module ActiveRecord # = Active Record Touch Later module TouchLater extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_commit_without_transaction_enrollment :touch_deferred_attributes end def touch_later(*names) # :nodoc: unless persisted? raise ActiveRecordError, <<-end_error.strip_heredoc cannot touch on a new or destroyed record object. Consider using persisted?, new_record?, or destroyed? before touching end_error end @_defer_touch_attrs ||= timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model @_defer_touch_attrs |= names @_touch_time = current_time_from_proper_timezone surreptitiously_touch @_defer_touch_attrs self.class.connection.add_transaction_record self # touch the parents as we are not calling the after_save callbacks self.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).each do |r| if touch = r.options[:touch] ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder::BelongsTo.touch_record(self, r.foreign_key,, touch, :touch_later) end end end def touch(*names, time: nil) # :nodoc: if has_defer_touch_attrs? names |= @_defer_touch_attrs end super(*names, time: time) end private def surreptitiously_touch(attrs) attrs.each { |attr| write_attribute attr, @_touch_time } clear_attribute_changes attrs end def touch_deferred_attributes if has_defer_touch_attrs? && persisted? touch(*@_defer_touch_attrs, time: @_touch_time) @_defer_touch_attrs, @_touch_time = nil, nil end end def has_defer_touch_attrs? defined?(@_defer_touch_attrs) && @_defer_touch_attrs.present? end def belongs_to_touch_method :touch_later end end end