begin require 'psych' rescue LoadError end require 'erb' require 'yaml' module ActiveRecord class Fixtures class File include Enumerable ## # Open a fixture file named +file+. When called with a block, the block # is called with the filehandle and the filehandle is automatically closed # when the block finishes. def x = new file block_given? ? yield(x) : x end def initialize(file) @file = file @rows = nil end def each(&block) rows.each(&block) end private def rows return @rows if @rows data = YAML.load(render( @rows = data ? validate(data).to_a : [] end def render(content) end # Validate our unmarshalled data. def validate(data) raise Fixture::FormatError, 'fixture is not a hash' unless Hash === data raise Fixture::FormatError unless data.all? { |name, row| Hash === row } data end end end end