connection.exec_query('INSERT INTO ex (id, data) VALUES (1, "foo")') result = @connection.exec_query( 'SELECT id, data FROM ex WHERE id = ?', nil, [[nil, 1]]) assert_equal 1, result.rows.length assert_equal 2, result.columns.length assert_equal [[1, 'foo']], result.rows end def test_exec_typecasts_bind_vals @connection.exec_query('drop table if exists ex') @connection.exec_query(<<-eosql) CREATE TABLE `ex` (`id` int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `data` varchar(255)) eosql @connection.exec_query('INSERT INTO ex (id, data) VALUES (1, "foo")') column = @connection.columns('ex').find { |col| == 'id' } result = @connection.exec_query( 'SELECT id, data FROM ex WHERE id = ?', nil, [[column, '1-fuu']]) assert_equal 1, result.rows.length assert_equal 2, result.columns.length assert_equal [[1, 'foo']], result.rows end # Test that MySQL allows multiple results for stored procedures if defined?(Mysql) && Mysql.const_defined?(:CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS) def test_multi_results rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_rows('CALL ten();') assert_equal 10, rows[0][0].to_i, "ten() did not return 10 as expected: #{rows.inspect}" assert, "Bad connection use by 'MysqlAdapter.select_rows'" end end private def run_without_connection original_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection begin yield original_connection ensure ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(original_connection) end end end