module ActiveRecord # Active Records implement validation by overwriting Base#validate (or the variations, +validate_on_create+ and # +validate_on_update+). Each of these methods can inspect the state of the object, which usually means ensuring # that a number of attributes have a certain value (such as not empty, within a given range, matching a certain regular expression). # # Example: # # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # protected # def validate # errors.add_on_empty %w( first_name last_name ) # errors.add("phone_number", "has invalid format") unless phone_number =~ /[0-9]*/ # end # # def validate_on_create # is only run the first time a new object is saved # unless valid_discount?(membership_discount) # errors.add("membership_discount", "has expired") # end # end # # def validate_on_update # errors.add_to_base("No changes have occured") if unchanged_attributes? # end # end # # person ="first_name" => "David", "phone_number" => "what?") # # => false (and doesn't do the save) # person.errors.empty? # => false # person.count # => 2 # person.errors.on "last_name" # => "can't be empty" # person.errors.on "phone_number" # => "has invalid format" # person.each_full { |msg| puts msg } # => "Last name can't be empty\n" + # "Phone number has invalid format" # # person.attributes = { "last_name" => "Heinemeier", "phone_number" => "555-555" } # # => true (and person is now saved in the database) # # An +Errors+ object is automatically created for every Active Record. module Validations VALIDATIONS = %w( validate validate_on_create validate_on_create ) def self.append_features(base) # :nodoc: super base.class_eval do alias_method :save_without_validation, :save alias_method :save, :save_with_validation alias_method :update_attribute_without_validation_skipping, :update_attribute alias_method :update_attribute, :update_attribute_with_validation_skipping VALIDATIONS.each { |vd| base.class_eval("def self.#{vd}(*methods) write_inheritable_array(\"#{vd}\", methods - (read_inheritable_attribute(\"#{vd}\") || [])) end") } end base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate a password or email address field with a confirmation. Example: # # Model: # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # validate_confirmation :password # end # # View: # <%= password_field "person", "password" %> # <%= password_field "person", "password_confirmation" %> # # The person has to already have a password attribute (a column in the people table), but the password_confirmation is virtual. # It exists only as an in-memory variable for validating the password. # # NOTE: This validation is only happening on create. When you want to update the record, you'll have to decide and pursue your # own course of action. def validate_confirmation(*attr_names) for attr_name in attr_names attr_accessor "#{attr_name}_confirmation" class_eval <<-EOM validate_on_create %{errors.add('#{attr_name}', "doesn't match confirmation") unless #{attr_name} == #{attr_name}_confirmation} EOM end end # Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate the acceptance of a terms of service check box (or similar agreement). Example: # # Model: # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # validate_acceptance :terms_of_service # end # # View: # <%= check_box "person", "terms_of_service" %> # # The terms_of_service attribute is entirely virtual. It's only used for validation at the time of creation. No database column is needed. # # NOTE: The agreement is considered valid if it's set to the string "1". This makes it easy to relate it to an HTML checkbox. def validate_acceptance(*attr_names) for attr_name in attr_names attr_accessor(attr_name) class_eval <<-EOM validate_on_create %{errors.add('#{attr_name}', "must be accepted") unless #{attr_name} == "1"} EOM end end end # The validation process on save can be skipped by passing false. The regular Base#save method is # replaced with this when the validations module is mixed in, which it is by default. def save_with_validation(perform_validation = true) if perform_validation && valid? || !perform_validation then save_without_validation else false end end # Updates a single attribute and saves the record without going through the normal validation procedure. # This is especially useful for boolean flags on existing records. The regular +update_attribute+ method # in Base is replaced with this when the validations module is mixed in, which it is by default. def update_attribute_with_validation_skipping(name, value) @attributes[name] = value save(false) end # Runs validate and validate_on_create or validate_on_update and returns true if no errors were added otherwise false. def valid? errors.clear run_validations(:validate) validate if new_record? run_validations(:validate_on_create) validate_on_create else run_validations(:validate_on_update) validate_on_update end errors.empty? end # Returns the Errors object that holds all information about attribute error messages. def errors @errors = if @errors.nil? @errors end protected # Overwrite this method for validation checks on all saves and use Errors.add(field, msg) for invalid attributes. def validate #:doc: end # Overwrite this method for validation checks used only on creation. def validate_on_create #:doc: end # Overwrite this method for validation checks used only on updates. def validate_on_update # :doc: end private def run_validations(validation_method) validations = self.class.read_inheritable_attribute(validation_method.to_s) if validations.nil? then return end validations.each do |validation| if Symbol === validation self.send(validation) elsif String === validation eval(validation, binding) elsif validation_block?(validation) elsif filter_class?(validation, validation_method) validation.send(validation_method, self) else raise( ActiveRecordError, "Validations need to be either a symbol, string (to be eval'ed), proc/method, or " + "class implementing a static validation method" ) end end end def validation_block?(validation) validation.respond_to?("call") && (validation.arity == 1 || validation.arity == -1) end def validation_class?(validation, validation_method) validation.respond_to?(validation_method) end end # Active Record validation is reported to and from this object, which is used by Base#save to # determine whether the object in a valid state to be saved. See usage example in Validations. class Errors def initialize(base) # :nodoc: @base, @errors = base, {} end # Adds an error to the base object instead of any particular attribute. This is used # to report errors that doesn't tie to any specific attribute, but rather to the object # as a whole. These error messages doesn't get prepended with any field name when iterating # with each_full, so they should be complete sentences. def add_to_base(msg) add(:base, msg) end # Adds an error message (+msg+) to the +attribute+, which will be returned on a call to on(attribute) # for the same attribute and ensure that this error object returns false when asked if +empty?+. More than one # error can be added to the same +attribute+ in which case an array will be returned on a call to on(attribute). # If no +msg+ is supplied, "invalid" is assumed. def add(attribute, msg = "invalid") @errors[attribute] = [] if @errors[attribute].nil? @errors[attribute] << msg end # Will add an error message to each of the attributes in +attributes+ that is empty (defined by attribute_present?). def add_on_empty(attributes, msg = "can't be empty") [attributes].flatten.each { |attr| add(attr, msg) unless @base.attribute_present?(attr) } end # Will add an error message to each of the attributes in +attributes+ that has a length outside of the passed boundary +range+. # If the length is above the boundary, the too_long_msg message will be used. If below, the too_short_msg. def add_on_boundary_breaking(attributes, range, too_long_msg = "is too long (max is %d characters)", too_short_msg = "is too short (min is %d characters)") for attr in [attributes].flatten add(attr, too_short_msg % range.begin) if @base.attribute_present?(attr) && @base.send(attr).length < range.begin add(attr, too_long_msg % range.end) if @base.attribute_present?(attr) && @base.send(attr).length > range.end end end alias :add_on_boundry_breaking :add_on_boundary_breaking # Returns true if the specified +attribute+ has errors associated with it. def invalid?(attribute) !@errors[attribute].nil? end # * Returns nil, if no errors are associated with the specified +attribute+. # * Returns the error message, if one error is associated with the specified +attribute+. # * Returns an array of error messages, if more than one error is associated with the specified +attribute+. def on(attribute) if @errors[attribute].nil? nil elsif @errors[attribute].length == 1 @errors[attribute].first else @errors[attribute] end end alias :[] :on # Returns errors assigned to base object through add_to_base according to the normal rules of on(attribute). def on_base on(:base) end # Yields each attribute and associated message per error added. def each @errors.each_key { |attr| @errors[attr].each { |msg| yield attr, msg } } end # Yields each full error message added. So Person.errors.add("first_name", "can't be empty") will be returned # through iteration as "First name can't be empty". def each_full full_messages.each { |msg| yield msg } end # Returns all the full error messages in an array. def full_messages full_messages = [] @errors.each_key do |attr| @errors[attr].each do |msg| if attr == :base full_messages << msg else full_messages << @base.class.human_attribute_name(attr) + " " + msg end end end return full_messages end # Returns true if no errors have been added. def empty? return @errors.empty? end # Removes all the errors that have been added. def clear @errors = {} end # Returns the total number of errors added. Two errors added to the same attribute will be counted as such # with this as well. def count error_count = 0 @errors.each_value { |attribute| error_count += attribute.length } error_count end end end