# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/per_thread_registry" module ActiveRecord module Scoping extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Default include Named end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: # Collects attributes from scopes that should be applied when creating # an AR instance for the particular class this is called on. def scope_attributes all.scope_for_create end # Are there attributes associated with this scope? def scope_attributes? current_scope end def current_scope(skip_inherited_scope = false) ScopeRegistry.value_for(:current_scope, self, skip_inherited_scope) end private def current_scope=(scope) ScopeRegistry.set_value_for(:current_scope, self, scope) end end def populate_with_current_scope_attributes # :nodoc: return unless self.class.scope_attributes? attributes = self.class.scope_attributes _assign_attributes(attributes) if attributes.any? end def initialize_internals_callback # :nodoc: super populate_with_current_scope_attributes end # This class stores the +:current_scope+ and +:ignore_default_scope+ values # for different classes. The registry is stored as a thread local, which is # accessed through +ScopeRegistry.current+. # # This class allows you to store and get the scope values on different # classes and different types of scopes. For example, if you are attempting # to get the current_scope for the +Board+ model, then you would use the # following code: # # registry = ActiveRecord::Scoping::ScopeRegistry # registry.set_value_for(:current_scope, Board, some_new_scope) # # Now when you run: # # registry.value_for(:current_scope, Board) # # You will obtain whatever was defined in +some_new_scope+. The #value_for # and #set_value_for methods are delegated to the current ScopeRegistry # object, so the above example code can also be called as: # # ActiveRecord::Scoping::ScopeRegistry.set_value_for(:current_scope, # Board, some_new_scope) class ScopeRegistry # :nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry VALID_SCOPE_TYPES = [:current_scope, :ignore_default_scope] def initialize @registry = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } end # Obtains the value for a given +scope_type+ and +model+. def value_for(scope_type, model, skip_inherited_scope = false) raise_invalid_scope_type!(scope_type) return @registry[scope_type][model.name] if skip_inherited_scope klass = model base = model.base_class while klass <= base value = @registry[scope_type][klass.name] return value || nil unless value.nil? klass = klass.superclass end end # Sets the +value+ for a given +scope_type+ and +model+. def set_value_for(scope_type, model, value) raise_invalid_scope_type!(scope_type) @registry[scope_type][model.name] = value end private def raise_invalid_scope_type!(scope_type) if !VALID_SCOPE_TYPES.include?(scope_type) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid scope type '#{scope_type}' sent to the registry. Scope types must be included in VALID_SCOPE_TYPES" end end end end end