module ActiveRecord class PredicateBuilder # :nodoc: @handlers = [] autoload :RelationHandler, 'active_record/relation/predicate_builder/relation_handler' autoload :ArrayHandler, 'active_record/relation/predicate_builder/array_handler' def initialize(klass, table) @klass = klass @table = table end def resolve_column_aliases(hash) hash = hash.dup hash.keys.grep(Symbol) do |key| if klass.attribute_alias? key hash[klass.attribute_alias(key)] = hash.delete key end end hash end def build_from_hash(attributes) attributes = convert_dot_notation_to_hash(attributes.stringify_keys) expand_from_hash(attributes) end def expand(column, value) queries = [] # Find the foreign key when using queries such as: # Post.where(author: author) # # For polymorphic relationships, find the foreign key and type: # PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: treasure) if klass && reflection = klass._reflect_on_association(column) if reflection.polymorphic? && base_class = polymorphic_base_class_from_value(value) queries <<[reflection.foreign_type], end column = reflection.foreign_key end queries <<[column], value) queries end def polymorphic_base_class_from_value(value) case value when Relation value.klass.base_class when Array val = value.compact.first val.class.base_class if val.is_a?(Base) when Base value.class.base_class end end def self.references(attributes) do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) key else key = key.to_s key.split('.').first if key.include?('.') end end.compact end # Define how a class is converted to Arel nodes when passed to +where+. # The handler can be any object that responds to +call+, and will be used # for any value that +===+ the class given. For example: # # MyCustomDateRange =, :end) # handler = proc do |column, range| #, #[range.start, range.end]) # ) # end # ActiveRecord::PredicateBuilder.register_handler(MyCustomDateRange, handler) def self.register_handler(klass, handler) @handlers.unshift([klass, handler]) end register_handler(BasicObject, ->(attribute, value) { attribute.eq(value) }) register_handler(Class, ->(attribute, value) { deprecate_class_handler; attribute.eq( }) register_handler(Base, ->(attribute, value) { attribute.eq( }) register_handler(Range, ->(attribute, value) { attribute.between(value) }) register_handler(Relation, register_handler(Array, def, value) handler_for(value).call(attribute, value) end def self.handler_for(object) @handlers.detect { |klass, _| klass === object }.last end private_class_method :handler_for def self.deprecate_class_handler ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish) Passing a class as a value in an Active Record query is deprecated and will be removed. Pass a string instead. MSG end protected attr_reader :klass, :table def expand_from_hash(attributes) return ["1=0"] if attributes.empty? attributes.flat_map do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) arel_table = association = klass._reflect_on_association(key) builder = && association.klass, arel_table) builder.expand_from_hash(value) else expand(key, value) end end end private def convert_dot_notation_to_hash(attributes) dot_notation = { |s| s.include?(".") } dot_notation.each do |key| table_name, column_name = key.split(".") value = attributes.delete(key) attributes[table_name] ||= {} attributes[table_name] = attributes[table_name].merge(column_name => value) end attributes end end end