require "active_model/type/registry" module ActiveRecord # :stopdoc: module Type class AdapterSpecificRegistry < ActiveModel::Type::Registry def add_modifier(options, klass, **args) registrations <<, klass, **args) end private def registration_klass Registration end def find_registration(symbol, *args) registrations .select { |registration| registration.matches?(symbol, *args) } .max end end class Registration def initialize(name, block, adapter: nil, override: nil) @name = name @block = block @adapter = adapter @override = override end def call(_registry, *args, adapter: nil, **kwargs) if kwargs.any? #*args, **kwargs) else*args) end end def matches?(type_name, *args, **kwargs) type_name == name && matches_adapter?(**kwargs) end def <=>(other) if conflicts_with?(other) raise"Type #{name} was registered for all adapters, but shadows a native type with the same name for #{other.adapter}".squish) end priority <=> other.priority end # TODO Change this to private once we've dropped Ruby 2.2 support. # Workaround for Ruby 2.2 "private attribute?" warning. protected attr_reader :name, :block, :adapter, :override def priority result = 0 if adapter result |= 1 end if override result |= 2 end result end def priority_except_adapter priority & 0b111111100 end private def matches_adapter?(adapter: nil, **) (self.adapter.nil? || adapter == self.adapter) end def conflicts_with?(other) same_priority_except_adapter?(other) && has_adapter_conflict?(other) end def same_priority_except_adapter?(other) priority_except_adapter == other.priority_except_adapter end def has_adapter_conflict?(other) (override.nil? && other.adapter) || (adapter && other.override.nil?) end end class DecorationRegistration < Registration def initialize(options, klass, adapter: nil) @options = options @klass = klass @adapter = adapter end def call(registry, *args, **kwargs) subtype = registry.lookup(*args, **kwargs.except(*options.keys)) end def matches?(*args, **kwargs) matches_adapter?(**kwargs) && matches_options?(**kwargs) end def priority super | 4 end # TODO Change this to private once we've dropped Ruby 2.2 support. # Workaround for Ruby 2.2 "private attribute?" warning. protected attr_reader :options, :klass private def matches_options?(**kwargs) options.all? do |key, value| kwargs[key] == value end end end end class TypeConflictError < StandardError end # :startdoc: end