module ActiveRecord # A plugin framework for wrapping attribute values before they go in and unwrapping them after they go out of the database. # This was intended primarily for YAML wrapping of arrays and hashes, but this behavior is now native in the Base class. # So for now this framework is laying dormant until a need pops up. module Wrappings #:nodoc: module ClassMethods #:nodoc: def wrap_with(wrapper, *attributes) [ attributes ].flat.each { |attribute| wrapper.wrap(attribute) } end end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end class AbstractWrapper #:nodoc: def self.wrap(attribute, record_binding) #:nodoc: %w( before_save after_save after_initialize ).each do |callback| eval "#{callback} #{name}.new('#{attribute}')", record_binding end end def initialize(attribute) #:nodoc: @attribute = attribute end def save_wrapped_attribute(record) #:nodoc: if record.attribute_present?(@attribute) record.send( "write_attribute", @attribute, wrap(record.send("read_attribute", @attribute)) ) end end def load_wrapped_attribute(record) #:nodoc: if record.attribute_present?(@attribute) record.send( "write_attribute", @attribute, unwrap(record.send("read_attribute", @attribute)) ) end end alias_method :before_save, :save_wrapped_attribute #:nodoc: alias_method :after_save, :load_wrapped_attribute #:nodoc: alias_method :after_initialize, :after_save #:nodoc: # Overwrite to implement the logic that'll take the regular attribute and wrap it. def wrap(attribute) end # Overwrite to implement the logic that'll take the wrapped attribute and unwrap it. def unwrap(attribute) end end end end