require 'abstract_unit' require 'fixtures/post' require 'fixtures/comment' require 'fixtures/author' require 'fixtures/category' require 'fixtures/categorization' require 'fixtures/company' require 'fixtures/topic' require 'fixtures/reply' require 'fixtures/developer' require 'fixtures/project' class ArJoinsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :authors, :posts, :comments, :categories, :categories_posts, :people, :developers, :projects, :developers_projects, :categorizations, :companies, :accounts, :topics def test_ar_joins authors = Author.find(:all, :joins => :posts, :conditions => ['posts.type = ?', "Post"]) assert_not_equal(0 , authors.length) authors.each do |author| assert !(author.send(:instance_variables).include? "@posts") assert(!author.readonly?, "non-string join value produced read-only result.") end end def test_ar_joins_with_cascaded_two_levels authors = Author.find(:all, :joins=>{:posts=>:comments}) assert_equal(2, authors.length) authors.each do |author| assert !(author.send(:instance_variables).include? "@posts") assert(!author.readonly?, "non-string join value produced read-only result.") end authors = Author.find(:all, :joins=>{:posts=>:comments}, :conditions => ["comments.body = ?", "go crazy" ]) assert_equal(1, authors.length) authors.each do |author| assert !(author.send(:instance_variables).include? "@posts") assert(!author.readonly?, "non-string join value produced read-only result.") end end def test_ar_joins_with_complex_conditions authors = Author.find(:all, :joins=>{:posts=>[:comments, :categories]}, :conditions => [" = ? AND posts.title = ?", "General", "So I was thinking"] ) assert_equal(1, authors.length) authors.each do |author| assert !(author.send(:instance_variables).include? "@posts") assert(!author.readonly?, "non-string join value produced read-only result.") end assert_equal("David", end def test_ar_join_with_has_many_and_limit_and_scoped_and_explicit_conditions Post.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "1=1" }) do posts = authors(:david).posts.find(:all, :joins => :comments, :conditions => "comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment'", :limit => 2 ) assert_equal 2, posts.size count = Post.count( :joins => [ :comments, :author ], :conditions => " = 'David' AND (comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment')", :limit => 2 ) assert_equal count, posts.size end end def test_ar_join_with_scoped_order_using_association_limiting_without_explicit_scope posts_with_explicit_order = Post.find(:all, :conditions => ' is not null', :joins => :comments, :order => ' DESC', :limit => 2) posts_with_scoped_order = Post.with_scope(:find => {:order => ' DESC'}) do Post.find(:all, :conditions => ' is not null', :joins => :comments, :limit => 2) end assert_equal posts_with_explicit_order, posts_with_scoped_order end def test_scoped_find_include # with the include, will retrieve only developers for the given project scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects }) do Developer.find(:all, :conditions => ' = 2') end assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david)) assert !scoped_developers.include?(developers(:jamis)) assert_equal 1, scoped_developers.size end def test_nested_scoped_find_ar_join Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects }) do Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => " = 2" }) do assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name) end end end def test_nested_scoped_find_merged_ar_join # :include's remain unique and don't "double up" when merging Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects, :conditions => " = 2" }) do Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects }) do assert_equal 1, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:ar_joins].length assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name) end end # the nested scope doesn't remove the first :include Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects, :conditions => " = 2" }) do Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => [] }) do assert_equal 1, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:ar_joins].length assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name) end end # mixing array and symbol include's will merge correctly Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => [:projects], :conditions => " = 2" }) do Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects }) do assert_equal 1, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:ar_joins].length assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name) end end end def test_nested_scoped_find_replace_include Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects }) do Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :joins => [] }) do assert_equal 0, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:ar_joins].length end end end # # Calculations # def test_count_with_ar_joins assert_equal(2, Author.count(:joins => :posts, :conditions => ['posts.type = ?', "Post"])) assert_equal(1, Author.count(:joins => :posts, :conditions => ['posts.type = ?', "SpecialPost"])) end def test_should_get_maximum_of_field_with_joins assert_equal 50, Account.maximum(:credit_limit, :joins=> :firm, :conditions => " != 'Summit'") end def test_should_get_maximum_of_field_with_scoped_include Account.with_scope :find => { :joins => :firm, :conditions => " != 'Summit'" } do assert_equal 50, Account.maximum(:credit_limit) end end def test_should_not_modify_options_when_using_ar_joins_on_count options = {:conditions => ' > 1', :joins => :firm} options_copy = options.dup Account.count(:all, options) assert_equal options_copy, options end end