module ActiveRecord # Raised by save! and create! when the record is invalid. Use the # +record+ method to retrieve the record which did not validate. # begin # complex_operation_that_calls_save!_internally # rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid # puts invalid.record.errors # end class RecordInvalid < ActiveRecordError attr_reader :record def initialize(record) @record = record super("Validation failed: #{@record.errors.full_messages.join(", ")}") end end module Validations def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :save, :validation alias_method_chain :save!, :validation end end module ClassMethods # Creates an object just like Base.create but calls save! instead of save # so an exception is raised if the record is invalid. def create!(attributes = nil, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| create!(attr, &block) } else object = new(attributes) yield(object) if block_given?! object end end end # The validation process on save can be skipped by passing false. The regular Base#save method is # replaced with this when the validations module is mixed in, which it is by default. def save_with_validation(perform_validation = true) if perform_validation && valid? || !perform_validation save_without_validation else false end end # Attempts to save the record just like Base#save but will raise a RecordInvalid exception instead of returning false # if the record is not valid. def save_with_validation! if valid? save_without_validation! else raise end end # Returns the Errors object that holds all information about attribute error messages. def errors @errors ||= end end end