require 'abstract_unit' # The filename for this test begins with "aaa" so that # it will be the first test. class SqlFile < File #Define an iterator that iterates over the statements in a .sql file. #statements are separated by a semicolon. def initialize(path) super(path) end def each_statement() statement = '' each_line { |line| #The last character of each line is a line-feed, so we will check the next-to-last character #to see if it is a semicolon. A better way of doing this would be to look for a semicolon anywhere #within the line in case multiple statements have been put on a single line. #The last statement in the file must be followed by a line-feed. if line.slice(-2,1)==';' then statement = statement + line.slice(0,line.length-2) + "\n" yield statement statement = '' else statement = statement + line end } end end class CreateTablesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # This method is required by rake. end def run_sql_file(connection, path) sql_file = sql_file.each_statement { |statement| begin #Skip errors. If there is a problem creating the tables then it will show up in other tests. connection.execute(statement) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid end } end def test_table_creation adapter_name = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase run_sql_file ActiveRecord::Base.connection, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/db_definitions/" + adapter_name + ".drop.sql" run_sql_file ActiveRecord::Base.connection, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/db_definitions/" + adapter_name + ".sql" # Now do the same thing with the connection used by multiple_db_test.rb adapter_name = Course.retrieve_connection.adapter_name.downcase run_sql_file Course.retrieve_connection, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/db_definitions/" + adapter_name + "2.drop.sql" run_sql_file Course.retrieve_connection, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/db_definitions/" + adapter_name + "2.sql" assert_equal 1,1 end end