module ActiveRecord module RelationalCalculations def count(*args) column_name, options = construct_count_options_from_args(*args) distinct = options[:distinct] ? true : false column = if @klass.column_names.include?(column_name.to_s), column_name) else == :all ? "*" : column_name.to_s) end relation = select(column.count(distinct)) @klass.connection.select_value(relation.to_sql).to_i end private def construct_count_options_from_args(*args) options = {} column_name = :all # We need to handle # count() # count(:column_name=:all) # count(options={}) # count(column_name=:all, options={}) # selects specified by scopes # TODO : relation.projections only works when .select() was last in the chain. Fix it! case args.size when 0 column_name = @relation.send(:select_clauses).join(', ') if @relation.respond_to?(:projections) && @relation.projections.present? when 1 if args[0].is_a?(Hash) column_name = @relation.send(:select_clauses).join(', ') if @relation.respond_to?(:projections) && @relation.projections.present? options = args[0] else column_name = args[0] end when 2 column_name, options = args else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected parameters passed to count(): #{args.inspect}" end [column_name || :all, options] end end end