require 'db2/db2cli.rb' module DB2 module DB2Util include DB2CLI def free() SQLFreeHandle(@handle_type, @handle); end def handle() @handle; end def check_rc(rc) if rc != SQL_SUCCESS and rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO and rc != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND rec = 1 msg = '' loop do a = SQLGetDiagRec(@handle_type, @handle, rec, 500) break if a[0] != SQL_SUCCESS msg << a[3] if !a[3].nil? and a[3] != '' # Create message. rec += 1 end raise "DB2 error: #{msg}" end end end class Environment include DB2Util def initialize @handle_type = SQL_HANDLE_ENV rc, @handle = SQLAllocHandle(@handle_type, SQL_NULL_HANDLE) check_rc(rc) end def data_sources(buffer_length = 1024) retval = [] max_buffer_length = buffer_length a = SQLDataSources(@handle, SQL_FETCH_FIRST, SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1, buffer_length) retval << [a[1], a[3]] max_buffer_length = [max_buffer_length, a[4]].max loop do a = SQLDataSources(@handle, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1, buffer_length) break if a[0] == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND retval << [a[1], a[3]] max_buffer_length = [max_buffer_length, a[4]].max end if max_buffer_length > buffer_length get_data_sources(max_buffer_length) else retval end end end class Connection include DB2Util def initialize(environment) @env = environment @handle_type = SQL_HANDLE_DBC rc, @handle = SQLAllocHandle(@handle_type, @env.handle) check_rc(rc) end def connect(server_name, user_name = '', auth = '') check_rc(SQLConnect(@handle, server_name, user_name, auth)) end def set_connect_attr(attr, value) value += "\0" if value.class == String check_rc(SQLSetConnectAttr(@handle, attr, value)) end def set_auto_commit_on set_connect_attr(SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON) end def set_auto_commit_off set_connect_attr(SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF) end def disconnect check_rc(SQLDisconnect(@handle)) end def rollback check_rc(SQLEndTran(@handle_type, @handle, SQL_ROLLBACK)) end def commit check_rc(SQLEndTran(@handle_type, @handle, SQL_COMMIT)) end end class Statement include DB2Util def initialize(connection) @conn = connection @handle_type = SQL_HANDLE_STMT @parms = [] #yun @sql = '' #yun @numParms = 0 #yun @prepared = false #yun @parmArray = [] #yun. attributes of the parameter markers rc, @handle = SQLAllocHandle(@handle_type, @conn.handle) check_rc(rc) end def columns(table_name) check_rc(SQLColumns(@handle, "", "%", table_name, "%")) fetch_all end def tables check_rc(SQLTables(@handle, "", "%", "%", "TABLE")) fetch_all end def prepare(sql) @sql = sql check_rc(SQLPrepare(@handle, sql)) rc, @numParms = SQLNumParams(@handle) #number of question marks check_rc(rc) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parameter attributes are stored in instance variable @parmArray so that # they are available when execute method is called. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if @numParms > 0 # get parameter marker attributes 1.upto(@numParms) do |i| # parameter number starts from 1 rc, type, size, decimalDigits = SQLDescribeParam(@handle, i) check_rc(rc) @parmArray <<, size, decimalDigits) end end @prepared = true self end def execute(*parms) raise "The statement was not prepared" if @prepared == false if parms.size == 1 and parms[0].class == Array parms = parms[0] end if @numParms != parms.size raise "Number of parameters supplied does not match with the SQL statement" end if @numParms > 0 #need to bind parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #calling bindParms may not be safe. Look comment below. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #bindParms(parms) valueArray = [] 1.upto(@numParms) do |i| # parameter number starts from 1 type = @parmArray[i - 1].class size = @parmArray[i - 1].size decimalDigits = @parmArray[i - 1].decimalDigits if parms[i - 1].class == String valueArray << parms[i - 1] else valueArray << parms[i - 1].to_s end rc = SQLBindParameter(@handle, i, type, size, decimalDigits, valueArray[i - 1]) check_rc(rc) end end check_rc(SQLExecute(@handle)) if @numParms != 0 check_rc(SQLFreeStmt(@handle, SQL_RESET_PARAMS)) # Reset parameters end self end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The last argument(value) to SQLBindParameter is a deferred argument, that is, # it should be available when SQLExecute is called. Even though "value" is # local to bindParms method, it seems that it is available when SQLExecute # is called. I am not sure whether it would still work if garbage collection # is done between bindParms call and SQLExecute call inside the execute method # above. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bindParms(parms) # This is the real thing. It uses SQLBindParms 1.upto(@numParms) do |i| # parameter number starts from 1 rc, dataType, parmSize, decimalDigits = SQLDescribeParam(@handle, i) check_rc(rc) if parms[i - 1].class == String value = parms[i - 1] else value = parms[i - 1].to_s end rc = SQLBindParameter(@handle, i, dataType, parmSize, decimalDigits, value) check_rc(rc) end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # bind method does not use DB2's SQLBindParams, but replaces "?" in the # SQL statement with the value before passing the SQL statement to DB2. # It is not efficient and can handle only strings since it puts everything in # quotes. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def bind(sql, args) #does not use SQLBindParams arg_index = 0 result = "" tokens(sql).each do |part| case part when '?' result << "'" + (args[arg_index]) + "'" #put it into quotes arg_index += 1 when '??' result << "?" else result << part end end if arg_index < args.size raise "Too many SQL parameters" elsif arg_index > args.size raise "Not enough SQL parameters" end result end ## Break the sql string into parts. # # This is NOT a full lexer for SQL. It just breaks up the SQL # string enough so that question marks, double question marks and # quoted strings are separated. This is used when binding # arguments to "?" in the SQL string. Note: comments are not # handled. # def tokens(sql) toks = sql.scan(/('([^'\\]|''|\\.)*'|"([^"\\]|""|\\.)*"|\?\??|[^'"?]+)/) toks.collect { |t| t[0] } end def exec_direct(sql) check_rc(SQLExecDirect(@handle, sql)) self end def set_cursor_name(name) check_rc(SQLSetCursorName(@handle, name)) self end def get_cursor_name rc, name = SQLGetCursorName(@handle) check_rc(rc) name end def row_count rc, rowcount = SQLRowCount(@handle) check_rc(rc) rowcount end def num_result_cols rc, cols = SQLNumResultCols(@handle) check_rc(rc) cols end def fetch_all if block_given? while row = fetch do yield row end else res = [] while row = fetch do res << row end res end end def fetch cols = get_col_desc rc = SQLFetch(@handle) if rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND SQLFreeStmt(@handle, SQL_CLOSE) # Close cursor SQLFreeStmt(@handle, SQL_RESET_PARAMS) # Reset parameters return nil end raise "ERROR" unless rc == SQL_SUCCESS retval = [] cols.each_with_index do |c, i| rc, content = SQLGetData(@handle, i + 1, c[1], c[2] + 1) #yun added 1 to c[2] retval << adjust_content(content) end retval end def fetch_as_hash cols = get_col_desc rc = SQLFetch(@handle) if rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND SQLFreeStmt(@handle, SQL_CLOSE) # Close cursor SQLFreeStmt(@handle, SQL_RESET_PARAMS) # Reset parameters return nil end raise "ERROR" unless rc == SQL_SUCCESS retval = {} cols.each_with_index do |c, i| rc, content = SQLGetData(@handle, i + 1, c[1], c[2] + 1) #yun added 1 to c[2] retval[c[0]] = adjust_content(content) end retval end def get_col_desc rc, nr_cols = SQLNumResultCols(@handle) cols = (1..nr_cols).collect do |c| rc, name, bl, type, col_sz = SQLDescribeCol(@handle, c, 1024) [name.downcase, type, col_sz] end end def adjust_content(c) case c.class.to_s when 'DB2CLI::NullClass' return nil when 'DB2CLI::Time' "%02d:%02d:%02d" % [c.hour, c.minute, c.second] when 'DB2CLI::Date' "%04d-%02d-%02d" % [c.year, c.month,] when 'DB2CLI::Timestamp' "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % [c.year, c.month,, c.hour, c.minute, c.second] else return c end end end class Parameter attr_reader :type, :size, :decimalDigits def initialize(type, size, decimalDigits) @type, @size, @decimalDigits = type, size, decimalDigits end end end