require 'active_support/notifications' module ActiveRecord class ExplainSubscriber # :nodoc: def start(name, id, payload) # unused end def finish(name, id, payload) if queries = Thread.current[:available_queries_for_explain] queries << payload.values_at(:sql, :binds) unless ignore_payload?(payload) end end # SCHEMA queries cannot be EXPLAINed, also we do not want to run EXPLAIN on # our own EXPLAINs now matter how loopingly beautiful that would be. # # On the other hand, we want to monitor the performance of our real database # queries, not the performance of the access to the query cache. IGNORED_PAYLOADS = %w(SCHEMA EXPLAIN CACHE) def ignore_payload?(payload) payload[:exception] || IGNORED_PAYLOADS.include?(payload[:name]) end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("sql.active_record", new) end end