module ActiveRecord class IrreversibleMigration < ActiveRecordError#:nodoc: end # Migrations can manage the evolution of a schema used by several physical databases. It's a solution # to the common problem of adding a field to make a new feature work in your local database, but being unsure of how to # push that change to other developers and to the production server. With migrations, you can describe the transformations # in self-contained classes that can be checked into version control systems and executed against another database that # might be one, two, or five versions behind. # # Example of a simple migration: # # class AddSsl < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # add_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled, :boolean, :default => 1 # end # # def self.down # remove_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled # end # end # # This migration will add a boolean flag to the accounts table and remove it again, if you're backing out of the migration. # It shows how all migrations have two class methods +up+ and +down+ that describes the transformations required to implement # or remove the migration. These methods can consist of both the migration specific methods, like add_column and remove_column, # but may also contain regular Ruby code for generating data needed for the transformations. # # Example of a more complex migration that also needs to initialize data: # # class AddSystemSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # create_table :system_settings do |t| # t.column :name, :string # t.column :label, :string # t.column :value, :text # t.column :type, :string # t.column :position, :integer # end # # SystemSetting.create :name => "notice", :label => "Use notice?", :value => 1 # end # # def self.down # drop_table :system_settings # end # end # # This migration first adds the system_settings table, then creates the very first row in it using the Active Record model # that relies on the table. It also uses the more advanced create_table syntax where you can specify a complete table schema # in one block call. # # == Available transformations # # * create_table(name, options = "") Creates a table called +name+ and makes the table object available to a block # that can then add columns to it, following the same format as add_column. See example above. The options string is for # fragments like "DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF-8" that are appended to the create table definition. # * drop_table(name): Drops the table called +name+. # * add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}): Adds a new column to the table called +table_name+ # named +column_name+ specified to be one of the following types: # :string, :text, :integer, :float, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date, :binary, :boolean. A default value can be specified # by passing an +options+ hash like { :default => 11 }. # * remove_column(table_name, column_name): Removes the column named +column_name+ from the table called +table_name+. # # == Irreversible transformations # # Some transformations are destructive in a manner that cannot be reversed. Migrations of that kind should raise # an IrreversibleMigration exception in their +down+ method. # # == Database support # # Migrations are currently only supported in MySQL and PostgreSQL. # # == More examples # # Not all migrations change the schema. Some just fix the data: # # class RemoveEmptyTags < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # Tag.find(:all).each { |tag| tag.destroy if tag.pages.empty? } # end # # def self.down # # not much we can do to restore deleted data # end # end # # Others remove columns when they migrate up instead of down: # # class RemoveUnnecessaryItemAttributes < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # remove_column :items, :incomplete_items_count # remove_column :items, :completed_items_count # end # # def self.down # add_column :items, :incomplete_items_count # add_column :items, :completed_items_count # end # end class Migration class << self def up() end def down() end private def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.send(method, *arguments, &block) end end end class Migrator#:nodoc: class << self def up(migrations_path, target_version = nil), migrations_path, target_version).migrate end def down(migrations_path, target_version = nil), migrations_path, target_version).migrate end def current_version Base.connection.select_one("SELECT version FROM schema_info")["version"].to_i end end def initialize(direction, migrations_path, target_version = nil) raise"This database does not yet support migrations") unless Base.connection.supports_migrations? @direction, @migrations_path, @target_version = direction, migrations_path, target_version Base.connection.initialize_schema_information end def current_version self.class.current_version end def migrate migration_classes do |version, migration_class|"Reached target version: #{@target_version}") and break if reached_target_version?(version) next if irrelevant_migration?(version) "Migrating to #{migration_class} (#{version})" migration_class.send(@direction) set_schema_version(version) end end private def migration_classes for migration_file in migration_files load(migration_file) version, name = migration_version_and_name(migration_file) yield version, migration_class(name) end end def migration_files files = Dir["#{@migrations_path}/[0-9]*_*.rb"].sort down? ? files.reverse : files end def migration_class(migration_name) migration_name.camelize.constantize end def migration_version_and_name(migration_file) return *migration_file.scan(/([0-9]+)_([_a-z0-9]*).rb/).first end def set_schema_version(version) Base.connection.update("UPDATE schema_info SET version = #{down? ? version.to_i - 1 : version.to_i}") end def up? @direction == :up end def down? @direction == :down end def reached_target_version?(version) (up? && version.to_i - 1 == @target_version) || (down? && version.to_i == @target_version) end def irrelevant_migration?(version) (up? && version.to_i <= current_version) || (down? && version.to_i > current_version) end end end