require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' module ActiveRecord module SpawnMethods def merge(r) return self unless r return to_a & r if r.is_a?(Array) merged_relation = clone r = r.with_default_scope if r.default_scoped? && r.klass != klass Relation::ASSOCIATION_METHODS.each do |method| value = r.send(:"#{method}_values") unless value.empty? if method == :includes merged_relation = merged_relation.includes(value) else merged_relation.send(:"#{method}_values=", value) end end end (Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [:joins, :where]).each do |method| value = r.send(:"#{method}_values") merged_relation.send(:"#{method}_values=", merged_relation.send(:"#{method}_values") + value) if value.present? end merged_relation.joins_values += r.joins_values merged_wheres = @where_values + r.where_values unless @where_values.empty? # Remove duplicates, last one wins. seen = { |h,table| h[table] = {} } merged_wheres = merged_wheres.reverse.reject { |w| nuke = false if w.respond_to?(:operator) && w.operator == :== name = table = nuke = seen[table][name] seen[table][name] = true end nuke }.reverse end merged_relation.where_values = merged_wheres (Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS - [:lock, :create_with]).each do |method| value = r.send(:"#{method}_value") merged_relation.send(:"#{method}_value=", value) unless value.nil? end merged_relation.lock_value = r.lock_value unless merged_relation.lock_value merged_relation = merged_relation.create_with(r.create_with_value) unless r.create_with_value.empty? # Apply scope extension modules merged_relation.send :apply_modules, r.extensions merged_relation end # Removes from the query the condition(s) specified in +skips+. # # Example: # # Post.order('id asc').except(:order) # discards the order condition # Post.where('id > 10').order('id asc').except(:where) # discards the where condition but keeps the order # def except(*skips) result =, table) result.default_scoped = default_scoped ((Relation::ASSOCIATION_METHODS + Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS) - skips).each do |method| result.send(:"#{method}_values=", send(:"#{method}_values")) end (Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS - skips).each do |method| result.send(:"#{method}_value=", send(:"#{method}_value")) end # Apply scope extension modules result.send(:apply_modules, extensions) result end # Removes any condition from the query other than the one(s) specified in +onlies+. # # Example: # # Post.order('id asc').only(:where) # discards the order condition # Post.order('id asc').only(:where, :order) # uses the specified order # def only(*onlies) result =, table) result.default_scoped = default_scoped ((Relation::ASSOCIATION_METHODS + Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS) & onlies).each do |method| result.send(:"#{method}_values=", send(:"#{method}_values")) end (Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS & onlies).each do |method| result.send(:"#{method}_value=", send(:"#{method}_value")) end # Apply scope extension modules result.send(:apply_modules, extensions) result end VALID_FIND_OPTIONS = [ :conditions, :include, :joins, :limit, :offset, :extend, :order, :select, :readonly, :group, :having, :from, :lock ] def apply_finder_options(options) relation = clone return relation unless options options.assert_valid_keys(VALID_FIND_OPTIONS) finders = options.dup finders.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? && key != :limit } ([:joins, :select, :group, :order, :having, :limit, :offset, :from, :lock, :readonly] & finders.keys).each do |finder| relation = relation.send(finder, finders[finder]) end relation = relation.where(finders[:conditions]) if options.has_key?(:conditions) relation = relation.includes(finders[:include]) if options.has_key?(:include) relation = relation.extending(finders[:extend]) if options.has_key?(:extend) relation end end end