# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord # = Active Record No Touching module NoTouching extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Lets you selectively disable calls to +touch+ for the # duration of a block. # # ==== Examples # ActiveRecord::Base.no_touching do # Project.first.touch # does nothing # Message.first.touch # does nothing # end # # Project.no_touching do # Project.first.touch # does nothing # Message.first.touch # works, but does not touch the associated project # end # def no_touching(&block) NoTouching.apply_to(self, &block) end end class << self def apply_to(klass) #:nodoc: klasses.push(klass) yield ensure klasses.pop end def applied_to?(klass) #:nodoc: klasses.any? { |k| k >= klass } end private def klasses Thread.current[:no_touching_classes] ||= [] end end def no_touching? NoTouching.applied_to?(self.class) end def touch_later(*) # :nodoc: super unless no_touching? end def touch(*) # :nodoc: super unless no_touching? end end end