require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' require 'active_record/relation/merger' module ActiveRecord module SpawnMethods def merge(other) if other.is_a?(Array) to_a & other elsif other clone.merge!(other) else self end end def merge!(other) if other.is_a?(Hash), other).merge else, other).merge end end # Removes from the query the condition(s) specified in +skips+. # # Example: # # Post.order('id asc').except(:order) # discards the order condition # Post.where('id > 10').order('id asc').except(:where) # discards the where condition but keeps the order # def except(*skips) result =, table, values.except(*skips)) result.default_scoped = default_scoped result.extend(*extending_values) if extending_values.any? result end # Removes any condition from the query other than the one(s) specified in +onlies+. # # Example: # # Post.order('id asc').only(:where) # discards the order condition # Post.order('id asc').only(:where, :order) # uses the specified order # def only(*onlies) result =, table, values.slice(*onlies)) result.default_scoped = default_scoped result.extend(*extending_values) if extending_values.any? result end end end